
Sunday, October 31, 2010

JJill Vest - It's Finished

What a difference a week makes!  Seriously, I picked the vest up this afternoon and all of sudden the wider neckline didn't bother me at all.  Actually, the neckline looks rather kewl and trendy.  So I decided it must be finished so that I can wear it to work this week.

Some stats:


2 yds of a patterned knit from Fabric Mart

black knit bias binding purchased from Fabric Mart several yrs ago
stay tape
Pro Weft Fusible Interfacing from Fashion Sewing Supply
6 - 7/8" black/white/grey 4 hole buttons from the collection


JJill Sweater Vest

Pattern Alterations:
The first change was to cut the center front band off the pattern and add a 5/8" seam allowance to it.  I also added the 5/8" seam allowance to the front pattern piece.  I did this to replicate the band that is on the inspiration garment, whereas the pattern has a fold over center front that is emphasized by sewing a line of stitching down one side. 

The second change I made that really altered the look of the piece was that I added 3" to the neckband so that it would match the altered front pieces.  I also did a pivot and slide to the back piece adding an extra two inches at the hipline, because I started with a size 20 pattern and I needed a couple more inches so that the vest would hang comfortably around my body.

This is a very easy vest to construct.  There are three main pieces ~ back, front, and neckband.  I considered making a center back seam but decided that it would interfere with the pattern on the knit and I wanted to keep the pattern intact.

Interfacing was added to both center bands and the neckband to help stabilize the fronts.  But I think the most important thing in the construction process was the extensive use of stay tape.  I used it to stabilize the shoulder seams, the neckline before I attached the neckband...

...and on the armholes when I applied the knit binding.  

The stay tape was applied to prevent the knit from stretching out of shape in all of those areas.

The knit binding was sewn to the armholes and the hemline to finish off both areas.  Machine stitched and then hand hemmed to give the inside of the vest a very clean finish.

So even though last week, I was unsure about the neckline...

...tonight I'm loving it with my silk & cashmere black turtleneck.  The fabric has some heft to it making this a great piece to wear during these chilly fall days.

Next up the dress and finally, finally, the Simplicity jacket...more later!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's been a minute...

I didn't mean to go an entire week before I posted again but work has really been intense and I've gotten home later and later every evening.  So there hasn't been much going on sewing-wise around here!

First, some thanks!  Thanks to everyone who left a comment on the Flower Power Twinset post!  It was a really fun garment to wear and I garnered quite a few compliments at work also.  Second - thanks to everyone who left an opinion about the Birthday Gala Dress.  Y'all had some very interesting opinions let me address some of them.

1.  Even though I look great in colors I really do want to wear a black dress.

2.  There is no way if I want peace to reign in my relationship with my sister that I would ever, evah make a dress that looked better than hers will.  It's her birthday and her day and I will honor that by wearing a really comfortable, classy black dress that does not stand out or take anything away from her.

3.  Even after reading my blog, some of y'all think of my style totally differently than I do.  I really am a classic personality with a lot of color and print thrown in.  I don't do shiny fabrics.  I don't do a lot of cleavage.  I don't really do 'party' dresses either! *smile*

So what look won the day from the blogging votes?  Hands down Vogue 1970.  Even though it's an amazing pattern and purchased for this event in mind, I'm not using it for my dress.  Originally I was going to make a longer version of the Dillards dress but after reading Vicki's comment:

"So go for one of the dresses with a lace insert. Sleeves if you want sleeves, none if you don’t. I can see a new version of your TNT here. Just look in the collection to see what you have and how much you have and then decide. How about a lace insert in the back too…."

It was the lace insert in the back comment that really got my creative juices stirred up.  So I've decided to use Vogue 8666, a pattern that wasn't even in the running!

and the back view:

I chose this dress because if I deepen the front and back v's just a smidge, I can add black lace to them...because I loved the idea of lace in the front and the back of the dress - so thanks Vicki!  I will use View C with the 3/4 sleeves in black lace.  Already on hand, I have a black 4ply silk crepe for the body of the dress, black bemberg lining and the pattern. 

All I need now is some black lace so I will head to the garment district this week (which will thankfully be quiet at work as most of the firm is traveling!) to search for the "perfect" black lace.  I think I will end up with a casualfunkysexykewl but classic evening dress that will make me look pretty & curvy but won't upset my sister or my daughters!  *LOL*

The dress will be comfortable to wear through the cocktail hour, the sitdown dinner and for dancing afterwards.  And I'm going to do something I rarely do these days...I'm going to make a "wearable" muslin from the pattern...the dress in a short version to check and make sure that it's really the look I'm going for!

So besides the cape and "zorro-like" eye piece that I need to make for the Little Prince to wear to hand out candy on Sunday, these are my sewing plans for the rest of the weekend!

Thank you again for all of your suggestions...

...and as always, more later!

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Birthday Gala Dress

So I've known about my sister's 40th Birthday Bash for about a year.  She's been planning it that long!  *smile*  But only lately have I thought about what I want to wear for the event.  I've been saving pics and here's what I've come up with:

Julia Roberts in black lace

Neiman Marcus one shouldered gown

Black Lace short dress from Bergdorf's

Vogue 1970

Dress from Dillards

So tell me, which one do you like?  And why?  Weigh in and let me know your thoughts.  The dress with the highest votes will be considered by me as the one I should make and wear!

You have until Friday evening to let me know what you think.  I will tally the votes up on Saturday morning and announce what you think I should wear as my Birthday Gala Dress!

...more later!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

JJill Vest - Part 2 The Construction

I sewed a relatively small amount this evidenced by the fact that this simple vest is not done.  Here is where it stands:

I called the vest simple because there are only three pieces needed to complete this look...but being plus sized...vests and jackets that aren't in my size always present fitting challenges.  And this was no different...I know that very few women can sew a garment straight from the pattern envelope and I guess I'm just angry with myself that I solved one fitting challenge and created another.

What is my challenge?  This:

I was going for a look that is closer to the neckline.  However, when I added inches to the front of the vest by adding a band, I widened the neckline of the finished garment.  Now at the time, I didn't think about this.  I dutifully added the same inches to the neckband and was actually proud of myself that I remembered to increase the width of the neckband.  But the three inches that I increased the neckband is exactly what took it from closer fitting to cowl neck.

Now don't get me wrong, this is a cute look.  Different from what I was going for and it probably will be a great piece in my work wardrobe.  It's just not what I planned on making.  I'm thrilled that it fits around my body and is a great length.  I'm just going to have to work out another way to add width to the body of the vest without affecting the neckline.

I also found some great buttons in the collection to go on this.

It has a little bit of black/white and gray in it.  It adds something to the front of the vest but not too much.  So all that's left to complete this is to finish the armholes, I'm going to use a black knit binding to do that...make the buttonholes, sew on the buttons and hem it.  Probably about an hour or two worth of work...but I just got discouraged when I came up with another "Carolyn Original" instead of a knock-off of the JJill vest.

My daughter thinks it's really cute so I will finish it and take pics of me in it so you can judge for yourself.  I think I will even wear it on a Friday with a black turtleneck and black pants.  But it's not exactly what I was going I'm back to the drawing board. always, more later!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The JJill Vest - Part 1 The Components

I'm starting with Vogue 8676 for my version of the JJill vest.  Now if you look at the pictures on the Vogue site you would wonder why that was my starting point. 

But after diligently searching through my pattern collection and then checking all of the pattern sites online, the bones of this one persuaded me that it would be perfect for my starting point.  See what I is the pattern drawing which I believe always tells the true story of a pattern...

Now imagine it without the sleeves... see how the collar is high enough and there are bands in the front that echo the bands on the front of the JJill vest.  These are good bones to start with...and this is the fabric:

A salt and pepper ltwt knit purchased in the last fabric gorge from Fabric Mart especially for this vest.  I think I'm going to put some black buttons on this first version.  I've spent a few bus rides going over the construction in my I have to read the pattern instructions to see if they jive with my vision!  *LOL*

So now you know what I'll be doing today...hopefully I will have more to share later...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Afternoon Musings...

It's Friday and as usual my mind turns to what I want to work on this weekend...

I really want to work on my version of the JJill sweater vest. 

I've purchased a pattern and a tweedy black/white & grey knit for my trial version.  For my final version, I have a chunkier brown knit from the collection, that I want to use alongwith some funky buttons. This will be my main project for the weekend. 

Simplicity 2958 - Jacket Update...well I've put the collar onto the jacket and I'm just not sure about it.  I'm actually thinking of ripping it off and putting it on again.  I know I did something squirrelly and it needs to be I will rip it apart this weekend too!  I also need to find an interesting closure...of course the first one I found needs to be mail-ordered...I'm thinking I may need to journey into the garment much angst for such a simple little jacket!   

Have you noticed that this month my projects seem to be more tops?  I think I'm easing myself into the heavy duty sewing by finishing off some quicker projects before starting the more complicated ones that are sure to start next month, as the temperatures continue to fall.  

Did you see the new Holiday listings from McCalls Patterns?  The only reason I ask is that this is one of the featured patterns:

Now this is a definite knock-off of a Michael Kors dress from his Spring 2010 collection that was featured in his spring/summer ads.

This dress has been in the back of my mind as one to duplicate and now I definitely will...even if the pattern does only go up to a size 20.  Some of that double knit fabric I've been collecting and a couple of RiRi Zippers will make this one interesting dress to wear to the office.

BTW, there was nuthin' else that I liked from this collection...and I mean nuthin'!!!

Continuing on in the holiday sister is throwing herself a 40th Birthday Gala next month with evening wear I'm working on an idea for my dress for the party.  I know I should be thinking color but I want something elegant, sleek and black.  I have this picture hanging on my bulletin board of a simple dress from Dillards that I'm thinking of making floor length...but more on that later!

Just a few things I'm thinking about this friday how about you?  Do you have plans to sew this weekend?  If so, what?  If not, why not? 

...more later!  

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Mad Men Moment

I'm not a fan of this show.  I tried to watch a few episodes when it first came on television but the fact is that it glorified a period in American history that touched a nerve in me.  So I let it go.  Some things are for some people and some are not for others, y'know.  However, last Saturday I read an interesting article online talking about how in Season 4, Mad Men addressed quite a few of the things that I had issues with...racism and chauvinism, topping the list. 

Since Mad Men is showing on On Demand (Comcast's version of DVR), I thought I would watch an episode or two...figuring that I wouldn't like it and go my merry way.  I was sucked in during the first 20 minutes of the first episode I watched and proceeded to watch all 4 episodes.  Not only were there great storylines but the clothing (which is the reason I originally tried to watch the show) was like eye candy to me.

The good thing about watching it on On Demand is that I could pause it and take pictures...and take pictures I did...ALOT of them!  It was the details.  The outfits that women wore during the 60s had such lovely details.  An extra seam, pleats, an extra band of color...and the color that the women on this show wear!  No browns, blacks or grays for trying to look like these women wallow in their femininity.

I am sooooo inspired by what I saw on just these 4 episodes and I'm sure that some of it will show up in my sewing.  I don't know if I'm going to watch any more of it...I may...but just that brief immersion really stirred up my creative juices.

So do you watch Mad Men?  Has it inspired you to sew differently or dress differently?  And if you don't watch it, why don't you? always more later!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flower Power Twinset

I love fabric that comes in and goes out just as quickly.  So here's a look at the Flower Power Twinset:

Rayon/lycra blend border print from Fabric Mart

Cardigan - Burda 8869 (OOP)
Tank - Sewing Workshop Mission Tank (OOP)

5 - 20L 2-hole mother of pearl buttons
1/4 yard beige nylon tricot lining

First the tank ~ this is a lightweight fabric.  Almost slinky like in fabrication so it needed special attention.  Because of that I wanted to make sure there wouldn't be any sheerness issues so I lined the front of the top with a tricot nylon lining fabric.

Otherwise the construction was very straightforward and basic.  Turned under the hems and stitched them down.  I used this top because it would best showcase the fabric.

The cardigan is autopilot sewing now since I've made it so many times and it is a standard in my wardrobe.  The main concern was making sure that I utilized the border print creatively and matching it up so that the pattern flowed from front to back in a pleasing fashion. (Gigi I thought about you as I was laying it out!)

The back did end up with a little more white space at the bottom than the fronts but hemming solved the problem so that the back and front melded well.  I really like the fact that more of the black flowers flow further up the back of the cardigan...

...versus the front where there are more white spaces at the shoulder line.  I think it just wears better especially with the coordinating tank under the cardigan.

The final touch was to use a thinner white band on the front of the cardigan.  I've noticed that more RTW cardigans have a thinner band and smaller buttons than I've been using, so I've adapted my front band to reflect those changes.  I cut my white band from one of the sections that separated the border prints.  I liked the idea of not having to pick which section of the border print to use for the band and the white band does tie it all together.

I love the finished result.  My daughter thought it was a little loud!  So it will only be worn with black pieces and on days where there are no meetings in the office.  However, I did stop for a minute and consider making up a yellow pencil skirt from a wool crepe in the collection that coordinated with this fabric. *LOL*  But then decided that was just a little too colorful for my office!

Here is the SW Mission Tank under the black suit that I made using S3631 and my TNT 4-gore skirt.  Three years later and that suit is still a workhorse in my wardrobe.

I've started working on finishing up the Simplicity 2958 jacket.  It's been hanging waiting for me for too long!  Especially now that the weather is perfect jacket wearing weather, it needs to be completed so that it can have it's moment in the sun! always, more later!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday Morning Diary Bits

I'm sitting here waiting for the border print knit to finish its cycle through the dryer and then I will be off to work on the twinset.  The twinset will take some manuevering to get it to work since the border print is in panels or 1/3rds of the fabric...but I think it will be awesome when finished.  A last bit of color before the bleakness of winter sets in because it is getting cold here in the Mid-Atlantic states.  I've turned my heat on in the evenings...40 degrees is just 8 degrees above freezing as my daughter likes to remind me!

So a few comments and I'm off to sew...

Several of you wondered in the last post when I sleep. 
I think that's funny because I love to sleep but mostly do it on the weekends!  I get between 5 and 6 hours a night...any more than that and I'm groggy in the mornings which won't do because I'm moving when I finally drag myself out of bed.  The better question might have been, what time do you go to bed?  I try to go between 11:30 and midnight.  Sometimes I'm tired and fall asleep about 10:30 but if that's the case then I only have 2 maybe 2.5 hours from the time I get home to get things done.  I've learned to get as much as I can done in 4 hours but sometimes I'm pushing it...and normally I don't sew when I get home during the week...the doll's outfit was an exception.

NancyK asked if I would post a picture of my niece and her doll...
Well my sister promised to send me one after the fashion show this afternoon.  I'm not attending...the thought of having to sit through a show of  9-10 year olds and their dolls was a little much for me...especially since that is a totally been there, done that kinda thing.  But my niece and sister were thrilled with the outfit and that's what matters most.  I will post the picture as soon as I get it.

All of the fabric that arrived this week has been put away. 
The closet is overflowing as is the bin in the bedroom so I need to start working my way through it.  I have a few ideas and I will share the fruits of my labors soon.  Also, thank you to everyone who added a comment understanding my obsession with's good to know that there are quite a few of you out there with the same condition! ;)

Pattern Giveaway
If you participated in the pattern giveaway from last weekend, the patterns have been mailed.  Look for it to show up in your mailbox this week! I will definitely be doing at least one more of these as I work my way through the clean-up of my bedroom.

My sewing studio/bedroom remodel
Decisions have been made on the rug (well I've had it for some time now.  You've seen it rolled up and modeling in some of my pics!) and fabric for the curtains.  Here is the combo, we're working with below:

Okay I just heard the dryer buzzer so I'm off... always, more later!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Obsessive

Yes...if you didn't know that about me, it's true...well at least about sewing!  See my task was to make a simple little jacket and skirt for my niece's American Girl doll.  They (my niece & her doll) are going to be in a fashion show Saturday afternoon.  My sister asked me to make a suit to match the one my niece is wearing.  After much deliberation over the fabric, one was chosen...and then...nuthin'.

I'm sure you know how it is...when pressured your sewing mojo flees...deserts you...even though you've promised and you're now obligated...the mojo is no where around.  Well, I've waited until the last possible moment to sew these pieces and then I get obsessive over it.

I have to match the plaid.  I have to draft facings for the jacket then cut and sew them from another coordinating fabric.  I have to face the skirt...oh and lets not forget that all the pieces have to be serge finish because you know the dayum doll will know the difference, right?!  See, obsessive.  But what I realized, is that I am no longer capable of shoddy sewing.  My mind automatically travels to the "right" way to do something.  Match those plaids...serge those seams...pull the ruffles evenly. 

Therefore even though my sister and my niece won't realize how much time and effort went into the's done...well almost.  I don't have any small snaps so I will get those tomorrow and sew them on before my sister picks up the outfit.  You want to see the outfit now don't you?  Well here it is:

The jacket and skirt are from Simplicity 4416.  The fabric is from the collection and the shoes and socks are from Home Sew.  Home Sew has a wonderful collection of AG Doll accessories alongwith fast shipping, just in case you ever need some doll accessories!  I've used this pattern before.  I use to make doll clothes for a co-worker's niece's AG Doll but it was a lucrative proposition and somehow knowing that I was making fabric money made it easier to sew them...okay, maybe not that easy.  I do remember bumping up against a few deadlines but it was lucrative!  *smile*

Anyway, this is done and I can move on.  It's almost Friday and that means just one more day of work before I'm free for the weekend.  I would like to sew to my heart's content this weekend but we shall see. If I do get my sew on...I'm gonna start with the border print knit from FM - a twin set would be great for work next week... always, more later!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

If obvious fabric hoarding upsets you...

turn away...quickly now because I'm getting ready to gush about the 26 yards of fabric that have arrived here this week.  I totally get it that not everyone loves fabric as much as I do.  I also understand that collecting fabric is not for if you fall into that category, I understand if you click away now.

But for you fabric lovers, you who want to gorge in the lusciousness of new who are excited when you see the box on your doorstep and you know the joy that awaits you when you open the box...for you, I have goodies!  *LOL*

First up the rayon border print knit ~ is just stunning!  I hope you were able to get a piece of it before it sold out because it is awesome!!!  And yes, Sheila I will be making a cardigan and top with my piece.  Hopefully, the SW Mission Tank with the tie and my TNT Burda cardigan.  These pieces will work so well over my black winter skirts or even my black wool crepe pants.

I also bought two wool crepes from Fabric Mart.  If you've been reading along for any time you know how much I love, love, love wool crepe.  One of these will be a great basic and one is destined to be another fabulous dress.  Yes, I know but I LOVE dresses!

The first one is called Taupe by FM but I think of it more as a coffee color.  It is a mediumweight wool crepe and will be a wonderful basic in my wardrobe.  I bought 4 yards of it...enough to make several basic pieces AND it ain't black!  So even though the pieces will be tailored and professional, they won't be boring black!

The second one is a wine tan taupe wool crepe and the way that the fibers are woven make it look like a sleek tweedy fabric.  Can you say be still my heart!  This is the one that will become a dress aand jacket combination.  It is so different from anything else but again in tailored pieces will work in my office yet not look like anything else being worn. 

Next I bought some of the Ralph Lauren camel wool.  This fabric is sleek, drapable and in the newest, hottest color for fall.  I've been drooling over this piece since it showed up on Fabric Mart's site and I already have a plan for it.  A jacket from B5147 and the pleated skirt from the October issue of Burda Style.  Yes, I've already traced and altered the pattern pieces for this skirt.  I seem to have a thing for Burda skirts since this is the second one I've made in two years.

The camel also goes well with this silk twill that I got from Elliott Berman's Columbus Day sale.  I love prints.  I love brightly colored prints and I've been trying to introduce them subtly into my work wardrobe.  I saw this one and fell in love.  I hoped it would work with the camel and yes, yes, yes, it does!  Dress or top, I haven't decided yet but it will definitely be a part of the RL Camel Wardrobe pieces.

I also bought an embroidered wool crepe from Elliott Berman.  I will make a sheath dress from my TNT dress pattern from this fabric.  I think that the fabric will be different enough to make a statement and that it will work with the Simplicity jacket IF I ever get it finished!

One of the last two pieces from Fabric Mart was a purple ponte knit.  I have no idea what I'm going to do with this piece.  I'm just in love with ponte and double knits right now and wanted to have a few in my fabric collection so that when the urge strikes to use one...I have it on hand.

The final fabric is a salt & pepper lt. to midwt knit.  This was the first piece in my cart because I got an email from JJill last week highlightling this really cool sweater knit vest.  Now JJill makes this vest in a woman's size but why would I pay $89 for this vest when I can make my own for about $15 with a custom fit for me!  I won't wear it as casually as it's depicted, but over a black turtleneck and a pair of black pants, it will be perfect for a Casual Friday outfit.

This will be the last big fabric buy for me this year.  I'm really getting into the remodel of the Sewing Studio/Bedroom and I need to concentrate on getting the pieces together for it and not more fabric.  However, much inspiration arrived tonight...and I think the fabric euphoria will hold for a minute.  So keep reading along because new sewn items will be showing up sleeping mojo has been reawakened and inspired to create!

....more later!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Dress Number 42 - Completed

As evidenced by Saturday's post, I spent a considerable amount of time going through the stuff in my Sewing Studio/Bedroom this weekend.  I'm doing it section by section so that the task doesn't overwhelm me.  Because of that, I didn't start to work on Dress Number 42 until late last night.

Here I am wearing it at work:

And here is a close-up of the neckline view:

Of course you'd like some info on the dress, right?

2 yards of a midwt tropical plaid embroidered wool from Emmaonesock
1/2 yard of black wool crepe from Fabric Mart
(both of these pieces were from the collection)

3 - 1" floral mother of pearl buttons from the collection
22" black invisible zipper
3 yards black rayon hem tape


1.  The dress is unlined.  I hemmed and hawwed about that and finally decided that the dress did not need a lining...wearing the dress with a slip would be fine, so that's what I did.

2.  The dress' neckline is faced with the same bands on the front of the dress.  I just cut a second set from the wool crepe, machine stitched them on and then hand stitched down the edges inside the dress.

3.  The sleeves are cut with a center seam.  Then machine stitched leaving a 2" opening to allow the band to be sewn on. 

4.  The band is comprised of two pieces.  Stitched together at the hem and around the curves, leaving the top open.  Then the top is stitched to the bottom of the sleeve and the seam allowance is hand stitched down enclosing the seam.  Finally the button is attached and I added a few hand stitches to the back side of the band so that it would lie flat.


It wasn't a difficult dress to construct.  The base fabric plus the black wool crepe and the flower buttons is what makes the dress sing.  I think those details are what I appreciate most about the dress and the fact that the plaids match everywhere...even at the sleeve and bodice join.  It was so worth the extra time spent cutting it out to get that plaid match to work.

I didn't finish the dress until early this morning.  I just couldn't get motivated to sew.  I'm sure it has to do with the remodel, my mind is so focused on that and its process.  Also since it isn't that chilly outside, I don't feel the need to sew.  I have plenty of pretty dresses (an understatement right?!) to wear that I'm good for now.

One last shot:

Next up is the suit for the AG doll.  My sister and niece finally picked a piece of fabric yesterday afternoon.  So I will work on that a little tonight before Dancing with the Stars! always, more later!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Some patterns for you...

I'm starting the process of weeding things out of the Sewing Studio/Bedroom and came across this grouping of patterns.  All you have to do is leave a comment with your email address if you want the pattern and I will send you a note asking for your snail mail address.  You can have as many as you want, I just want them out of my apt.  The patterns are as I bought them from either eBay or one of the vintage pattern sites.  Some are uncut and in factory folds, and some have been used.

Please make sure you follow the directions because if you don't, the person who complies with the instructions will be the ones who receive the patterns.  Finally I will ship overseas so any and everyone can share in the pattern goodness!

All the pattern goodness has been claimed!  Thanks for taking these off my hands!

Vogue 1417 - Anne Klein Collection - Size 18.20.22

Vogue 8985 - Misses Suit - Size 10

Vogue 5241 - Misses Dresses - Size 14

Simplicity 4547 - Skirt, Jacket & Topper - Size 18

Simplicity 7583 - Dress, Tunic & Pants - Size 20.5/22.5

Simplicity 2934 - Misses Jacket, Vest & Skirt - Size 18

McCalls 8403 - Misses Separates - Size 12

Vogue 5107 - Misses Bow-tie Blouses - Size 10

Simplicity 5665 - Misses Suit - Size 16

McCalls 8486 - NY Designers Collection Suit - Size 12

McCalls 3378 - Misses Jumpsuit & Vest - Size 20

Simplicity 7897 - Tieback Top - size 18, 20

Simplicity 8029 - Tunic, Top & Pants - Size 20

McCalls 5384 - Tunic, Pants & Skirt - Size 20.5

If you don't see something you want this time, don't worry there will be more of these in the future!

Finally a parting shot ~ The Little Prince is 18 months old, walking, talking and blowing kisses...I'd forgotten how much joy a little one brings to your home especially after you've managed to survive the teenage years!  *LOL*

...more later!