
Sunday, March 19, 2006

I be wearing my new pants tomorrow!

I finished them! I will be wearing my new pants and RTW twinset to work tomorrow. See, it wasn't a bad thing that I stopped at Fikret Fabrics on Friday evening because I have a new pair of lined pants!

Here is a very tired me modeling them:

And here they are on the hanger. I think I like this view best! I made them with my tried 'n true pants pattern and I wasted a lot of time this weekend or they definitely could have been finished faster!

Just wanted to show you that not all fabric lounges in my fabric closet. Some of it never even makes it there! Along with making these pants, I put the hem in my SWAP dress and sewed in the shoulder pads. I am just too tired to get gussied up and take a picture in the outfit, but I will soon. And I will post pictures here, first!

The other thing I did this weekend was update my sewing list so I would know where I am going next. I mean now that I am done swapping and even though I know what I want my next project to be, you see that I made a pair of pants this weekend instead! That's why I need a sewing list, it helps keep me on track of what I want to make so that I don't go off on sewing tangents. Not like that hasn't happened! Okay, does it sound like I'm rambling. Sounds like that to me. So it's off to bed so that I can go to work in the morning to make more money to spend on kewl fabric!


  1. How cool, fabric on Friday, new pants on Monday! And the outfit looks perfect for welcoming in our recalcitrant Spring!

  2. You look mah-velous, darling! How exciting to get such a quick reward!


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