
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Will I be able to sew until I am an old, old lady?

Today another large package of fabric arrived. As I sat inventorying the contents and thinking about what I would make with each piece, I got scared. I mean for a minute my heart actually stopped. What if I have accumulated so much fabric that when I am an old, old lady I won't be able to sew it?

What would I do? Does anyone else worry about this? I mean I am a relatively healthy 46 year old woman and technically I should have loads of sewing time left on this earth! But what if I get old and I don't want to sew any more? Could this happen? Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, noooooo!

Could I not want to spend quality time with my sewing machine? Or planning wonderful outfits to wear out of the house? Creating cute doll clothes that my friends' little girl's adore playing with? Even inspiring my own child to go to her room and make her sewing machine hum in conjunction with mine? And maybe even continue to sew and teach her child to sew, too?

What if I am physically unable to sew when I get older? Will I try to learn new techniques or will I abandon my habit? God, this sounds so morbid but all of these things flashed through my head this afternoon.

I really, really, really want to be planning an outfit as I am headed out of this world and into the next. But is that a realistic assumption. Will I get to old to sew?


  1. If sewing is your passion, and I see that it is, who's to say what you can't do. Whatever age may bring, you will find a way. Will some things be harder to do? I imagine they will be. Will you get too old to sew? I doubt it. Actually, I think your prettiest outfit may be the one you sew to meet the King! Besides, maybe God sews too...

  2. Carolyn, you and I are the same age!

    And I wonder if I've got SABLE (Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy), too.

    I inherited some of my Grandmother's stash; much of it was not useable for various reasons (one common one: she purchased flat folds that were stapled together; never pulled the staples and now there are regularly spaced rust stains throughout the fabric); it's going to be muslin fabric. But some is interesting...not what I would ever use, and I find myself wondering 'What did Grandma intend to do with THIS?'


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