
Thursday, May 25, 2006


From the date you can tell that it's the Thursday before a long holiday weekend and I have A-N-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N!!!! Yes, tomorrow at 3:00 pm EST, my personal mini sewing vacation (psv) begins!

I try to plan at least two mini sewing vacations a year. Hey, you do what you need to do to keep your sanity and I do what I need to do to keep mine! Mini sewing vacations definitely work for me! Not only do I get to spend time just being creative but I also manage to do a little stash reduction and wardrobe increasement. Okay, I don't think that was a word but you get the gist!

Usually, I have been planning what to make for weeks. Making a list, refining the list, deleting things from the list, carting the list around and imagining garments on the list, but this year "The Prom Dress" precluded that from happening. So I am doing something totally unusual for me, I am winging it. Yup, just going to go into my sewing area and see what moves me and sewing it!

Well, that wasn't exactly the truth. I do have a little inspiration ~ new spring/summer dresses, the new purse in the last post and the new fabric that just arrived from Fashions Fabric Club (FFC). I ordered this fabric about two weeks ago - warning, do not order from FFC if you are looking for instant gratification...ain't gonna happen. An order from them usually takes 2 to 2.5 weeks to arrive at my front door! So I was pleasantly surprised when it arrived a day earlier than the tracking notification said that it would. I had also managed to "forget" exactly what I had ordered. I mean I had a vague recollection that I got some nice linens inexpensively~ like how I said cheaply! hehehehe! But I did not remember exactly what was in the bag. Turns out that I did good! 5 yards of a medium chocolate brown linen, 5 yards of a brown/tan/blue floral linen print that coordinates soooooo well with the brown linen, 4 yards of a tan mediumweight linen and a black/white cotton stretch.

I am definitely going to use the brown linen print during the psv! What else I don't know. I just know that I am going to sew for four glorious days. That I am going to shut the world out and create magic in my sewing studio. That I am going to enjoy, recharge, renew and get my inner sewing aura in order. Yeap, I got anticipation. Anticipation....Anticipation....Anticipation!


  1. I hope you enjoy your sewing vacation - I can't wait to see what you create!

  2. Reading on Artisans Square, I think, I learned you order fabric from Fashion Fabrics. When you mentioned brown, I had to go take a look as I want some brown fabric but cannot find anything at Hancock's locally. I found some, plus some brown/teal rayon and a boucle. I bit and bought. I just now read it may be 2 weeks for delivery!!!! Patience is not a good virtue of mine. I can't wait to see what you make up. Enjoy your PSV!

  3. Thanks for the hint on installing a zipper in rayon fabric! I will get some seam fusible and use that tip! Especially since I tend to like slippy, drapey fabrics.



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