
Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Confession

Okay, I am just going to admit it up front...I am a fabricalcoholic and a cheat. Know how I was boasting last night about how I was fabric free for 13 days ~ well today I broke that vow!

My morning started off innocently enough. I got up. Got dressed. Went to work. Yes, there was a little tension at work this morning but since I had things to do away from my desk it was almost noon before I sat down at my computer. I smugly deleted emails from my work email from and the den of temptation, Gorgeous Things. I pop into my personal email addy and continue on in this vein, delete fashion fabrics club - even ignoring the $2.95 shipping charge note in bold, not even reading the headline on a message from Sawyerbrooks in my smugness.

Then throwing caution to the wind, I open the Thursday Special from Textile Studios. I mean, how many mornings have I opened this email and been immune to the blahness. I usually only purchase from Textile Studios once, maybe twice a year. They are a low level radiation threat. Unlike Fabric Mart which is nuclear radiation in my book and needs to be avoided at all costs, if I don't want to suffer from radiation poisoning!

But this morning, oh this morning, Textile Studios was bringing its "A" game! And I saw this:

Silver Glazed Linen#0515-11 Linen/Metallic 54" Wide $16.50/yd.

Now a little background about why this fabric caused me to fall off the wagon....As you know I love Dana Buchman. She designs the kinds of clothing that I love to wear! And last Sunday she did an hour on QVC...beautiful classic pieces that work for my new lifestyle. I did not purchase from that show, but I did notice that Dana is using the glazed linen from her "Collection" (that is sold in high end stores) in some of the pieces that she is selling at QVC. And I say to myself, "self, if you can find some of that glazed linen, buy it!"

Famous last words, *sigh* because I found the glazed linen this morning. I kept that dang page open all day...through a meeting, through lunch, through a few phone conversations...I reluctantly closed it out without purchasing the fabric as I was going home. But y'know I have an hour and a half commute home. During which time, I was inspired by some garments in a magazine and that gosh darn fabric started to turn into a garment in my mind. I was doomed!

I just gave in and did what I do naturally...I bought the fabric...after arguing with Marji about whether or not to purchase 4 or 2.5 yards, we settled on 3.5...enough for a jacket and a skirt, even though I originally wanted enough for a pantsuit. So with the input of a few numbers from my credit card into the secured order cart, my fabric moratorium is kaput and this is my confession...

But since I do sew I want to show you me in my black/creme linen dress.

And I am climb back on the pray that I last the next 16 days and to secretly yearn for the glazed linen to wing its way to me as fast as possible so that I can play with it! *smile*


  1. First off, you look absolutely fabulous in your dress and jacket. I think that the linen is absolutely gorgeous. Second, I saw that Dana Buchman show as well. It was soooo good. I was wondering about that silver linen fabric,too. I'm glad you found it. I don't blame you for buying it.. if you'd waited, you know it would be gone when you did decide to buy. So, good for you! I think you made the right decision. Hey, I fell off the wagon,too. Just gotta dust off and climb back on...;-)

  2. That outfit is fabulous on you! Truly.
    meanwhile, you'll read this on SG, but, my dh walked in and declared
    "buying fabric is like Crack"
    :))) YUP! so, your point is???

  3. Your outfit is fantastic, it looks so wonderful on you.

  4. Well that is ok, 'cos you really needed that piece, and you contained yourself to just one piece.

    And you really do look fab in that outfit!!! so all is forgiven....

  5. I'd never last if I joined a fabric moratorium so I don't try. I give you credit for trying, doing well, and then being reasonable with your purchase when you did fall off the wagon a little. But really, anyone who looks that fab in their dress gets a license to buy whatever fabric they want. ;-) It's just perfect on you Carolyn!!

  6. That outfit made my heart sing! FABULOUS!

    I think it's ok to let it go just for this one time... After all we are human, aren't we? I think I would do the same if I were in your shoes... If you let it pass away you would regret it later, I'm sure. Now you're feeling a little guilty but a lot HAPPIER antecipating the arrival of the new fabric!

  7. That's my girl - come back to the dark side of the force!

    P.S. You are rocking that spotty dress!!

  8. "They are a low level radiation threat." OMG - that is so funny! Welcome back to reality. You look fab in the dress!

  9. This is hillarious. Well, you need what you need, right? I don't know if you could look any better than you do in this outfit. It's just amazing on you. Thanks for my morning chuckle!

  10. I love your outfit. It is YOU!

    I'm very impressed that you lasted through all that temptation all day. I woulda broken LONG before my 1 and 1/2 hour train ride home.

    I'm saying, this is NOT an impulse purchase since you previously decided to buy such fabric if you ever found it, right? I think that exempts this particular fabric from the moratorium.

    Maybe what you really need is a fallout shelter? "Low level radiation" hahaha good one!

  11. That dress is EXTREMELY flattering, you look awesome!

  12. Love the polka dot dress, and the way the dots actually MATCH UP when the jacket hangs naturally! You look smashing.

    Ah, the moratorium... I don't take those pledges anymore because I can't stick with it, although I still dream of having the stash whittled down to 5 or 6 projects' worth. So you say FFC has reduced shipping right now?.....

  13. You look awesome in your outfit!!!

  14. To begin with, you look fabulous in that dress. And then as to the fabric buying, this was not really an impulse choice, it was fate that made you open that file and look at textile studio fabrics and if you bought a fabric that you have been dreaming of and searching for, that will bring you so much joy and you are bound to use right away -- well go for it without guilt.

    I think you have done a fabulous job and I can't wait to see what you do with that linen.

    And Marji's comment is so funny, because I have been there.

  15. Beautiful outfit! Perfect for the office while having that stylin' pizazz!

  16. My grandad always said everyone needed "fritter money" .. i.e a bit of money to spend on things you love but don't need. So I'd focus on making your fabric shopping more manageable rather than quitting.

    And I will repeat that dress looks amazing on you and that your clothes on hangers really does hide the beauty!

  17. You look super-duper smashing in that polkadot outfit. Love it. Although I don't like polkadots for me.
    I was a little disappointed that you didn't stick to your fabric 'diet' but as an afterthought, it certainly won't stick to your hips like chocolate! Enjoy your purchases.

  18. I would have purchased 5yds, but then it isn't my cc.

  19. First of all, let me echo how fabulous you look in that black/white polka dot dress and jacket. Love it, love it, love it. As for the fabric...what were the chances of you opening only that *one* email that just *happened* to have the glazed linen you've been looking for. Honestly, you had to buy it - it was fate.

  20. That's a really *gorgeous* outfit. It will take you (almost) anywhere!

  21. Love your new outfit. Really looks great on you. I have not been tempting yet to buy fabric, but I can understand that sometimes you have to buy because if you "snooze, you lose"

  22. Fab outfit! You look marvelous in it!

    Well, if I were you, I would have bought the glazed linen, too. It could have been much worse - there could have been more than just that to tempt you. For such a fabriholic as yourself, I think 3.5 yards of linen isn't too bad!

  23. Your outfit is so beautiful! And you look smashing in it!

  24. I *love* your polka dot ensemble! It's anything you want it to be: businessy, dressy, churchy, day,'ve struck fashion gold with this one. As for the tiny little sin of buying fabulous fabric while it's've confessed and have been forgiven. Go forth and sin no more - for 16 days.

  25. Carolyn you look stunning.. and thanks for jumping off your moratorium wagon... you are unknowingly educating me on fabrics... *chuckling*. You are on point with fabric. I read somewhere that the coveted fabric for upholstery is glazed linen. Ralph Lauren has a Bel Air Dining Chair using Glazed Linen for a whopping $3,657.

  26. Hi Carolyn, I just discovered your blog and I love it, especially the pictures. I've been sewing since I was 7 (will be 48 next month); I also knit, crochet, embroider, and just learning how to spin on a drop spindle. I'm also a fabricholic, especially quilting cottons, and I LOVE online fabric stores (Hancock's of Paducah is one of my favorites)!

  27. Carolyn, That dress looks just stunning on you. You look tres chic, or however the saying goes. :) Good job. Can't wait to see what you make up with the new fabric.

  28. The polka dot ensemble is TDF! You look fab-U-lous.

  29. I have recently discovered glazed silver/ black linen fabric at a fabric store near by. They wanted 29.99 per yard. I have been searching for it online for a cheaper price but with no luck. I came accross your blog search for this fabric. Do you still know where I can find this fabric? The links that you provided no longer take you to that fabric you found. Any help would be great.



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