
Monday, August 13, 2007

Five Days of Preparation - Day One

I am going to try something new this week. I am going to attempt to do something sewing related every evening when I get in from work. It can be something as simple as rethreading my serger or making additional bobbins or as extensive as cutting out pattern pieces. But I have to do something every evening.

This is a huge commitment for me because some nights I don't crawl in the door until way after 9 p.m. And I am giving myself a pass on Wednesday evening because I have a work-related function to attend after my regular day is done. I don't foresee me making it home before 11:30 p.m.

Now the point of this exercise is to do an actual sewing related item every day this week, not just the weekend. I am hoping that this activity will start a habit that will cause me to have fewer non-sewing weekends...we shall see!

The problem is not that I don't think of sewing every day because I do. Today I was sitting on the subway waiting for it to move (and waiting, and waiting, and waiting...) when I noticed a young lady sitting in front of me wearing a simple gray t-shirt that looked a lot like Simplicity 4076 - the u-necked short sleeve version.

Her t-shirt had a lot more shirring in the front than the pattern and her short sleeves were a little longer and had a band around them. Very kewl! This made me think of other ways that I could make this garment work for a top with a matching skirt, as a dress, as a tunic top and off my mind went. So its not the thinking that I have a problem with during the week, its the actual execution!
So tonight I am going to prewash two knits...


  1. Great idea! A little bit everyday adds up. Keep us posted.

  2. What a good idea, I think I am going to have to give this one a shot...thanks!!!

  3. Good Plan... I like to do a lil bit each day of the week... may it be sewing, crocheting or knitting.

  4. They say it takes only 3 weeks to make a "new" habit. I am like you, I do better with large blocks of time. But what if you don't always have that - your "new habit" will really take the stress off, I think. I'm going to try that also!

  5. You inspire me. I'm going to give this a try also. I did do something last week. I cleaned up from my last sewing project and decided on what my next project would be. But I had trouble moving on with this. (just laziness on my part) Time to pin pattern pieces to material and cut. I kept putting it off but reading your blog today has inspired me to move ahead. Thanks!!

  6. well, I hope you manage it because I know you want to...But, (isn't there always a 'but"?) maybe you just need a break for a weekend or two, while you transition from summer to fall in the state of mind and readiness.
    Just like we all need a vacation from work, you have been very productive, and maybe in order to be very productive again all fall you need this little bit of a break.
    You know, in France the whole country takes the month of August off.
    Are you sure you just aren't goal-setting yourself to death?
    Maybe some time to think on it and plan it and get all motivated all over again will be refreshing and just what you need.
    It's just a thought.

  7. Its a great idea. I am taking it under advisement. Threading all my machines for knits, I have a coverstitch too, is time consuming.
    by the way, I have added more shirring to that t shirt because of DD cup chest. I also was short of material on one I made for my swap at PR and made the neck trim in black, so I added to the sleeve hem too. I like this top a lot and you've got me thinking of how I can change my TNT patterns too.


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