
Friday, August 03, 2007

Its August so it must be Fall!

Here on the East Coast, we are in the midst of a heatwave ~ every day temps are over 90 degrees and those soaring temps are predicted to last well into next week! But I am all atwitter because the fall fashion catalogs and magazines are landing in my virtual as well as real mailbox.

So even though the temperatures are soaring and the air is soupy, I am drooling over wools, tweeds and leathers. I am dreaming of cooler temperatures and layering garments. I am imagining what I can create for fall and how I can inject some of the new trends into my fall wardrobe.

The new "September" Lucky is in with a headline screaming about where I can purchase fall fashions. Thanks Erica!

I am even anticipating the 5 lb. September Vogue ~ y'know the issue that has just as many advertisements as articles! Oh but the fun of looking and me its just one huge inspiration book!

There are just so many versions of the short retro jacket everywhere...and Vonnevo on PR has just created a trio of jackets that you must see! Check them out here! She used Butterick 4980 which I used during my sewing vaca. As you may remember, I made two of these jackets - one in a linen jacquard and one in the brown eyelet. I really thought that I wouldn't use this pattern again but with Vonnevo's trio and all the new retro jackets being shown, I think I am definitely pulling this pattern out and trying it again!

My virtual mailbox brought me the new St. John's collection and the fall catalog for Barrie Pace.

Even my TV set is getting involved..."Fall Fashion Day on QVC" is this Saturday and several of my favorite designers are showing their collections...Dana Buchman and Bradley Bayou.

So as I sit in a t-shirt and shorts with the air conditioning cranked up high, finishing off the last of my summer sewing...I have dreams of fall clothing dancing through my mind.

It's August ~ so it must be fall, right?!


  1. Carolyn, I love the garments at Barrie Pace. However, could their models be any thinner? The poor darlings look like they are starving to death. I've already started my fall wardrobe, like you, I've been dreaming of cooler temps and warmer garments. You're so lucy to work in a place where designer fashions fit in. As a teacher, I'd feel uncomfortable in such things.


  2. Isn't that the Sept. Lucky? My Aug. Lucky has Liv Tyler on the cover. I don't have that one yet.

  3. Erica - you are soooo right! Sorry about that!!!

  4. I am finishing off my winter sewing here and it is good to hear what is about for next fall/autumn. That way I can make sure this years garments will fit in with next year....

  5. Temptation, temptation, temptation. I have hidden the September Lucky in my suitcase for entertainment next week when we are traveling to see grandchild. Otherwise, there is nothing like thinking of cool weather on a hot day.

  6. I don't even want to think about fall already.I am still trying to sew things for the summer!!

    Have a great weekend!!

  7. It's 95 degrees today and I can't bring myself to think about the 3 days of winter we'll have next January. But you go ahead and dream...Me? I'm going to take my clothes off and run the AC temp down to Arctic. Ooooooh - bad visual. Sorry.

  8. Wow, you make winter sound exiting! Then I remember mud. But you make me want to sew clothes! I should get a jacket pattern, yes I should. But I need one that is closer around the neckline. Keep the wind out when I am on my horse and cannot assume the fetal position seeking warmth. Maybe this week while my Thinkus interuptus son is at Boy Scout Camp, I can look at pattern books. Your blog inspires me!


  9. Well, our heatwave just broke and we had temps in the 60s yesterday so I'm definitely thinking its time to start my Fall sewing. I rarely check out Vogue (I know, shame on me) so I think I'll peek that the big book and view it as inspiration.

  10. I too feel the SAME way you do!!! I am SOOOOO ready for fall, and it is JUST as hot down here in Alabama!!!! lol

  11. Me too, ready for Fall sewing. As I sit here where the themometer hasn't dipped below 80 for overnight lows for weeks, and hovers around 100 during the daytimes.
    The suit on the cover of Barrie Pace looks remarkably like This Anne Klein from Vogue patterns (#2896 if link doesnt' work)
    I could see that on you.


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