
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I've been tagged...

Okay, I must admit that I have been tagged a couple of times now and have hopefully/wistfully/woefully looked the other way...but the 4 gore skirt has not been hemmed or worn yet so I have no pics and even though I have a book review written, I don't feel like typing it up now....

Nancy tagged me so here are my 8 things...really I gotta come up with 8!!! *smile*

1. I like the movie Pretty Woman so much that I actually wore out a VHS tape and had to buy another one!

2. I was engaged twice before I finally got married.

3. I have always wanted to be married and have children from a very young age. I originally wanted 4 girls! But reality intruded and I only had 3.

4. When I was younger and until I had my third child, I weighed less than 135 lbs. And I absolutely hated being skinny!

5. I am a Dancing with the Stars and American Idol fanatic. I LOVE both these shows!

6. I can put in an invisible zipper but don't do it well. I should really practice that more! *smile*

7. I learned to sew from my maternal grandmother and we share the same birthday!

8. I want to live to be 100 years old!

Alright Dancing with the Stars the Results show is on gotta go!!! And no, I am not going to make 8 other people go through this...*LOL* Hopefully I will get the skirt hemmed and have something to show you later this week...or another book review???

Enjoy your sewing journeys!


  1. this is totally off topic - but I wanted to say a big THANK YOU!

    I emigrated to New Zealand from UK just over 3 years ago, and somewhere between there and here I lost my sewing mojo!!! I put on weight so my TNT patterns didn't fit anymore, we bought a house and I bought a business (patchwork shop so a dream job!) and now, when I could really do with a new wardrobe and some quick TNT patterns to make up - I don't have the time and I don't know where to start!!!

    Today I received my Timmel e-newsletter and followed the link to your blog - you have inspired me! I love the way you make current fashion work for you, I will look at RTW in a totally different light - instead of thinking 'I can't wear that' I will think 'I could make something that is similar but suits my shape'!

    I am having a sort out in my sewing room and browsing through my patterns, I will start with something simple and quick to give me motivation and get me going. I have put your blog in my 'favourites' and intend to be a regular visitor.

    Sorry for the long comment - had to thank you.


  2. Wow, a 100 years! May it be given to you that you live that long in good health.

    And please do more book reviews! I'll tell my credit card company to decrease my limit :-))

  3. Carolyn, this has nothing to do with your being tagged. I remember that you recently said you were looking for multi colored pearls. I just got an email for 12 strand multi colored fresh water pearls for $125. They are at - just in case this fulfills your want (need).

    Also, since you put all that work into simplicity 3631, and it looks so nice, I vote that you do it again.


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