
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Photo Shoots

I know y'all must be tired of those hanging shots. I know y'all must wonder why don't I just wait to post about my latest garment when I have some good shots of me in the clothes...Do you really wanna know why? Well, I'm gonna tell you...its one word - T E E N A G E R S!!!! See my photographer is my youngest daughter who is 17. Now those of you who have teenagers know where I'm going...

Teenagers are moody. Teenagers are fickle. Teenagers do not always see the intrinsic value in what their mothers make ESPECIALLY if its not for them! Are you following me here? So I have learned that after a day spent at the sewing machine nurturing my latest creation to life, that the wisest course of action is not to ask the teenage photographer to rain on my parade. That is why I have so many flat shots right after a garment is if you've been bearing with me, please bear with me just a little longer...okay!

I have finally figured out a way to get some feet on Lulu...for those of you who've just started reading my blog...Lulu is my dressform. And Lulu lost her legs approximately 3 years ago when I moved to this new place...the movers said that they didn't lose them but since Lulu perplexed them when they placed her in the moving van, I was not surprised her legs went missing....but I digress. I think I have watched enough HGTV to get Lulu legs and during my vacay I am headed off to Home Depot to make this happen...then no more flat pictures against the wall! (Y'all thought I was never gonna tie that one up didn't you! hahahahaha!)

Okay finally to what y'all really wanted to see...

Shoes.....hahahahaha ~ as an aside I am really in a strange mood tonight. Seriously though these are the shoes that I wore with the outfit today.

And finally me:

and again ~ my pensive, reflective side....

last one (a full view with the shoes)...

Ohhhhhh and this is what came on the big brown truck today:

5 yards of black/white plaid wool boucle
6 yards of black wool crepe
4 yards of a beige/black houndstooth linen cotten blend
2 yards of black sandwashed silk

All from the mighty giant
of internet fabric retailers - Fabric Mart!

One last thing and I'm done for the evening...Julie, owner of Timmel Fabrics sponsored a 6 week Summer Contest. Click on the link and you can see the entrants. I think you have to receive her weekly newsletter to vote for a winner, so if you do vote!

More sewing chatter later...


  1. Carolyn, I absolutely LOVE spectator pumps!!! I'm droolin', I'm droolin'! Oh yeah, you look great, by the way. I'm droolin', love those shoes!! ;-)

  2. I love the cardi, especially the organza bow. What a great detail.

  3. Wow Carolyn, another lovely outfit. And those shoes! Tres Chanel in spirit and quite lovely.

  4. Oh Carolyn, it looks great on! And those shoes are like FIYAH... pure Hotness! Honey, I know about those teens! You don't have to tell me.

  5. YOU LOOK FABULOUS, so "hamptons", lol
    all you need is a white yacht and a glass of champagne
    but seriously, everything came together flawless, while worth the wait

  6. About that "T" word. I do hear ya. I can relate so much. I get that all the time when I take my "T" shopping with me, even the snoop shopping. I can't even touch something on the hanger without a approval or disapproval. It must be even harder to endure after you have poured your heart into a creation. If it wasn't for our blogs and each other we would be stuck. Keep sharing here and I'll keep coming back to see what you've created.

  7. Oooh, gorgeous pensive you. Love the outfit and the shoes.
    By the way, my teen is 13 - on the brink of ragine hormone-hood but no less difficult to live with than a teen at 17.

  8. Great. This means I only have a few more years before child #1 thinks it's a drag to photograph mom in her "homemade" outfits.

    Great shoes - very Chanel! You look crisp, cool and ready for anything in that outfit.

  9. Love this outfit! You look very professional yet trendy at the same time. Very nice.

  10. Carolyn, you look great! And the shoes - of course!!!! - the perfect accessory

  11. You look great! All my in-clothes shots are taken by my 13 year old son. Now every time he walks toward my sewing room he asks, "Are you dreeeessstttt?" I think I'm scarring him.

  12. What a fabulous outfit and shoes!!!

    Tell me about asking someone to take pictures... I have the same problem with my boyfriend; he feels jealous for the time I spend sewing and when I ask him to take a picture of me wearing my outfit he gives me that look...

  13. I have a moody teenage son!!Love the outfit and the shoes!!

  14. Carolyn, that outfit looks lovely on you. Love the white pants with it too. I understand about teenage photographers. My daughter is 26 and she doesn't always get it either. Like how to take a flattering photograph! LOL. Yours came out great.

  15. LOVE the outfit. that jacket came out SO cute. and the shoes, well, what's not to love there. I am so in awe of your talent. You're really inspiring.

  16. Carolyn, Carolyn, Carolyn! I have a 17 year old daughter, too. Let me give you a blog-hug! Want to know how I get her to take my pictures? I don't! I use the TIMER!!!! I gave up asking her! Her eye-rolling and sighing got to be too much! Isn't it funny how much we can love such miserable creatures!

    The outfit is really great. It looks very "Talbots" to me - especially with the shoes.

  17. Love this outfit!

  18. Beautiful outfit. I love the shoes, but I've never been able to figure out how to walk in heels! I wish...

    Home Depot sells legs?


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