
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

An Answer or Two...

A few answers to questions that have been posted in the comments section lately:

1. Toy asked, "where do you buy your wool crepe?"
Fabric Mart is probably my favorite source for wool crepe. But I have bought wool crepe from Fashions Fabrics Club and To me these are great sources for a high quality product without a high cost. However, Candlelight Valley Fabrics and SawyerBrook fabrics also offer wool crepe in excellent quality but with a higher per yard cost. I think you would be happy with any of these sources.

2. Mary Sarah asked, "What would be a good fabric staple for pants, jackets, etc.?"
I always think seasonal when asked these type of questions....but I guess a linen blend for summer and a wool blend for fall/winter...I guess I should have a better idea of what to suggest but I also think in life styles.

3. On wool crepe prep, this question, "Do you steam the fabric in a single layer?"
No...I double the fabric and am careful not to press a crease into the fold.

3b. "Do you have a regular size ironing board or a larger 'padded board' used for this purpose?"
I use my regular ironing board.

4. Barriehaywood asked, "Have you ever tried using a professional clothes steamer instead of a steam iron? Do you think that fully steaming using a clothes steamer would work well?"
The purpose of the water and the steam in my method is to shrink the fabric. I don't think you can guarantee that the fabric won't continue to shrink if you just steam it. To that end, I question the use of a professional steamer to adequately pretreat the fabric. But not having actually used one, I am only giving you my opinion without any experience to back it up!

5. Elaray asked, "Does your daughter still act as your photographer? Mine quit on me months ago! I wish I knew how you get yours to cooperate!"
Yes, my youngest DD is still taking the pictures. I think she takes the pictures for two reasons, one she likes to take pictures and two, my DDs have this theory just do what Mommy wants and she goes away and leaves you alone...and it works! *LOL*

I hope I didn't miss anyone's question. Mary Sarah I know that I was less than helpful because I am sure you were looking for a certain type of fabric to use, I just think there are too many variables to answer your question. Maybe you could send me an email and I could share some additional information!

And good news last night I sewed a little on the chocolate sueded silk top that I cut out on Sunday evening...maybe I will actually get some real sewing done this can always hope!

Finally thanks everyone for your kind comments on my latest pieces!


  1. thanks Carolyn for answering my question, I have to order some swatches from before the end of the week

  2. Carolyn, I just wanted to say that I loved your interview with Toya. I learned alot and was inspired not to give up on my goal of sewing for myself.

    I'm 5' and a size 18/20 and can't find patterns that work for the extras that I have but hearing your take on pattern adjustments(I'm just now getting comfortable with using patterns) I was trying to find out how to get them to work for me.

    Do you have any suggestions for a petite thick girl. I live in Dayton, OH and heard you mention a fabric store in Cincinnati can you tell me the name again that part of the interview wasn't clear.

    Thank you so much and keep doing your thang...Gurl your talent is amazing.

  3. Your posts are always so helpful, even when it's not me asking the question!

  4. Phyllis, I used to live in Dayton, and I'm guessing the fabric store is Banasch's. They used to be downtown, but now they are in Norwood. Google Banasch's Fabrics, and you will find them. They always had lovely fabrics when I shopped there. I miss The Stitching Post in Dayton. Sorry, Carolyn, for highjacking this thread. Let me say that I love your CC wardrobe, too, and aspire to your level of outfit coordination!
    Linda (SewingLibrarian)

  5. Thanks for the highjacking to my comment. I've went through my fabric stash to pull out some of the fabrics I'd like to use for my SWAP. I'm so nervous to even be using that acronym for myself but determination is always my driving force to learning and conquering new things.

    Ms. Carolyn, I still want your take on my comment and all help is more than welcomed.


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