
Sunday, December 30, 2007

As 2007 draws to a close...

As 2007 draws to a close, I want to say thank you to all of you who venture by daily, weekly or even monthly and read my ramblings! When I am surfing the internet and read blogs by others who reference a post of mine or say that they are inspired by something I did, pointing other readers to my blog I am truly humbled. The internet is such a huge place and to know that it makes someone's day on the other side of the world to read one of my posts is amazing!

Mostly though I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to post a thought to a question I've compliment me on a garment that I've sewn...or just to say "me too!" When I read over some of the posts from this year and the wonderful and thoughtful comments that YOU have taken the time to just makes my heart sing!

Finally, thank you to all of you who inspire me! The best thing about the internet is that I no longer sew in a vaccuum! I have sewing friends that I can visit daily for encouragement, inspiration, companionship and encouragement to add more to my fabric collection - Shannon! To all of those I had the chance to meet with this year, thank you for spending time with me! I hope I get to meet even more of you in 2008!

I pray that 2008 brings you all the things that you hope for creativewise in your sewing! I also believe that we will all grow in our talent and produce wonderful, amazing and high quality garments!

Now back to sewing....


  1. Happy early New Year to you Carolyn!!!

  2. Carolyn - I feel truly honoured to be a part of your life and for you to be a part of mine. Who knew that I had a sewing soulmate out there? Maybe one of these days, we'll meet face-to-face (probably in a fabric store, assuming all the planets are in perfect alignment!!)

    Best wishes for the new year to you and your family.

  3. No, thank you for posting the thought provoking posts that you do and your willingness to share your time and projects with us!

  4. ThankYOU Carolyn! It has been wonderful to drop in and see what you have been up to. You really are an inspiration. Even when you have your down times with little motivation it reminds me that this is normal and nothing to fret about. We can't all be like Summerset, lol!

  5. Carolyn, I'm with the others -- thank you for all of the contributions that you make to the sewing world. I've benefited from your wisdom multiple times and hope to continue. :) Thank you again for all that you do and I hope that I'll be able to help more sewers in the future and pass it on.


  6. I just wanted to repeat what everyone else has already said and say "Thank you." You truly have no idea how much you inspire me and how much I look forward to a new post from you. Often I don't post a comment - but your words will rattle around in my head making me think thoughts about sewing for days. Looking forward to meeting you in the Spring - we are just starting to plan our trip. g

  7. Happy New Year!!! I can't wait to see what you make up in 2008!

  8. Another ditto and thank YOU! Like Gaylen, I don't always respond to your thought-provoking posts by commenting, but you can be assured that my brain is responding and churning around your words as I go about my day. I have many of your posts saved in Bloglines so I can re-read them.

    Happy New Year Carolyn!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Carolyn,
    Thank you! I am a faithful reader and a very occasional commenter. But know that your blog is very much appreciated. I admire your craftsmanship and your generosity.

    all the best to you in 2008.

  11. Carolyn,your blog is one of my daily drop ins...THANK YOU for keeping such an interesting blog.
    Have a very Happy New Year and all the very best in the New Year.Ann

  12. Carolyn, thank you for being an encouragement to me. Your passion for sewing is contagious and well-appreciated. Blessings to you in the New Year!

  13. Carolyn, your blog is the perfect distraction when I'm at work and far away from my sewing. Thankyou very very much. I have really enjoyed all your entries. (And Shannon's stash astounded me. I figured she has something like 5 years worth of sewing!)

  14. Carolyn, I'm so enivous, my sewing table / room never look that clean! :-)


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