
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Have you seen?

First - have you seen Phyllis' amazing Holiday Party Dress over at The Sewing Divas? I love that she shared the total process of making the dress...explaining how and why she did what she did and even giving a few book references! This is one amazing dress from a very simple Vogue pattern!

Second - my girl Isabelle of Kitty Couture has finished her Simplicity 3631 jacket! Ooooolala! I love how she handled the sleeve width on over and see it! Its a wonderful interpretation of an awesome jacket.

Next - Christina at Assorted Notions has made the kewlest winter coat! I know that there have been several other versions of this coat made - Sigrid - and I know that Cindy has one up her sleeve - but I really like the fabric that Christina used. She has lots of pics up on her blog of the construction techniques she used, go by and see it!

And finally, this is the jumper that everyone is making! There are six reviews of this jumper on Patternreview even though I have personally spotted a few in blogland that haven't been reviewed - Barbara.

On the accessories scene there are two of note:

Ann's LaRue bag for her BFF! I hated this bag in the movie, "The Devil Wears Prada" and most of the versions that I've seen since. However, I can truly appreciate the ying and the yang of this version ~ pettably soft on one side and smooth as wine on the other! Just skip over that nasty Patriots obsession she has going on and check out her BFF's Christmas present! *LOL*

Vicki's aprons that she made for her co-workers...again aprons per say are not a favorite of mine but I can so enjoy the splendor of her ruffled aprons! So check them out! Besides isn't that the coolest thing to do, to make such wonderful gifts for the people you work with...

Last but certainly not least...Tany! If you have not managed to visit Tany's world, all I gotta say is what is wrong with you!? What rock have you been under?! *LOL* Cause I want to be Tany when I grow up! My goodness gracias me can this woman sew! And not only does she sew at a level I can only hope to attain but she is gracious and kind, supportive and loving, and very giving of herself and her sewing knowledge! So if you haven't visited her before ~ go and be enthralled and if you have go again anyway! *LOL*

Also, thank you to everyone who posted a comment on my last post, "What do you love about sewing?" There are some amazing answers there...many that just made my heart sing with understanding, acknowledgement and joy! If you've read the post but not the comments, get a cuppa, open the comments box up and enjoy!

I'm to bed to go back to work tomorrow to make that money! 'Cause I got fabric to buy! *LOL* More about that later...


  1. Great links! I can't wait to see Tany's latest project!!! I loved the coat Isabelle made as well! Love how she made that her own!

  2. Thanks for mentioning me, though I did not make the same coat as Christina.

  3. there is a lot of wonderful sewing going on, I sew vicariously through my bloggers, lol

  4. Thanks for the shoutout!! And I must go and read the comments on the last post - maybe this arvo when I am having coffee....but did it make you leap out of bed and make something?????

  5. Carolyn, do I have a book suggestion for you (availible at Amazon for cheap ). Back in the 80's I had a book titled "Working Wardrobe" by Janet Wallach which introduced the Capsule Concept of wardrobe planning. It is not a sewing book, but a 'planning your wardrobe' book, complete with charts, ideas and several examples of 12 piece wardrobes, color combination suggestions, etc. I had started such a summer wardrobe, and purchased fabric for a winter wardrobe in different color combinations with the addition of a third color. Unfortunately, I moved back to Nashville from the Dallas area and I did not complete my plans and the book was lost. I had been reading about SWAPs for a couple of years now and decided to do a internet search for the book after not finding it here at home. Sure, it was written in the 80's but the advise is sound and the illustrations are beautiful. Perfect wardrobe planning for the corporate worker, especially someone like you who has already started her wardrobe planning. I think that you will love this book, I just received my new copy yesterday, and like I said, the price is right.

  6. Carolyn, my words are stuck in my mouth... THANK YOU! I've been having a rough week, no time to sew (it kills me when I can't sew), I've been feeling terrible because I had no time to make a few gifts myself like I usually do and I come here, and read all the nice things you wrote about me... You've given me joy, you've brighten up my day! THANK YOU! (((HUGS)))
    As for the other highlights they are all wonderful ladies, who love to sew like we all do and that share the magic of it! Bless you all!

  7. WOw Carolyn... Thank you so much for the shout-out! I'm not sure I deserve this! Thanks so much. All your other links are fantastic and very inspiring!

    Hope you have a great weekend and can sew up a storm!

  8. HI Carolyn! How are ya??!? Thanks for the links. I just realize how many people I dont have on my blog reader *adding them now*


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