
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Agree...

Y'all know that I agree with you...the sleeves SUCK! *LOL*

I HAD a vision of something a little funky but still corporate. What I ended up with instead was "Little House on the Prairie" plays "Corporate Dress Up"...definitely not Corporate Chic!

First, thanks everyone for your wonderful comments and suggestions...there wasn't a bad one in the bunch! Many of them gave me pause and all of them have jumpstarted my creative juices...I can feel the ideas flowing again! I think I am going to let a few of these ideas simmer on the back burner until the weekend and I believe I can move this garment off the UFO list and into my closet!


The new Early Spring Barrie Pace catalog is up on their website. I am LOVING the cover look right now in a fall/winter fabric and then again for spring in a fantabalious linen! Oh...I can feel my heart beating faster already at the mere mention of Spring! *LOL*

I have already pulled fabric and lining fabric for a jacket version. Also I have a TNT jacket pattern that I KNOW fits me so except for making a few notion choices, I hope to work on this piece this weekend.

Now I know that some of you have already caught onto the fact that I mentioned the jacket only...well that's because I chose a black with white pindot wool blend from the fabric collection to use for my first version. This was a deliberate choice. I intend for this coat/jacket to work with both versions of my Simplicity 3631 dresses. I imagine Spring/Summer versions of this outfit in luscious pastel linens which thankfully already reside in my fabric collection!

Thanks again for talking back at was soooooo appreciated!


  1. I love the jacket. Really, I'm drooling. Can't wait to see your version.


  2. This is a nice one! And spring is right around the corner (it starts on my birthday):-)

  3. I'm loving the long coat, and have some on the (very) back burner, but what really has me here is the color and the Lining. Did you notice the wild print on the lining?!? Wow! Know who has t.d.f print silks? Thai Silks. Think I'll take a gander over there.
    Meanwhile, I know now that you've seen Proj Runway. Un-freakin-believable. Who is going to be left for Bryant Park?

  4. I love that. Very Corporate Chic! It represents the DIVA you are!

  5. Love the look! Just not sure how to wear it. Would you take the coat/jacket off when you get to work? Then if you need a jacket for a meeting would you put it back on?

    Checked out the whole catalogue - nice stuff!

  6. Love the look too, but like Vicky I'm wondering how to wear such a combination. I know you work in a corporate environment, so that you wear such a beautiful garment. For me it would be a challenge to make it, but no occasion to wear it.

    I did not comment on you sleeve issue, but let me tell you that I like the dress very much. The lace is perfect! Curious to see what you're going to do about the sleeves. You got some great suggestions.

  7. I drooled over that outfit yesterday when my catalog came in. I dreamed about it all night.

  8. Oh. Wow. I LOVE that red outfit. The style, color, lining, shoes, everything. Great - I'll be thinking about that at school today and whether I have enough red linen in my stash to pull it off!

  9. I love that whole outfit. It reminds me of an Easter dress I had way back when I wore Easter dresses! Are you going to make the dress, too?

  10. I love the jacket, especially the picture - the bit of lining showing.

  11. That's a great windy day outfit, that's for sure, and I can see you struttin' up 6th or Madison on your way to work (whichever one you head up and PLEASE no subway right around the corner from the office when you wear this). But once you're actually at work, the lining only peeks out once in a while...oh, I SEE!!

  12. ok, came back to read comments.
    This is a style that harks back to the late 70's - the 3/4 coat over dress as suit. I had several then, and wore the heck out of them. I wore the jacket, which was indoor suitjacket weight as opposed to outdoor coat weight, as if it were a suit jacket. Took it off in the office if it was warm, but more often than not, wore it all day.
    I too have several (OOP) patterns for this style.
    And one that is now a UFO but was once a finished suit - I took it apart in a fit of pique last year - in bright coral wool crepe, with a floral print lining.
    Maybe I'll post about it and get advice on fixing what's wrong with it. You can come over and kibitz on my blog about what to do with a problem child.

  13. This is perfect for your corporate work style. I think that you would look fabulous in the red. Any in your stash?

  14. Oooh... Love it! You are going to look fantastic for spring, Carolyn.

  15. Wicked cute!! I love the orange, the bright lining and those buttons! Can't wait to see your version.


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