
Friday, February 22, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Finally! Our first big snowfall of the year! It started snowing here around 1:00 am and it has been snowing steadily since was suppose to change over to ice and rain but now they are predicting straight snow at least until 3-4 pm today. Then ice/rain/sleet mix until night when its back to snow.

Personally, I HATE snow! But its never really winter to me unless there is one heavy-duty, shut everything down, make everyone stay home snowfall...and it looks like this one is it! And thankfully I am home today, still trying to recover from this flu-like thing, I've got going here are a few pics...

From my balcony:

From my kitchen window:

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!


  1. Not living in a place that has a snowy winter - I personally love the stuff. Glad you are getting a snow day. Hope you get over the crud soon. g

  2. I love snow too! It's a humid 65 degrees here and I have the windows up. I hate warm weather this time of year... that heightens the chance of tornadoes.

  3. Pretty photos, especially when you don't have to travel in it.

    Hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. Oh Carolyn please keep the snow there and don't send it up here to Nova Scotia. We have had so many storms this year. But. . . the forecast looks like it's heading our way.

  5. Great pictures... They make me miss my college days in New England. Now that I'm in LA, I miss having real seasons...

  6. Glad you are home and not out in that! Hope you are feeling better soon! :)

  7. Carolyn,
    This is one of the really strange things about reading a blog regularly. I read you regularly, and your voice is so famliar that you seem like a neighbor to me. Then you post something like you did today, and I'm reminded that that the world is bigger (and smaller) than the Internet. I live near Chicago, and this has been one of the snowier (is that a word?) winters we've had in the more that 15 years I've lived here. I think snow is usually what makes winter worth it, but I am SO tired of shoveling and slipping & sliding, and climbing over snowbanks to walk my daughter to school. I'm ready for spring! OTOH, fresh snow IS pretty magical, isn't it?

  8. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

    Well I hope you get your sewing machine to keep you warm!

  9. Ooooh, snow! Where we are, we don't even need that much snow to close schools for the day and we're lucky to get one of those a winter. Those pics are just begging for a snowman...

  10. Pretty apartment complex! It's snowing here, too! The kids and dog are loving it!

  11. I'm with you on the Snow Issue. I stayed home also. Sending you Get Well Soon Wishes.

  12. I love pictures of snow! Thank you! Mind you, I don't actually care to experience the stuff, but it's such a pretty sight. I hope you get over the flu-like thing soon.

  13. I miss a good shut down the city snowstorm! And when you wake up early on a snowy morning, there is a quiet that I find it hard to describe to people here in Atlanta. However, I will be up there in a few weeks and don't want that stuff there on my mini-vacation. Can you make sure it will be gone?

  14. Ha. Ha. Ha. We've had over 89" of the white stuff this year. LOL. It's just a good excuse as any to stay home, relax and sew. Hope you're feeling better, too!

  15. I'm sick of the snow and ice... I'm trying to hurry spring along!! lol

  16. I am tired of snow and ice too, for me we've had enough here, but they say we're getting more next week. They don't shut down the Chicago area unless it's coming down in buckets. The schools might close, but everything else stays open and everybody still go in to work, just late getting there. So enjoy your snow days! I saw two red robins this morning. TWO! Now if that's not a sign of spring! It gives me hope!

  17. LOL, ok, not robins, but cardinals!!!! Not into birds!!! hahahahaha

  18. Ugh! I'm soooo sick of bitter cold and snow, snow, snow! We were all running around with our coats unbuttoned today because it got up to 24 with the sun shining! Spring is coming! While the photos you posted are gorgeous I'm glad you got the snow and not us (she said selfishly)

  19. Burrrr, but pretty. Reminds me of when I lived in upstate New York. Get well real soon!

  20. Sounds like you really need a week of snow days! I hope you're able to sew a bit today and maybe feel a bit better. I can tell you're not 100% between the stress and the sickness. Have a restful weekend.


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