
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Major Goof!

Okay, I am an inconsiderate, totally unreliable goof! In my comments section today, I received a note from Julie #2 simply stating, "I thought I sent you those trims!" Because I had attributed that wonderful gift that I blogged about yesterday to Terri...please tell me that your boss' name is Terri?!! Please! Cause otherwise I have lost my d*mn mind!

Anyway, I wanted to publicly acknowledge that I made a big boo-boo and tell Julie #2 thank you so very much for thinking of me, for sending the trims and for letting me off the hook! Pleeze!

*hanging head in shame*


  1. OMG - I hate it when I do something like that. But anyone who is kind enough to send you those trims will be kind enough to overlook your faux pax

  2. oh snap
    well, it happens, its take a lot to admit you were wrong,,,, publicly though.Now that its straighted out, its nice that Julie surprised you with such a cute package

  3. Oh dear. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. :-( Please take the apology off.

    My boss's name is there a Terri somewhere else on here? I don't usually read all the comments, so maybe that's it.

  4. Okay, so your penance for today (or tomorrow) is to show us the INSIDE of one of your skirts (maybe one with a lining and lace trim). ;-p


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