
Friday, April 11, 2008

Yesterday I was at Kashi's

and I came home with! Now, Gaylen who I went to Metro Textiles to meet can't say the same! *LOL*

I first "met" Gaylen, author of the blog, GMarie Sews, on the now defunct Sewing World. We met in the Sharing and Inspiration folder that started there and migrated to Stitcher's Guild. But we really bonded over what Gaylen calls "the Carolyn Skirt." I forget why it ended up being named for me but it's really Simplicity 5914.

Several of us made the skirt then, encouraging each other to use new sewing techniques or to try different fabrics...I don't know why but at the time Gaylen and I just clicked. Once Sewing World disappeared we've mainly kept in touch through our blogs, but I promised her that if she ever came to New York we would go fabric shopping together.

(Okay this really bad picture was taken by JB with my camera. And I had to use it because I only took a few shots! Hey I thought it was a big deal that I remembered the thing!!!)

So yesterday Gay and her wonderful husband arrived in New York and we met up at Kashi's (Metro Textiles). Now I know you've all heard how Kashi "knows how to pick fabric just for you" but I have to admit that I was the final say yesterday in what was shipped to Gay's house. She was starting to get that "I can't believe there's so much fabric here! I must take ALOT home" look on her face. The look that means when you get home and the clouds of fabric euphoria have faded you go, "What was I thinking buying that!?!"

She still ended up with quite a few amazing pieces and I promised her husband that I would encourage her to sew it ALL up...he was trying to give time limits but we weren't falling for that one! *LOL*

After a wonderful dinner filled with great conversation and alot of laughter, I sadly headed to the Port Authority to catch a bus home and Gay and her DH wandered around NYC before meeting up with "The Princess"! I had a wonderful evening. It was fantastic to finally meet Gaylan and to put a face with a name!!!

Thanks Gay and JB for sharing such a great evening with me and I hope that when you speak of me, you will do so kindly! *LOL* What was the word? Oh yes, lovely! ROTFLOL!


  1. Ok. I'm amused because I wonder if you were there when I called yesterday after lunch. He was so distracted! I was looking for silk jersey and decided I just needed to plan a weekend and go myself.

  2. I can imagine you guys have fun, she must have been in fabric heaven!

  3. Sounds like a great time was had by all. Carolyn, I need to get you to set up a NYC shopping trip for some ladies from our local ASG. You can be our tour/shopping guide. Gaylen, I can't wait to see your photos of fabrics.

  4. Well you ARE a great person to fabric shop with! Glad you both had a good time.

  5. Glad to hear you both had such a great time! I'm looking forward to seeing what she's picked up.

  6. Ah, Carolyn, it brings back such great memories of last June. Such fun! So much fabric!

  7. I think it's great when people from the Online Sewing Community get to meet in the real world. Hopefully I'll get to shop with some of my ONline Sewing Buddies.

  8. Isn't it great to shop with a friend. How did you get out of there without a purchase!

  9. Glad to hear you were able to finally meet your online sewing buddy. Thanks for the online fabric shops. I believe my next fabric haul will be from an online shop. It was dreadful how many shops didn't have knit or what they had was frightening.

  10. What fun! And do I recognize your reversable dress from last years SWAP?

  11. I need a Metro textiles fix! I'm trying to persuade my fiance to take me back to NYC for our honeymoon at the end of the year. He thinks its because we didn't get chance to see all the sights last summer but really I just want to go fabric shopping again!!!

  12. Sounds like a great time!!!

  13. I had so much fun!! Thank you again. It was lovely. g

  14. That's so cool you got to meet a virtual sewing buddy! I'm game to meet virtual sewing friends in the garment district, since I also live in the area. Fun!

  15. It sounds wonderful! Now, Carolyn, when are we getting together again??

  16. I must have missed you at Kashi's by mere hours, but I impressed myself mightily by spending plenty of money with no outside encouragement. Thanks for leaving me a few things to choose from! -Karla

  17. Oh this looks like so much fun! One day I will make it to Kashi, and I hope you will be there too Carolyn!

  18. What a great gathering! I wish one day we'll go fabric shopping too, Carolyn, I would be thrilled!


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