
Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Vintage Experiment - Part 1

I have decided that I want to make a wearable muslin of the Simplicity bow-tie dress before committing to my black & white cotton toile fabric. So the fabric is in the dryer and the pattern pieces have been checked to make sure that I have all of them.

Sometime this afternoon I will clean off my cutting table which somehow manages to collect a week's worth of mail, fabric, discarded clothing, etc. so that I can begin the fitting and cutting out process.

I have noticed a few things about the pattern already. First, it has seam allowances...for those of you who sewed before multi-sized patterns, do you remember those? Its like meeting an old friend, again! The pattern pieces have a lot of darts in them to get that close fit that is a part of the look. Some of these will be omitted in my version of the dress...I think I'm going more for a "fitted" version rather than the "close-fitted" version that is on the pattern cover.

My fabric choice is the black seersucker that I got from Metro Textiles. Why? Because I had a lot of it and if I add some white accents it will be perfect for work. Also, if my first version doesn't work, there is plenty left to re-work the idea.

I don't know if I will get the dress finished this weekend...but I've got it started and a 3-day weekend for Memorial Day next week! So the vintage experiment begins...


  1. I really love Vintage and I'm looking forward to seeing your creation.

  2. I can't wait to see how it comes together!!!!

  3. Love your vintage haul. The bow tie blouse is the one for the seersucker? Should be a great summer in the city dress.

  4. I meant dress. I like that it is different from your usual shape. I think that it will look very good on you.

  5. That's gorgeous! I can't wait to see it made up. I've never really been a fan of vintage, but I love the neckline on that.

  6. Carolyn, Good luck with the vintage dress. After I made an empire dress (circa 1965) last year and got a great fit, I was really into vintage patterns. The darts are great and sometimes it's just fun to read the directions. The Vogue Paris Design from the 60's are so detailed. Anyone looking for a challenge should try one.

  7. I know what you mean about wanting be effortlessly stylish. When I was younger I just used to grab a pair of trousers and a tee-shirt and go. Now if I do that I just look scruffy and shapeless. Its definitely time for me to grow up! You have inspired me to find some new patterns and make myself a summer dress.

  8. Oh my goodness Carolyn, the minute I read the words "seam allowance" I had to chuckle, because I AM old enough and been sewng long enough to remember seam allowances, and when I started purchasing and using vintage patterns about a year ago,, and opened up my first one from Lanetz Living, that is the FIRST thing I said to myself! Seam allowances! What fun! LOL. Your dress will be GORGEOUS, I'm sure! Welcome to the vintage fan club!

  9. I am really looking forward to seeing what you do with it. Vintage patterns rock!

  10. Add me to the list of those waiting to see your creation emerge from the sewingroom. Oh, and the clutter on the cutting table..yeah, I can surely relate.

  11. I will be following along to see how this progresses. Like you I have the Memorial Day long weekend coming up. I have big sewing plans (in my mind) for that weekend.

    I think this is going to be a great dress.

  12. this well be very interesting indeed, can't wait to read you progress

  13. Welcome to the world of vintage. Like so many others I going about my merry sewing way, then one day the vintage bug bit me.

    With your sewing skills, I am sure you will be cranking out the gorgeous retro/modern elegance you envisage in no time.

  14. I've never tried a vintage pattern either - but I'm sure you won't have any trouble! Good luck and have fun! Can't wait to see the outcome! :)

  15. This will be wonderful!
    Are you going to belt it? I have a source for you for professionally made belt using your fabric, if you want.
    And I understand totally about finding bottom on the cutting table - every single time I go down to sew I have to find bottom. It's the gremlins who pile stuff there every night.

  16. I love those old vintage patterns with the seam allowances. I have never been one of those "merge between the lines" pattern types of gal, so I don't understand the thrill of multisize...almost. I would rather get the size I want and play from there. BUT, having said that, I will go back and forth between the size 14 and 18 at will. Especially on New Look patterns. Have you ever made one of those? After a ton of frustrations, I am switching from a 14 to a 18 to see if it will work. I think New Look patterns differ in measurements from the other big4.

    Okay! That was totally off topic. I love the vintage patterns and cannot wait to see what you get. Because you know I might copy it!!! ;) But I am very curious. Are you going to make it from this pattern or morph a TNT pattern. My dream someday is to have a treasure of TNT pattern like Carolyn. You know, if you ever want to come to laid back, nothing here upstate NY, I will find a way to accommodate you. I do have a 4 bedroom house, even if two of the bedroom are dedicated to sewing, I will move my DD into a air matress so that you can come and mentor me on TNTs!

    Love ya, you know,as one fellow secretary to another. (Did I ever tell you that?!!)

  17. Did I mention that I like wine and have lots here!!!???? And I have a very lovable understanding husband who would let me invite an almost stranger into my home! Just saying...... oh and I could invite Marji also. I feel a party coming on!

  18. Looking forward to your dress and opening my eyes to vintage patterns.

    Thanks for your advice on my dress in progress. I have since removed the basting stitching and done a CBS.

  19. I went to Ebad on Saturday and picked up a cute polka dot cotton for a wearable (I hope) muslin. Thanks for the recommendation!

  20. While browsing the web in search of sewing blogs, I found your beautiful blog. I like the vintage look as well, especially shift dresses with empire-touch. The sixty-look also, there are so many stylish pattern!
    I will visit your blog from now on, best regards from Germany
    Claudia (Obama rocks ;-)

  21. Wow that's going to look very elegant.I can't wait to see it!

  22. Carolyln, may I ask what company and number is this pattern? It is just beautiful and I know that you will do an exceptional job with it. I can't wait to see the finished muslin. I do hope that you feel better!

  23. Nice, straightforward dress. I too am after the quintessential shirt dress.
    How does it fasten?
    Does the pattern include an under-slip?

  24. This is going to be fabulous!!


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