
Sunday, July 20, 2008

An afternoon with like minded women!

This blogging is a funny thing...because by sharing my projects and love of sewing, I have been interviewed for a newspaper article, met some amazing women, developed friendships with women all over the globe and now met a few in my backyard! New Jersey! *smile*

Today I had the privilege of attending a meeting of the "New Jersey Chapter of the Association of Sewing and Design Professionals" (originally known as PACC). The President of the NJ Chapter, typed four little words into a google search "sewing in New Jersey" and my blog was one of the things listed. After visiting my blog and flickr album, she sent me an email and invited me to a meeting. Now you know I am never one to miss a gathering of people discussing sewing so I agreed to attend.

I had an amazing time! There was wonderful conversation, food (of course), show and tell and even gifts...well, it was fabric that another member was sharing with everyone in attendance but hey it was a gift to me!

I knew about the PACC organization, having heard about it when I was a home-based sewing professional but I thought they only accepted members who ran sewing businesses. Today I found out differently, so I'm paying the membership dues and joining. It will be nice to go to monthly meetings and share with people other than my many internet friends because you can never have enough people to talk sewing with!!!

So thank you to Virginia (for getting me to the meeting), Maggie for inviting me and all the other wonderful women that I met and had an opportunity to share with...they welcomed me with open arms...exchanged email addresses and website information! I know this is another wonderful chapter in my sewing life and I'm embracing the opportunity with both hands...

Here is a show and tell picture snapped with my cellphone's camera because yet again I managed to leave my digital camera home....

Maggie - the Chapter President was sharing her version of Vogue 8229 made from denim and linen.

And here is what I brought home with me...

Several yards of a wool blend knit and 5 yards of waistband stay because you should never be an ungrateful guest and not accept the party favors...*LOL*

It was a wonderful afternoon despite the fact that I'm not an outdoors kinda girl!!!


  1. Oh how fun! I also thought that PACC accepted members who owned or managed sewing related businesses.

  2. I'm jealous. Not only do I not know anyone who sews, but I live in a rural/regional area where there just aren't people who are interested in these things. I'd love to be able to attend meetings with like minded people!

  3. How exciting! I know you had a great time because you do love to share sewing information. I know you will enjoy being a member. Be sure to keep us posted - I'm all ears... or should I say eyes (lol).

  4. Hi, even though you don't know me, but I'm just so happy for you to enjoy the like minded people gathering to talk about fabrics and sewing and clothes that i am excited about it myself. I wish I had friends I can talk about fabrics and stuff like that. A gathering like that would totally bring more joy to your wonderful sewing chapters in your amazing and wonderful life~ Yay~~~

  5. It's great to be with people who love to sew. There are very few people that I know of who sew garments where I live in New Jersey. PACC sounds like a great group to join. Thanks for letting us know that you don't need to be in the business of sewing. Enjoy your new friends!

  6. Oh. That sounds nice. I should look and see if I've got a local chapter.

  7. Very interesting! Me too, got to look and see if there's something in my area.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful group and a great time. Especially if you got motivated to join right away.

  9. Wow, must feel good that you were sent a personal invitation(from your blog). Than is great! I live in Philly and found a group to join via There you can start your own or find one to join all over the country.

  10. Oh Im so glad you joined! I'm the program chair for the New England Chapter and I think it is one of the best organizations! Welcome aboard!

  11. I'm glad you had a wonderful time and I agree: you can never have enough people to talk sewing with!

  12. What fun. Thanks for sharing.


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