
Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Grayed Affair

This is the title of my next sewing project. Actually it's a wardrobe based around the gray fabric from this set of fabrics. I have worked my way through the other three pieces and I am finally onto the last one...of course none of these coordinate, which wasn't my intent in the first place but this next set of fabrics will work together to make a I'm calling the wardrobe pieces, "A Grayed Affair"

The core garments in the wardrobe will be a jacket, a pair of pants and a straight skirt constructed from the gray mediumweight linen. I am planning this as a late summer/early fall transitional wardrobe, where the pieces can be worn singularly or layered as it becomes a little cooler.

First up, the was inspired by this JJill jacket, called "The Poet Jacket."

To achieve a similar look, I am using New Look 6788:

The other two garments will be constructed from my TNT patterns.

The second stage of garments will consist of a dress, McCalls 5620 made from the gray/coral cotton print that was used as the accent in "The Fumble Around Dress."

A gold/grey/creme rayon knit will be used to make my TNT Burda cardigan with a matching top that will resemble this Donna Karan draped neck tank:

My trusted Sewing Workshop Tank made from a gray/black/white printed silk purchased from Emmaonesock this spring will be the next piece. This top will work with the base garments for a more corporate look.

And the last pieces will be made from a red printed rayon/lycra knit purchased from, for another Burda cardigan and a bow-tie tank. The knit pieces will work with the bottoms for more laid back corporate garments.

This wardrobe will have a total of nine garments. I am constructing the base garments first and mixing the tops and the dress in as I go along. I have a three-day weekend coming up and I am inspired to sew skirts...probably the last of my summer pieces!

However, I am slowly turning towards fall sewing...well this is late summer/early fall transitional garments and that is really where my head is...looking at fall looks and interpreting them for the transitional period before I have to get into really heavy wools. I still want to make a few more dresses but they won't be from summer fabrics again I'm transitioning...just having a hard time saying good-bye to all of those wonderful spring/summer fabrics that I didn't get a chance to play with this year.

I've already started work on the my next post will be about it! And did you notice that there are two new patterns in this wardrobe...I'm pretty proud of myself that I didn't just reach for all of my TNT favorites!


  1. Transition, that's the word I've been looking for. I know that there is one month and one week left before the Labor Day Weekend. I guess after Labor Day Summer is kinda over with right. I'm also saddened because sewing for summer was such great fun! I don't think I have enough time to do any more summer sewing because it will take me at least 4 weeks to do a capsule and them I wouldn't be able to wear it until next spring/summer. So I need to take your clue and start thinking about Transitional Sewing; with fabrics that are light enough to deal with this HEAT, but can be work into early fall. Great thinking girl!

  2. Love the title, especially the gray/black/white printed silk.

  3. I love the idea behind your always I look forward too seeing the end results..

  4. I LOVE that Donna Karan draped neck tank!!!! Which BWOF is it that you are using for the top?

  5. I love the black/white/grey panel print and I really like the poet jacket. It's a great trans seasonal style. I've never had much grey in my wardrobe, but just last week I bought an op shop wool tartan skirt with greens and grey in it and teamed it with a grey top and green cardigan and I loved it. I think I'll wear more of it. Your wardrobe sounds like the perfect thing for change of season and I look forward to seeing the results.

  6. Yay, for using new patterns! Nobody says you have to jump out of the box, you can just take comfortable little steps. Love the fabrics too!

  7. oh the irony of you sewing with grey/gray fabrics - I'm trying to move away from the grey and sew with more colour due to your gentle suggestion! But grey is such a versatile and sophisticated colour and I love that red fabric, it will look great on you

  8. I really like your plan - both the patterns and the fabrics. I can't wait to see your Donna Karan inspired twinset. (Prepare to be copied.)

  9. Carolyn, Love your theme name. You are such a great inspiration. Like Alexandra said, "Prepare to be copied."

  10. Lovely collection of fabrics. And woohoo, for opening up some of that new pattern tissue. It'll be fun to see the new clothes emerge from this collection of flat fabric, sort of like the butterfly from the cocoon.


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