
Friday, July 04, 2008


Last week walking through the subway, I saw a young woman wearing an a-line print skirt that had a band at the hem that was a totally different color than any of the colors in the skirt. At first it was a little jarring to the eye but the look stuck with me.

Today I was hanging up clothes in the closet and I happened onto some skirts that I made about five years ago from my favorite TNT skirt pattern. I have been hesitant to ditch them because they are perfectly good skirts, just not right for my current work environment. They are made from some cotton pique prints that I got during a fabric shopping extravangza with friends to JoMars in Philadelphia.

So I started with this long, ankle-length, bias cut skirt:

And after a trip to the fabric closet...I'm starting to believe that I have a little of everything in there...I ended up with this:

I added a 4 inch band of yellow linen to the bottom of the skirt. So with a little time and effort, I now have a great skirt to wear on fridays. I can just add a white twinset and I'll be all set!

I'm home for the next few days and have a few more dresses that I want to crank out so look for them!

And does a refashioned item count as a finished item?...Just wondering...


  1. That skirt is adorable! I love the contrast!

  2. that is so cute Carolyn, I think the contrast band really vamps it up!

  3. The revision looks modern and fashion forward. You highlighted one of this summer's colors--yellow! I think that this counts, I mean, you did make the skirt several years ago, so this is just an added edit ;) . Great job!

  4. Of course it counts! It has the Lily Pulitzer look to it. The contrasting band is a really good way to update.

  5. Wow, I can't believe the difference! Now the skirt looks totally fresh and new - amazing. You are tall though so I am wondering how well this would work for short little me...I'll have to test it out. I hear ya about having a "little bit of everything" in the stash - mine is actually starting to scare me a little. I need to do more sewing and less shopping!

  6. You've got a totally cute skirt now. I think it will look really fashionable with your white twin set. If you can wear it, it must count as finished.

  7. That's terrific, what a makeover!

  8. Great idea! You should sign up for Wardrobe Refashioning site; it's all about what you have done there. I just signed up, so we will see what we do. I have a maternity dress I am going to cut into for a blouse (the bust fits fine and sleeves are already set in, so I will see what I can fashion from a BWOF pattern cutting it down, darts, etc. And, yes it counts, you used up stash to make the band.

  9. Great refashion and agree it has a fresh and modern look to it.

  10. You could always call it a re-finished item! :)

  11. Love, love, love it! The yellow is a perfect compliment!

  12. Wow! How completely it changed the look! In the first picture, the white flowers stand out more. In the second, the band makes the yellow bits pop. What a nice fresh look for the summer.

  13. Fabulous! You are so inspiring! I love your "new" skirt!

  14. That skirt was languishing in the 1990's and you've rescued it! You are a hero.

  15. Wow.... that's something I really have to keep in mind. Thanks! and it looks like a new one, too.

  16. Awesome! I love it, love it, love it! You've done a fabulous job giving that skirt a lift and bringing it up to date.

  17. You just took 10 years off that skirt in one fell swoop!

  18. Absolutely it counts and what a fresh new look!

  19. Very pretty! Looks even better the second time around! Mary

  20. Dang! Can I take 10 years off my body as quickly as you took 10 years off that skirt????? In my book *anything* finished counts as a finished project. The skirt looks absolutely fantastic!

  21. What a great idea! This gives me a good excuse for saving my scraps and remnants. Cuz, ya never know!

  22. Great made it updated, stylish, and NOW. Love it.

  23. Beautiful! I love the yellow :)

  24. Now its young and hip. Great idea.

  25. Wow, looks like a whole new skirt. The yellow hem band makes the skirt look brand new. I'd count it as a finished item.

  26. Cute as a button! I love it.

  27. I love what you did with this skirt. One of my very favorite skirts I got from Old Navy. It is a navy and white batik/wax print with a gold band around the hem. I get lots of compliments on it.

  28. Absolutely refashioned counts as finished ~ especially when it adds a garment to your wardrobe for a casual day. It looks great - love the contrast bands. g

  29. Good idea to refashion a skirt this way. I saw something similar on a marc jacobs dress, thanks for re-triggering that memory.

  30. I really love your refashioned skirt.

  31. Inspiration from unexpected places yields the most wonderful things.

  32. So cute! It's like have a brand new skirt!

  33. The skirt is great. I am so impressed with your sewing skills.

  34. Oh wow that is nice!!! :) I love the color co-ordination with the yellow border and the sunflower. Pretty! I would want one just like that if I had the same fabric and all :) Thanks for sharing .


  35. Wow, what a difference that makes! Really brings it up to date.


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