
Saturday, August 09, 2008

An Exhibit, Some Trim and of course more fabric

So my friend Lisa and I met up today to see the latest exhibit at FIT ~ Arbiters of Style Women at the Forefront of Fashion. She was a little perturbed with me that I went to the last exhibit without her but she is a busy lady. This was the first time we could get together to see this exhibit.

Now, normally I am a huge fan of the FIT exhibits...but this one, view it on the internet and save your time for the next really big one that comes to town. It is a small exhibit that barely takes a 1/2 hour to view...that's even with reading the plaques s-l-o-w-l-y. So with the FIT bookstore being closed until the end of August, we had nothing else to do but go SHOPPING!

Lisa had a list and wanted the first stop to be Pacific we headed over there. She got handbag fixins' and I got whatever struck my fancy:

Next we headed over to Ebads. Lisa has been shopping with me there since forever...and she found a couple of things...well actually we found a couple of the same things...

2 yards of a brown linen print

3 yards of this blue/black linen print - same as the brown above

4 yards of a green paisley cotton print - that goes sooooo well with the NL pantsuit!

A quick stop at Daytona Trims, a snack break and we headed home. It was a nice day! The weather was nice and breezy, I spent the day with a good friend, I got some fabric and I wore all RTW today, nothing I made touched my body...good day all around! *LOL*

Tomorrow I will be sewing...getting my center back before I head off to my day job!


  1. Wow! RTW all day? I'm shocked. I might get a little face time with my machine tomorrow. I'm hoping. Friday's date night got messed up so we'll be doing that tomorrow. I'm hoping to go early so I can sew :) g

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time and also shocked at all

  3. Glad you had a good time! I had that same blue and brown fabric. I think I made a skirt a year or so ago with it. I still love that skirt!!

  4. Sounds like a nice day. I worked most of the day and got little sewing done. I don't know Ebad, can you post the address? Always looking for a good new fabric store, of course!

  5. Love your trims and fabric! Too bad the FIT show wasn't bigger. I will have to check one out someday!

  6. I picked out a the same co. rose print for a dress for my youngest daughter. Except it was the black flower with the white background. We may add some red in there somewhere, maybe for the neck interfacing, so it peeks out just a bit, because she really loves black, red, white together.
    Oh, by the way, love the brown lace... it's beautiful!


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