
Friday, August 22, 2008

My Top Ten Things for Fall - Part 2

Here is the rest of the list...

6. A trendy jacket
Everyone is showing these cropped, ruffled, embellished jackets for fall. I was walking past the Coach store in the Time Warner Centre the other day and stopped dead in my tracks...cause I saw this!

By the way sometimes I love tourists, because they were taking pics in front of the store, I could whip out my phone and quickly take a pic of the jacket with it! I love the buckle finish! Love, love, love the buckle finish and I know that I saw something like it in Pacific Trimmings last weekend. I will start with Butterick 5187 to get this look.

7. A little retro
Those wonderful 60s looks are still in the collections especially Michael Kors - and we know I love Michael's Fall line - so I am going completely retro with this pattern to make me a Jackie Kennedy Suit for fall. I have no idea what color or what fabric yet...just know that I want one! Do you think I should get some gloves, too?

8. Something Red
It probably should read something bright but I chose red because I own one red dress for fall...and red is a power color...and I need to exude a little more power in my life! *LOL* So for my something red, I am going to use this red doubleknit:

My pattern will be Vogue 8137 (OOP - but still on the website) to make this dress and jacket...hopefully when I'm wearing it my appearance will say polished, professional and powerful!

9. A vest
I have always loved vests and there are some mighty pretty ones being shown this fall. I personally like the ones with a menswear nod and fell in love with this Trina Turk version:

In a glen plaid with some black bias binding trim, a white shirt and a pencil skirt...I will be the height of corporate couture! *LOL* No need to purchase a pattern, I will root around in my pattern collection and find one to adapt!

10. Something royal blue
I've had a piece of royal blue wool crepe in my fabric closet forever...found it at one of Fabric Mart's brick and mortar $1 yard sales...and I pulled it out of the closet when I saw several royal blue garments in the glossy pages...and then this at Ann Taylor:

Since Ann Taylor's dresses don't come in my size, I am knocking this puppy off!

Now this is my top ten list taken from the things I've read and seen and adjusted to fit my lifestyle. Others might find different things that appeal to them because I hit not only trends but in some instances colors that affected me as I read through the glossy fashion pages!

Finally a few comments in response to the comments ~

*No Marji - I'm not putting this on the sidebar...sometimes it's the kiss of death to put these things on my sidebar 'cause then I end up going in another direction and not making anything...nope, ain't gonna do it! I REALLY WANT these pieces!

*Summerset - not all of these fabrics resided in my collection...there has been a lot of undercover fabric buying these last couple of weeks...but as I saw something, I bought it to have it handy to use for these designs.

*To everyone who asked about the lace from Kashi's (Metro Textile) I picked that piece up from the side of his cutting table. I never saw it on a bolt...I asked if I could have it and he quoted me a price, so I don't know if he has more. However, Liana at Stitchers Guild found some beautiful lace on-line at Lace Mart you may want to try them!

Now that I have a plan, some fabric and some patterns all I need is time to make my Fall wishes and dreams come true!


  1. Carolyn, that plaid jacket is divine!!!I wish I was just a few inches taller so I could have one just like it. I do absolutely love that vintage suit, and have been hunting for in my size, but no luck. You always seem to find just the patterns that I have to have!LOL. I can't wait to see what you do with all this. You have once again inspired me. I tore out pages from Vogue, Instyle and Lucky to put together some looks that I really love. I have already started shopping the pattern stash and my Burda WOF to find patterns. I'm actually have some real good luck there! Thanks again for sharing so generously!

  2. Oh yes, I like this set, too! Yes, yes, yes, get gloves! They're cheap and easy to get. I know you already have the pearls!;) You know I love red and yes, I feel powerful wearing it. I am going to make another red dress this fall to replace a few red dresses I had to retire. I have been toying with the menswear vest - just not sure exactly how I'll excute that one yet. Yes, royal blue is on my list, too! I have blue fabric I didn't do anything with the summer, maybe I'll make a jacket this fall.

    What fun - you've got some great ideas going on here!

  3. Carolyn... you are killing me After seeing your argyle, I rushed over to and grab a few yards and some other sweater Now you're showing the crop jacket... can I say GORGEOUS! Then went to Walmart and purchased my first 1940's retro Simplicity 4044.

  4. Love your red and royal blue! You have quite a plan; it's the beginning of the weekend, so let's see what comes out of your magic workroom!

  5. Carolyn, I saw that buckle in Pacific trims when I was there last. I almost bought it, but I was pressed for time. I can't wait to see your result!

  6. Yes, do get some gloves! As soon as I saw the retro suit I could see you in gloves and a neat black pill box hat! You would look outstanding in an outfit like that! I can't wait to see what you do with the red doubleknit. It's such a great colour all year round and the style you've chosen should look exactly as you say; polished, professional and powerful.

  7. Hey Carolyn, I was in Metro on Monday and, dang it, I didn't see that lace! In fact... I'm not sure I saw a cutting table! He just rolled stuff off the bolt and cut it off, although I'm sure he has a table there somewhere. How fun, can't wait to go back. K

  8. Have you seen this?

  9. Yes to the gloves! I love the way you take a style as inspiration and make it your own, in the past I have always looked at outfits or items and dismissed them because they wouldn't suit my figure shape - you have changed all that and I now look with new eyes and think about how I can use the design as inspiration and interpret it my own way - Thank You!

    Love the red and royal too, great colours for you, I will watch your blog with baited breath. The lace skirt will be beautiful, it would frustrate me not to be able to wear what I wanted to work though!

  10. I am a BIG fan of part 2. That jacket is beautiful! I have a snap closure from one of the NY stores that just might work too :)

  11. Wow, what a great assortment for a collection. I agree, posting the list or the commitment just makes me freeze. I haven't hardly worked on the mini-wardrobe. I just stopped at 2 almost complete items.

  12. Thank you for sharing the lineup for fall. It must be awesome to live where you have all those fancy stores and the fabric selections when you want something fabulous (although I like my isolated area lots where there is nothing regarding sewing or anything else for that matter). I have to live exciting through all the style and fabric escapades that you online ladies provide. The buckle top jacket is neat looking. mssewcrazy

  13. Yes, get gloves. We wore gloves, expecially with 3/4 sleeves, which I really like. I remember long cream leather gloves with my 3/4 sleeved suits and coats. I also had leather gloves in dark brown and black. I had short gloves to go with my long-sleeved suits.

    From patsijean who turned 64 today--Golly!!

  14. I love your plans! And a big yes, go for it, on the gloves. You make those cropped jackets very tempting!

  15. Yes do get the gloves for the retro suit. Gotta complete the look! I'm planning on getting some ultra long leather gloves this fall!

  16. You have some nice things planned! I have let autumn and winter pass me by without making much at all. Not to worry! I can think about spring now...

  17. I love the Ann Taylor dress and the idea of a red power suit Jackie style. I see why you love the Coach jacket. The buckle is the perfect finishing touch. Now I'm on to check out your Fall line up #1 which I'm sure I'll also love. You have great taste!!


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