
Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm still here...

...just had to work all day Wednesday and most of today! We have a really big meeting on Monday so I ended up in the office...

Hopefully I will get some sewing in this weekend...however, yesterday before I went out to celebrate Turkey Day with my family...I spent a quite pleasurable morning strolling through my pattern collection. Why you ask? Because I need to find some jackets that aren't "boring" Corporate Wear and long enough to cover my "assets," yet trendy and chic. Yeah, I had to do a lot of strolling! *LOL*

I did end up with three piles of patterns:

Suit pieces - great jackets that will go with a pair of pants and a skirt so that once the weather warms back up and before spring officially sets in I can get a "new" look from the jacket. I found a few candidates (that met all of my needs) and ended up with about 8 patterns in this pile.

Dress pieces - this pile is comprised of several dresses and dresses with jackets that I would like to make. This is my back-up pile - you know the pile I will refer to when I get bored with my original 8.

The last pile is of odds and ends - things that caught my attention that I just couldn't bear the thought of putting them back into their respective drawers without at least giving me the opportunity to fawn over them now and again. These patterns actually have the least chance of being made into a garment but I'm just not ready to return them to their homes.

Now the thought of having 8 wonderful suits - complete with jacket/pants/skirt or dress components is very thrilling to me...I don't know how many of them I will get completed before the season ends...or if I will even change my mind midway through the process...but this is where I am headed the land of sleeve heads, full body interfacing, linings and much, much slower sewing! But this is what I need most right it's where my sewing journey is taking me...

I'm a little tired tonight...maybe it's cause that day job keeps intruding! *smile* But tomorrow morning I will pull one pattern out of the pile and begin working on my next adventure.


  1. Ick about that work thing, Carolyn! But at least you're letting your mind focus on the important things in life, like making more clothes...

  2. I just started a jacket this morning and yes all the prep is taking forever! Hope you get the weekend off!

  3. I know about the work thing. I'm envious of those who got four day weekends. All I want to do is stay home and sew. I'll be joining you in the suit making journey this winter. I've been dragging my feet about making jackets because I need to work out fitting issues first. Thanks for the inspiration to get busy. I think that I will go thru my patterns this weekend. Enjoy sewing this weekend.

  4. I love looking through patterns (and BWOF issues in my case) to plan future wardrobes. Most never get made, but it's still fun.

  5. I'll be joining you in making at least one jacket. I am at the point where the things I have in my closet are not the things I need or want to wear. I haven't done that stroll through the patterns though.

    Something has happened and the machines and the fabric and the patterns are singing their little siren song, waking me from sleep with fabric dreams.

  6. I like Elaray love looking through pattern stash. I always find a great surprise or two. Sorry you had to work so much this past week. I am sure you will be very creative the rest of the weekend.

  7. It seems that the only good thing about your job is the wardrobe you need for it! Sorry you had to work. When you buy fabric that isn't for a particular pattern, how much do you buy?

  8. Am I the only one wanting to revel in the whole schmeil? I want to see the 8, and the fabrics, and the plans.
    I so love planning. Whether or not the execution makes it.... (are you surprised?)


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