
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The last bits and pieces of 2008

I do have one more post for 2008...but I will share that tomorrow. In the meantime though, a few bits and pieces...

1. New Magazines in the mail

I was thumbing through my Vogue Pattern Magazine and there is an article called "City Safari" by Kathryn Brenne - where she leads the hunt for fabric in NYC. (LindseyT pay close attention, now!) and somehow she managed to leave out two of my favorite spots - Daytona Trimmings and Metro Textiles!!! I was two steps from the computer and writing an email to the editor when I glanced upon "Editor Picks" and saw both listed...shew! I also now understand why Vogue Patterns online are on sale for $4.75 today and tomorrow!

2. UFOs

I don't do UFO's. I hate UFO's. I will finish and/or rework a garment to avoid UFO's. So why are these two pieces still hanging around in unfinished form!?! Geeze, didn't I just say I hate UFO's!!! And there are two more in the drawers underneath my cutting table. Those are in the cut-out stages, fabric still attached to pattern pieces...ummm, I've gotta do something about these and quickly!

3. New Ideas

Yup, that quick little top jumpstarted my sewing mojo...I've got plans...boy do I have plans! And most of the garments came from fabrics that are already in the collection! Today, everyone left work at 3pm...I felt a little bad leaving behind them because I arrived mid-morning due to a drs. appt....but by 3:45pm it just seemed dumb to be sitting there...ALONE. So I traipsed off to the garment district and bought trimmings at Daytona Trims (*LOL*) and lining at Ebad Fabrics. That's what's pictured in the photo above...I've got ideas and five, count them five uninterrupted days to sew!!!! Wooooo Hoooo!!!!

4. Vintage Patterns

The last two for 2008 arrived in last night's I will begin the process of planning my next Jackie O. Retro project...I've got chills just thinking about it! *smile*

...and that's my last bits and pieces for 2008! Tomorrow I will share my sewing goals for 2009 - there are only three of them but they are soooooo important to me!

'Til tomorrow!


  1. Five days and a resurrected mojo! I'm anxious to see what comes out at the end, but I know it will be unique and spectacular. Looking forward to the goals for 2009, I'm working on a list of my own! K

  2. Another prolific one! I will definitely need to work on that in 2009!

    I love your current Jackie O inspiration. I know it will be awesome!!

  3. Carolyn, although I'm not much of a garment sewer yet (still working on skill development and learning how to fit!), you have inspired me to set some goals for 2009 and push beyond the basics. My teenage boys now have enough pajama pants (not fitting required) to last them into their 30's so the new year will include some sewing for myself. Thanks for inspiring the confidence to try.



  4. Okay, who is this Kathryn Brenne and why is she writing articles that are meant to be written by me?!! [Insert expletive here.]

    I like what you bought today and am glad to know you'll still venture into the garment district, 'cause you just may be meeting me a lot there in the future if office relocation rumors end up being true.

  5. Why doesn't San Antonio have a garment district??? (a small tear rolls down my face as I say this). I'd love to sneak out to buy fabric like you do. :(

    The houndstooth fabric is very pretty. With five days of sewing time, you'll be in heaven for sure. I'm looking forward to seeing your work.


  6. Oh your houndstooth fabric is just lovely. I can't wait to see what you do with it! I just love your vintage pattern. You are always an inspiration. I have a four-day weekend and will spend almost all of it in the sewing room, and I am truly looking forward to it!

  7. I love your use of the word 'traipse' it was PERFECT for the description!

  8. I'm so glad your mojo is back -- and back in full force. Happy New Year to you. Maybe we'll get to meet in 2009.

  9. Glad the mojo genie has blessed you again! I can tell you are really glad to be back in the saddle. I can see that hounds tooth done up in your latest pattern you show.

  10. Maybe your mojo just needed a little down time. It certainly seems to be back in abundance.

    I'm looking forward to your 2009 goals, and to see what you can do with 5 days of sewing ahead of you.

  11. I am insanely jealous you got your Threads and Vogue Patterns mags before I did! Now I won't get them until at least tomorrow (Fri Jan 2).

    Love the houndstooth project, too.


  12. I'm new to sewing, and I just wanted to tell you how much your blog & the work you do has inspired me!

    I love see what you make, and it always looks SO much nicer han anything I see in stores.

  13. I got my Vogue Pattern Mag also and for once I saw some new patterns that I really like. The last two issues were not so inspiring to me. I love the pale blue garments-skirt, jacket, blouse/dress. I thought of you when I saw it. I think because I remember a blue outfit you made. I am wanting that particular pattern.

    I did not participate in the Vogue pattern sale. Hopefully a new one will come up soon and will have to buy one or two of the new patterns.


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