
Saturday, December 20, 2008


Today is Saturday and after a week of being bedridden...I am allowed to go outside. However, this last week has caused me a little anxiety because I had some minor surgery last Sunday. I was going to leave this off my blog because I am just NOT about too much personal stuff on my blog...but this morning I really got to thinking about what happened to me and I got a little scared...

See at any moment something can happen to you...I can step off the curb in NYC and a bus or taxi can come careening through the crowd and kill or maim me...the bus I ride home could hit another bus, car, truck, etc...or my heart could just give out and I would not get up...ohmy this is so morbid but so true...

Why the reflection? Because I looked around at all the fabric, patterns, sewing machines, and notions that I have so carefully collected and realized that when ~ not if, something happens to me, my daughters will have to get rid of it...*sigh* and I just ordered another 15 yards of fabric to add to this confusion...oh well I won't worry about that least I stimulated the economy as best I could!!!

As my children, family and friends waited around the hospital to make sure that I would be okay, my thoughts were not about sewing...and I've pretty much had to work hard all week long to think about sewing because my desire to sew is just gone...even though I visited pattern and fabric sites, even though I've read posts on sewing and left comments on other sewists heart hasn't been in it.

As Christmas draws near...and my family gathers together once more...I am TRULY glad to be in the midst of them. I am truly glad that I am now healthy. I am truly glad for my friends (and you know who you are!). I am even truly glad for a job that I don't always love - stop laughing - again you know who you are...

So at this time - I wish all of you who are reading, peace, love, joy and happiness. I wish you wonderful times with your loved ones and friends. I wish you good health and I wish you many, many more sewing adventures. I probably won't be posting again until after mostly I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays!


  1. Carolyn, I'm so sorry to hear of your medical scare. I hope that this note finds you on the mend. Enjoy Christmas with your family.

  2. Happy Christmas to you as well. Enjoy your time with family, those are the best times.

    I'm happy for you that you're able to get out of bed. Surgeries can be scary and the thoughts that follow even more so. But even in spite of all the fears that can crowd you, just think of this:

    Your family.

    That as long as you have them, and as long as they know how much you love them, that's all that matters.

    My family and I have gone through so much stuff that we could write a novela. But I tell you, that evertything just seems more bearable because they're here with me. I hope you remmeber that when scary thoughts get you worried.

    And the fabric.....I can tell you that for me, my mom's fabrics are gems. I would not even think of getting rid of them...and um, we have a good collection of them. For all you know your girls may decide (unless they already do) to take up sewing. It's such a special gift, that I'm glad I learned it early.

    Anyway, god bless you and merry christmas. :):):):)


  3. A very merry Christmas and a good recovery to you! I hope you rest well during the holidays.

  4. Best wishes for a good recovery and a Merry Christmas to you, Carolyn.

    I am sure your sewing mojo will be back soon, too!


  5. I wish you a speedy recovery and a wonderful, friends and family filled holiday season.


  6. Oh Carolyn - I'm so relieved to hear that you are well and I wish I could come and hug you up real good!

    Whenever life reminds us that we are mortal, it's natural that we step back, take stock and determine what is truly important to us. You are surrounded by people that give you strength and comfort. We all love you regardless of whether you're sewing or not, so take your time and heal physically and mentally. We'll all be here when you feel up to it.

  7. I know we both are both from NJ and it's very icy here right now.This weekend is not suposed to be you stay in bed !!! Rely upon friends and family during this time. Looks like it's going to be a white Christmas..

  8. So glad you're mending, and I hope you're back on your feet as quickly as possible. Don't apologize for not sewing, that's why I found your blog but not why I come back. Well, not the only reason! Your online friends want you better, even if you don't stitch another stitch. Merry Christmas, and get well! K

  9. What a lovely lovely post Carolyn. Coming face to face with the fragility of life is always something of a shock. Enjoy your family and your holidays.

  10. I sure hope you get to feeling 100 % soon!

  11. I hope you're feeling better soon. Enjoy the embrace of family, and allow yourself to just be. The sewing mojo will be back, I know it will. But for now, it's ok to just give it a break. Merry Christmas, friend.

  12. It's very scary to think about how vulnerable we are. This incident just reminded you of what you already knew. God bless you, take care and have a wonderful Christmas with your family and loved ones.

  13. I am happy to hear you are on the mend. I know what you mean about thinking of other things. Enjoy your Christmas and your family, it is a special time of the year.

  14. I'm glad to hear you are getting better. I think your sewing mojo will come back sooner than you think and with a vengenance.

    Take care of yourself and try to relax so you can get better soon. Everything will be good.

    Happy Holidays to you too!

  15. My thoughts are with you and please do take the time to deal with your health situation. Please do take the time to recover. You should come first in your life. I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing a scare. Please take comfort that you have a lot of fans out in blogland. :)

    Re: fabric stash. About ten years ago, when I went on a camping trip with a large group, we had the philosophy to always eat the best food available (in the food stash) at meals, instead of saving the best for last meal. When you think of it, you are always eating the best possible meal and you don't have to worry about running out of time at the end of the trip. I think that I will start following this philosophy, especially in the new year.



  16. Take good care of yourself and Happy Holidays to you and your family too!

  17. I hope all is well, and know my thoughts are with you. Take good care, and have a happy holiday season!

  18. Sending you healing thoughts!! Take care of yourself and soak on all the good wishes of everyone and regain your strength.

  19. Health and our relationships with family/friends are the most important things in life. We all take them for granted every now and then, but when you step back to think about it, they are what make life so incredible! Wishing you a full, healthy recovery.

  20. Merry Christmas, good health, and happiness dear blogging friend!

  21. Here's hoping you are on the mend and your holidays with the always most important people in your life are some of the nicest ever. It has been several months since I have had a sewing project of any type due to my oldest daughter's problematic pregnancy and never being at home any more since she lives in another town but I just enjoy the sewing blogs when on her fast dsl internet and buy oop patterns that you and others delight us with as a stress reliever(we won't go there about the pattern pile up that is waiting for someday). Take a rest and get better soon. mssewcrazy

  22. God Bless you, and your family, Carolyn. And have a very joyous Christmas.

    Mel in Florida

  23. Take time to care for yourself-- for yourself, your daughters, grandchild, and all others. Have a Merry Christmas and may the New Year bring you health and happiness.

  24. There is nothing like having family and friends around in sickness and in health. Merry Christmas and hope you have a speedy recovery. See you in the New Year.

  25. Happy Holidays :) Glad to have you have your family around.

  26. So sorry to hear about your set back. A few years ago I hurt myself doing something foolish, had to have surgery and miss 3 months of work. It definitely changes your perspective on things. I'm glad you're on the mend, and the sewing mojo - it'll be there later when it's time. Take care of yourself and give yourself enough TIME to truly heal. We tend to think we are ready to get back into everything long before our bodies are ready.

  27. May God continue to protect you and your family. Hurry up and feel good again and please enjoy the Christmas season with the ones you love.

  28. carolyn, i am glad to hear you are ok, and recovering well. time will bring your mojo back, whether it's a week from now, a month, or a year. (when my dad died, i didn't sew for over a year, i just didn't have it in me yet)

    happy happy christmas, may you enjoy and savor every moment.

  29. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and have a joyous Holiday.

  30. Hi Carolyn. I have been reading your blog for weeks now and would like to say a big thank you for making it so interesting and so prolific.
    I was sorry to hear about your health problem and can sympathise with you as I also suddenly had to have an operation last Tuesday. It's an emotional time and it really does take it out of you so don't expect too much of yourself at present, just concentrate on getting better. Don't worry about sewing, there will be plenty of time for that when you are well again.

    Wishing you all the very best from Sonia in New Zealand

  31. Carolyn: peace, joy and good health to you, now and in the New year.

  32. Wishing you good health and happy sewing times going forward. I had a fall/broken ankle/surgery in September. It happenened in an instant and I could hardly believe it was really happening. But you are right it really makes you stop and think about your life and be grateful for many things.

  33. Carolyn,

    Family and health are what are most important. Treasure what you have.

    I have had major events take away my sewing mojo, but it did eventually come back and so will yours because it is a part of you.

    Wishing you and your family peace, happiness and good health this Christmas season.

  34. Carolyn, so sorry to read of your recent health issues. However, God is good, and I'm doubly glad that you're out of hospital, and on the mend. Although we've never met, I feel as though we're friends. I so enjoy reading your blog, and following along with you on your sewing adventures, yours is the blog I visit most often, and am never dissappointed.

    God Bless You and Keep You and Yours.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year dear friend.


  35. Thank you for this heartfelt reminder. You are so blessed to have your family near and they obviously cherish you. Your desire to sew will return, when it is time. But I understand your stepping back and wanting to do that which is important and maybe put the rest aside.

    I am finding that as I get older (in the low 50's now) the things I thought were important don't bring me the same joy as they used to. The material things are fading, and the coneections to family, friends and ministry are growing.

    I am actually doing more sewing now than ever, but a lot of it is for blessing others - though I do like make my own clothes too - I am not giving that up. Sending you some cyber hugs and our prayers for a speedy recovery (drink lots of water - the effects of those meds. take a long while to cleanse from your body - okay, so that is the "mom" in me telling you what to do - LOL!!)

  36. I am so glad you are on the mend and are taking care of yourself. Here's to 2009 and many days of glorious sewing! --Lindsay T

  37. Your mojo will return when it's ready. In the meantime, take care of yourself, get well, and spend this time with your family and friends. I join with everyone else here in wishing you a happy - and healthy - holiday. Take care of yourself, the rest will follow.

  38. Get well soon. Enjoy the time you have with your family this holiday season.
    May God Bless you.

  39. Merry Christmas and a quick recovery to you! And may your mojo return soon.

  40. Merry Christmas! Hope you are feeling better and everything is okay. Take care and I look forward to your new sewing adventure when you are ready!

  41. Merry Christmas, and wishes for good health in 2009.

  42. Merry Christmas Carolyn! Glad to hear you scare was only a scare and you are well again. Don't worry about the sewing - it can wait!

  43. So glad to hear that you are well and have your family to enjoy this holiday. Don't worry about the mojo, your creativity is needed to connect elsewhere right now and your mojo will all come back when it's time. Enjoy the pause.

    Enjoy your blessings this Christmas and thank you for all the inspiration you have given the rest of us this year.

  44. With age comes wisdom.
    I've thought a lot about how we survive in the society set up for us, how we react to it and how we can have control of how they try to set things up for us.

    I've blogged a lot about it on political sites because I believe we do have control of our moments. It's our choice how we want to be and do and when all of us come together great things can happen.

    With our survival in this moments I think to myself what is needed. I've learned to be happy with what is needed in my moments not so much what I want. This has curved my desire to have a huge fabric and patter stash.

    When I think about living with what society sets up for us I think of Ann Frank and her choice to be happy through what she lived through. Happiness comes from oneself.

    And that's my gift to you. Love your life because its a precious gift that could be gone in the next you know.

    I love your blog! be good to yourself and enjoy your precious moments with your family. Give them lots of hugs and "I Love You"

  45. Carolyn,

    I was so sorry to hear that you have had a health situation that has kept you down this week. I knew that you were at home, but now I realize why your posts lacked your usual spirit. It's hard to think of sewing when you are "out of pocket" healthwise.

    Hope your holiday time with your family will be nurturing and full of love for each one of you. Take care of yourself and let your family pamper you also. You deserve it.


  46. Merry Christmas Carolyn. Glad to hear you're better and surrounded by loved ones.

  47. Please, stay well, and take care of yourself Carolyn. I'm keeping good thoughts about your recovery. I wish a heartfelt Happy Christmas to you and your family.


  48. You know Carolyn... your doing the best thing possible! Family is the most important thing there is! Speedy recovery! And have a Wonderfully Joyous Christmas time with your family and friends!
    Nice thing about fabric... it will wait for you! And you don't have to feed it while your waiting to get back to it! Again, enjoy your time away from work... and count your blessings... we count you twice! You have no idea what you do for the rest of us and your wonderful blog! Merry Chistmas.... here's hoping that Kristy has her baby soon so that she can have a nice Christmas too!

  49. Carolyn - sorry about the health scare, I hope that only positive changes come from it. Sending good wishes your way for a speedy recovery. If sewing does not remain your thing, I can tell that you will use your time for something productive and creative. Thanks for all the times your blog has instructed me or made me laugh.

    Mary from California

  50. I am glad to hear that you are on your way to recovery and hope that you continue to do better. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

    Kathy from NM

  51. I know how you like to keep personal just that. So sorry to hear that you had surgery. Hope that all is well and you are able to relax and enjoy the holidays. The mojo - she will come back :) g

  52. Carolyn, I hope you can have a happy holiday and feel good and strong. I have no pat answers for my self, ya know? it really is about pleasure, and duty and honor and praise and woven into all the corners of ourselves. or whatever.

    Love you.

  53. Merry Christmas to you too Carolyn. I'm glad you are OK. Take care and enjoy spending time with your loved ones (your friends and family I mean not your fabric collection!).

  54. There's nothing like an illness to focus one's thoughts. Get well, enjoy Christmas and all that it means, and don't worry about the "things" that clog up our lives.
    Best wishes,
    Linda (SewingLibrarian)

  55. I'm very glad to hear you're okay. I'm also going through some serious health problems and have had similar reflections over the past few months. But for me, sewing s a great distraction that's really helping me through it. It does seem that we never truly appreciate our health until it's under threat, though.

  56. Goodness! I am so glad that you are ok now! Please take some time to enjoy your friends and family this season. The sewing will be back in the right time. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  57. I too have thought about my "stuff" and what my kids would do if I was gone. But you're right. You have to look at the glass being half full. God bless you & yours for the holidays and new year coming.


  58. Merry Christmas, Carolyn! I am glad you are feeling better and wish you the merriest of all Christmases.

  59. Merry Christmas Carolyn.
    Get well soon, take care of yourself.

  60. Please take care of yourself. I love your blog and your reflections and your heart. Merry Christmas!

  61. Caroline, I wish you continued improving health and that you are surrounded by your loved ones. Life has a way of waking us up now and then! I think many of us wonder what will "they" do with all our "stuff". I think we want to be assured that what is so important to us now will continue to be important to someone once we are gone. I have told my family of my wishes. I think it is important. If we know of someone who would truly appreciate a great stash, they need to be the designated recipient. JMHO.
    I hope you have a wonderful healthy holiday and get some rest.

  62. Happy Holidays, and I hope your healt continues to improve in 2009!

  63. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a very Merry Christmas and good health for the New Year!

  64. Carolyn, I'm so sorry to hear that you had some health problems... I wish you a fast recovery and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas with lots of joy, health and good venture. You are in my thoughts!

  65. I was thinking about you all night. I hope you are much better in the New Year.

  66. Carolyn, I would like to wish you a speedy recovery and a very Merry Christmas!

  67. Hope you're on the road to recovery
    and have a wonderful Christmas with your family.

    I've had the same thoughts - what
    is my husband going to do with all
    my sewing stuff and the massive
    yards of fabric I own, if anything
    happens to me. I'm not thinking about it and will just keep on sewing!

    Take care!

  68. glad you are on the mend......

    sort of a sewing metaphor don't you think?

    rest and enjoy your holiday with your family/loved ones.....the mojo will return in due time....

  69. Wishing you a peaceful Christmas - thank you for sharing your amazing sewing over the past year. Your work and creativity have been inspiring.

  70. Thanks for reminding me of what the truly great gifts are, peace, love, joy, happiness and health. It's sad that I only find it's value when I don't have it. Merry Christmas to you and yours and may the new year bring you all that you have wished for your friends!...and more...

  71. Carolyn .- happy Christmas to you and yours and my best wishes for the new year.

    Hugs, Paco

  72. So Sorry Carolyn to hear of your health issues. I truly hope all is well now with you.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  73. Carolyn, I am sorry to read that you have been out of commission and had surgery. It sounds like you are on the mend and that sewing mojo will return. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Take care and I am sure you will be back up and going soon.

  74. What a nice post (even though the news about yourself was not so good - your attitude is)! Take care and Merry Christmas!

  75. Health things are scary. We take good health for granted and when something happens we take it as a personal affront. Take care of yourself. Sewing machines and fabric don't spoil. They'll be there when you're ready. As others have said, I discovered your blog because of seweing, but it's not why I come back so often. Enjoy your holidays!


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