
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

So you know that I originally started writing this post Friday evening when I got home from work...but Blogger in its infinite wisdom sent it to the cypergods...the black hole of cyper space...somewhere! *LOL* My post was going to be about planning to sew a couple of pairs of pants because it's gotten kinda cold here!

Then after I started to rifle through my closet to determine what would match the two pairs of pants I wanted to make, I realized that I had more than enough "cold weather" pants to make up outfits to wear to work this week. So there wasn't a need for any "hurry up sewing."

First, let me define "cold weather" pants. These are lined pants that I've made using extra heavy wool fabric with a heavier weight lining added. I have four pairs of these constructed and pushed to the back of the pants section in my closet. I use these pants when the temps drop into the teens or lower and as you might imagine these pants aren't worn as often as my normal winter pants are worn.

After coming up with five outfits for the week...

I decided to rummage through the fabric collection for fabric to make a "quick" pantsuit. Yeah, I know...issues! After pulling down a few pieces and moving around several other selections, I settled on this fabric:

5 yards of a 60" wool crepe herringbone in camel & brown stripes from Fabric Mart. This is a wonderfully smooth fabric and will make a great pantsuit.

I then decided to use Vogue 7944 (now OOP) my TNT jacket pattern to go with my TNT pants pattern because I love the pantsuit I made using this combination in early 2007:

It performs well in all of my work situations and that's what I need this new pantsuit to do, too. I am now slowing down to enjoy the process. I have a three-day holiday weekend and an additional two days because of "The Inauguration" so I will have plenty of time to construct these pieces. Maybe I will even throw in a UFO to make my time really productive! *smile*

So even though nothing new came out of the sewing machine this weekend, I do have some firm sewing plans for next well as knowing that once again my closet has not let me down!

p.s. and let's just not discuss the Giants loss to the Eagles...sad...just sad!


  1. Have fun with the herringbone. I like that jacket pattern. I will need a few days to recoup, we were gone all weekend to a hunting ranch in the area and I have laundry to catch up on, the sitter took care of the kids and the house needs a little TLC after them being here with her all weekend.

  2. I like that jacket pattern too. And the previously made suit (I dislike pants suit for some reason) looks wonderful. You wear it well.

    Sorry about your Giants. (You know I couldn't leave it alone.) g

  3. I think it's great that you plan out your outfits(all fabulous,of course) for the week.
    What do you consider a "quick suit"?

  4. Hi there! I recently stumbled upon your blog and I just had to tell you how much I love your creations! "Santa" gave me a sewing machine and I'm learning how to sew. I would to be able to create outfits for myself one day. Thanks for sharing your creations!

  5. I am looking forward to your new pantsuit!

    I fell in love with NYG last year! I too am disappointed.

  6. I like your plans for the new suit, I need to follow suit (lol).

  7. I love that pattern, I know that is going to be a beautiful pant-suit with that fabric. Great combination, I can't wait to see it made up. (Too bad the pattern is out of print) I might have to hunt it down on the internet..LOL

  8. Just wanted to say that you "amaze" me. I really don't know what to say, but WOW. You make some GREAT things.


  9. Good luck with the new pant suit! Looks like a winner with that fabric.

  10. That fabric would make a perfect pant suit. I purchased the same material from fabric mart, but only 3 yrds & wasn't sure what to do with it. Well you've inspired me and may try my hand at making slacks.

    Are you treating the fabric before sewing?

  11. How organised you are to get 5 perfect outfits ready at the beginning of the week - did you make all those items? The pantsuit will be great if the previous version is anything to go by.

  12. I have to say living in Florida we don't have to think about winter clothing. I'm still in shorts :)

    An Inauguration Sewing Party!
    I wanna come hehehe
    Have fun! Will be thinking about you next week all happy behind your machine.

    And crack me up. We should all follow suite LOL

  13. I love that herringbone! It will make a lovely pantsuit. I am sooo looking forward to the long weekend...

  14. Heavy wool and a heavier lining is a brilliant idea! We're supposed to be in single digits or less for a week, here, about 100 miles west of you. I refuse to go out. I so dislike the extreme cold; below 20 is too low for me!

    I love your outfits for the week. There are advantages to being your own designer!

  15. What great outfits you pulled. It makes me lonesome for the days I still dressed up to go to work. Now, having said this , being retired is as close to heaven I'll ever get on this earth. Have a wonderful Sewathon next weekend.
    I'm looking as forward to the inauguration as any American.

  16. Wow, four pairs of warm winter pants. I love that you are so organized and prepared for whatever life deals. I perhaps have had two pairs at a time. Even though they are not the most frequently worn, it is wise to have them at the ready. I can learn a lot from your planning.

  17. Just like everyone else has said I love your outfits, you never miss.

  18. Your work sounds very "mysteriously corporate". I'd love to know a little bit more about your job and what you do in the corporate environment.

    I wish I could be as focused as you are and work on my garments.

    Mel in Central Florida


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