
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Today is my third blogging anniversary. Believe it or not, I started out timidly in 2006, hoping that I wasn't doing this wrong...hoping that someone would come by and read what I had to say, and oogle at my pretty pictures! Hey I was just learning to work my digital camera!

I've made a couple of great friends...learned alot and shared many wonderful experiences with other sewists. Hundreds of kindred spirits visit here daily, leave interesting comments and generally just care about my ramblings on sewing and other things...

So thank you so much for coming by repeatedly, for having your say, for oohhhing and ahhhing over the pics of my garments and hopefully this will continue to be a wonderful experience for all of us!


  1. Happy Blogaversary! I am so happy to have found you online, and to have met you in person.


  2. So glad you were brave enough to try! You've inspired me a lot in the last three years! Thanks!!!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  4. Happy anniversary. I'm so happy you do this; it always makes my day brighter to see a new post on your blog.

  5. Happy Anniversary. I love your blog, I loved being able to meet you in person and I am inspired and encouraged everytime you post a garment. thank you :) g

  6. Happy Blogaversary!!its such an inspiration to see others work,thank you for sharing:)

  7. Happy anniversary. You've inspired me a lot with all of your creations, I just started my own blog too and hope to keep it up like yours.

  8. Happy Anniversary! I'm so glad I discovered your blog.

  9. Happy Anniversary! Love your blog!

  10. Happy Blog-aversary to you!!! Please, continue doing what you do so well.

  11. Happy 3rd Anniversary! I love reading your blog, it makes my day!

  12. Happy 3rd anniversary! I really enjoy your point of view, that and I can rely on you to post regularly! Your blog is addictive.

  13. Happy Anniversary, I love your blog, I'm so happy I found you in 2008. Keep up the great work you inspire many!

  14. Happy Blogaversary! I love your blog, I'm sooo happy you started it!!

  15. Happy Blogaversary. I have been following you all three years. Please don't stop.

  16. I came because you're an Obama Girl.
    I read what you wrote, what others write. I was inspired.

    I love to see and hear what others are doing with their passion which is the same as mine.It's good for the soul...
    It's all about the moments and you give us lots of your sewing moments.

    Cheers for three years!

    Now..whatcha doing in 13 days? :)

  17. Three years! Way to go! You know I love ya.

  18. Happy 3rd Anniversary! May you have many more inspiring and chic years on the Net!

  19. Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Haaaappy Anniversary!! (to the tune of the William Tell overture)


  20. Happy Anniversary, so happy to have found your blog.

  21. Happy Anniversary. Just keep doing what you're doing, and we'll all keep coming back to read about it.

  22. Carolyn,
    Happy anniversary! Your blog is so sincere and interesting. It's the first one I check each day. Keep doing what you are doing. You make so many of us happy each day. I'm only sorry that I can't get together "in person" with you to sew and talk. But the blog is the next best thing.

  23. Happy anniversary! Thanks for sharing your sewing knowledge, it's so appreciated by this lurker.

    Angie R.

  24. Happy Anniversary, Caroline!

  25. Congratulations! I love your blog, and was very happy to meet you. Keep on sewing and blogging, it keeps us all motivated. :)

    Happy Sewing

  26. Three years! I'm so glad I found you online and look forward to the day I too can add "I'm so glad to have met you face-to-face!" You are an inspiration Carolyn, Happy Blogoversary.

  27. Happy Anniversary! I enjoy your honest insights and reflections on your projects. Thank you for this motivation!

  28. *imitatingMarilyn* Happy Birthday to you, happy birhday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!

    I confess, my imitation of lovley Ms. Monroe sucks - but I still wish you a happy Blogoversary!!! Your blog has become a cherished one and I'm looking forward to reading all the time!

  29. Happy Blogiversary! I've enjoyed meeting you and seing all your fantastic garments. Your blog is great inspiration and one of the few I read everyday,

  30. Congratulations on your 3th blog anniversary.

  31. Happy Anniversary! Yours was one of the first sewing blogs I found when I Googled SWAP. I have been a faithful reader ever since.

  32. Happy Anniversary, seems you were quite a pioneer, yours was one of the first I discovered too and one of the great blogs that inspired me to have a go too!

  33. Happy Anniversary! I'm where you were three years ago. I started a new job two months ago and finding the time to sew even harder not to mention that I have a 9 year old that requires attention.

  34. Happy Anniversary! You really are a great help to the sewing community!

  35. Happy anniversary! I love reading your blog.

  36. Happy anniversary, Carolyn! You're definitely one of my favourite bloggers - I love both what you sew and how you write, you have a great sense of humour! And I keep quoting you saying that your job is a way of financing an expensive sewing hobby :)

  37. So happy you made that leap. Happy blogiversary my friend.

  38. Happy Anniversary! Your blog is certainly one I enjoy reading and learning from. Just 3 yrs., wow, you've come a long way, baby!


  39. Happy anniversary. 3 years is a long time in blogosphere! Thanks for sharing your sewing experiences and expertise.

  40. Happy Blogaversary! You've inspired many. Keep on doing it.

  41. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!! Your blog is always so inspiring, keep up the excellent work for many, many years to come!!

  42. The other day while on my daughter's dsl ( still dial up at my house) I read all your old blog posts and enjoyed them so much. I laugh when I think how many oop patterns live with me now that say "Carolyn's tnt"-you always inspire me. Happpy blogiversary! mssewcrazy

  43. Wow, I forgot about my blogger anniversary which was in November. I think mine was three years too!

    But I am writing to say I am so glad I found your blog. You are very inspiring and sometimes we are on the same wave length posting and sewing wise. I like being able to call you a sewing friend and hopefully someday I will actually meet you in person!
    Continue your posts and always provide us some though provoking posts as you are very talented at that.

  44. Happy Anniversary! Your blog is a "must read"! Thank you for the inspiration.

  45. Happy Anniversary!! If not for finding your blog I wouldn't have step out of my fear and tried sewing for myself.

    Thanks so much for being a true inspiration.

    Phyllis T.


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