
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Making of a Suit - Chapter Three

This section is on samples.

I made several samples of trim and interfacing choices. I have several different types of fusible interfacings...bought in large lots or given to me by a friend who just rolled yards and yards of them off a even though I am starting to get to the bottom of the stash...I still have enough different types to choose from for this project.

My first decision was, how firm did I want the front interfacing and collar to be? That is all the pattern specifies should be interfaced and since I am sewing a jacket and not tailoring one, I went with "some" of the jacket specifications. I pulled three interfacing choices from the stash, cut squares and fused them to a piece of my fabric. After performing a touch test, I based my decision on which one to use. Here is what my sample looked like:

The next set of samples were piping samples. Jean left a comment about possibly using both colors together and the idea really intrigued me. So much so that I made samples using both pieces of piping in two different versions.

First beige/green:

Next green/beige:

Neither of these really moved me, so I decided to use the kewl and funky combination for the piping and button choices.

The jacket was then cut out and interfaced. I am pretty far along with the jacket construction and from my last post you can tell that the pants are done. However, I did some interesting things with the lining and that will be the next post on my "Making of a Suit" series.


  1. Now I feel really foolish! What I meant but didn't convey (apparently) was did you have enough "material" to make both or to make two jackets thus using both types of pipeing. Sorry for the confussion... interesting effect though.

  2. I love how you take us through the process. Thank you!

  3. Also...I am learning to make a Chanel jacket and have found 3 of your posts very helpful. Thank you so much! Any more help---please send! Have a good day.

  4. Hi Carolyn,
    since this is the day I've decided to de-lurk on several sewing blogs, yours must be on top of my list. DH kept saying, as I sat there reading your blog and oooh-ing and aah-ing, "You must write this woman a fan letter!" So here it is. Your style and craftsmanship is just amazing, I love the wardrobes you put together, and I hope someday I'll be half as fast a sewer as you! Happy sewing! Uta

  5. Glad you're using that 'kewl' combo. I am also glad that you are showing that you make samples! It amazes me how so many people are clueless about this. You have lots of influence out in cyber sewing space!

  6. I really like your double piping choices! This jacket will be fab and I am following closely. Once again, you looked great in the skirts and heels. Just thought I would let you know again.

    I am so glad you are doing samples. Its the only way to go and I agree with Nancy. There needs to be more encouragement in that direction and you are providing it, Caroline.

  7. Call me strange, but I actually like the decision making process and auditioning various notions. I'm glad you always share this part of your projects.

  8. Can you explain a bit more how you decided which interfacing to use? Once it was fused to the sample - then what? Did you just scrunch it up in your hand? Did you drape them over your hand? How did you decide which one was right? Enquiring minds need to know. g

  9. I love your meticulous spirit. This is going to be so fab!

  10. I like the kewl and funky combo. Another great Carolyn project in the works!

  11. Loving the suit posts. you're an inspiration!!


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