
Thursday, January 29, 2009

An update on "Do You Facebook?"

Yeah, I must be totally missing something because not only did 57 of you talk back to me about your Facebook status - but now the NYTimes has an article in today's newspaper called, "Friends, Until I Delete You."

Ummm, "unfriending" someone for a Whopper?! I don't think I'm ready for Facebook...I might just be too grown! ROTFLOL! And I loved this line..."On Facebook, the rules of etiquette can be vexing." Or the woman who removed a lifelong pal in "a hormonal moment." Geesh, I'm having hormonal moments most days along with those personal summers so I don't think I need to be anywhere near a computer where I could possible unfriend someone!

Anyway, read the is one more interesting take on Facebook!


  1. Carolyn - I meant to respond to your Facebook post but was busy reading everyone else's sewing blogs so here goes:
    I do Facebook but I don't care for it. I would rather update my blog and meet friends that way instead of on another site. Just my 2 cents....

  2. I hadn't heard of "personal summers," but understand you completely. I had heard that "Real Women have power surges."
    Thank you for the Kreative Blogger Award!

  3. Wow, that is an interesting article. I would think my FB friends wouldn't sell me out for a whopper...if they needed one that bad I would buy them one! Thanks for another view point! Mary

  4. Carolyn, my younger girl friends convinced me to join facebook and so far I think it's a waste of time. I'd rather be sewing or painting or reading my favorite blogs. BTW I was in NY yesterday and thought of you when I saw a dress in the Dior window on Madison. It looked so much like something you would make!

  5. I do Facebook. I joined when Emmett said to me,"Ann, it's the MySpace for our generation." I'm not huge on it, and I mostly check it on Saturday mornings while drinking coffee. I'm not into all the sending things. I just don't have time.

  6. Nope to Facebook. Are there age limitations? I would not want children or teens on Facebook as they are vulnerable.

  7. I too call them power surges. I didn't call them anything until they started happening, and now I'm a believer.

  8. After reading that article, it's makes me think about the gal who axed her friend... whatever happened to picking up the phone and saying I'm sorry? Talking to people on the computer sometimes puts us in a situation that people don't think people have feelings any more. You know, since they can't actually see that they are hurting someone. I suppose that it's not supposed to count? Think I will keep my friends (even the ones I've met on line) where they are. And not on facebook! What have we gotten too?

  9. I missed your Facebook post. I am bewildered by people who have hundreds, even thousands, of "friends" on Facebook. Leave it for the kids; did any of those articles say that employers are now monitoring to see if their employees or applicants are on Facebook, and have anything embarrassing posted? Yeah, I'll continue to be a grownup, too.

  10. I missed your Facebook post until now- and nope, I don't Facebook nor do I MySpace. I have precious little time as it is, and I spend waaaayyyy too much time perusing sewing blogs as it is!!
    Plus, if I ever go back into the workplace fulltime, I do not want to worry about someone turning me down for a job because of something on a website. Much more reassuring that its because I chose to stay out of the workplace to raise my son, which I wouldn't trade those years for any job- they are priceless and I'm daily thankful I was able to do it!

  11. I recently joined, but I'm not really in to it. I guess it's a fine way to connect, but I know I already waste too much time computing and really don't need another *thing to do*.

  12. I am so bummed...I saw that faux leather/shearling on Fabricmart and didn't pull the trigger. Lucky you!

  13. I just recently signed up on Facebook. Not sure why but at the moment it was interesting. There are so many other sewists on there but then I connect with many of them through PR, Blogs and now Facebook. I don't spend much time there as I spend way to much blogging, reading digest emails and reviews at PR.


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