
Friday, February 06, 2009

A LBD and some updates...

I have a little black dress "LBD" for spring/summer in a lightweight rayon linen blend, for the transitional times it's in a wool blend double knit but I don't own one for fall/winter. Now I've always wanted one but you know about that little issue I've had with cold weather! However, now that I've resolved that dilemmia...and after wearing this black/white jumper from my 2007 SWAP collection today, I really want a black wool crepe version of this:

...lined of course, with one of my Fabric Mart silk charmeuse purchases and with the same thin black piping at the neckline and armholes. In my wardrobe are several cardigans and jackets that will work wonderfully with this new dress...I will keep you updated on its progress!


Major Project #1...I basted the sleeves into the jacket and tried it on. It's a little tight when buttoned so I'm gonna have to let the side seams out a smidge. But I am still plugging away on it. I will do another post on its progress soon.

This is major project #2. Which I haven't given much thought to lately...although it is within viewing distance so that I can't forget about it. I know what I want the dress to be and I need to just handstitch the hems on the jacket as well as adding buttons and buttonholes. *sigh* I need to get re-energized about this project!

I've found my fabric for my Easter Outfit and of course it's not in my collection! *LOL* Fabric Mart has this great Sarah Campbell fabric on its site and since yellow is the Pantone color for 2009 ~ you know I'm now the proud owner of three yards. I used the "Friends of PR" discount to get 30% off the order (said discount expires February 8th!). I knew the fabric wouldn't last until the end of March when I would seriously start thinking about making a new Easter outfit...well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

~New Vintage Pattern Site
I "found" this new (to me) vintage pattern site - "Your Pattern Shop" - enuf said!

And finally, I love the blog, Michelle Obama Fashion and Style! The other day she posted a link to a dress that our First Lady wore to a prayer breakfast with The President. You can see it here...not only do I LOVE the dress but I LOVE the fact that The President of the United States is holding out the chair for his wife! *ahhhhhh* But back to the dress...I.Must.Make.This.Dress!!!

It is very similar to this Ann Taylor dress from last fall that I also fell in love with!

I have the fabric and I can use my TNT dress pattern...I have to make this dress!

Well I'm off to steam press my black wool crepe...


  1. O.K. so I just went and looked at your 2007 SWAP! And can I tell you that I love your reversable dress! And the fact that you used the same print on each side (different color of course). Very cool! I do have a question though! I made a reversable dress b/4 Christmas for my mom and for the life of me... I couldn't get the hems to come out very nice at all! My dress had a bodice with a higher waist on it and well the pattern wasn't really meant to be a reversable. But all was well, except for the hems!!!!! I of course didn't have her here to try it on her... what can I say those are all the excuses I can think of right at the moment! Help! I could use a pointer or two on that. I did use Charmeuse, so maybe that was part of the problem? Help!

  2. that Michelle Obama dress is lovely. Can't wait to see how you make it your own.

    Love the black jumper, again will be waiting to see how you make it your own. g

  3. I am halfway through a basic dress which looks like it might be a TNT for me and I instantly thought of you! I'm hoping soon I too can have a wardrobe of fabulous, easy to make dresses.

  4. I'm glad to see that you will take on the yellow challenge! I'm afraid I'll have to pass on that one this year; wow, yellow just makes me look sooo green. I love that Michelle Obama fashion site also - but they have very good material to work with (*g). And here is my two cents on the Mr. and Mrs. O relationship: I think Barak Obama wakes up every morning with the knowledge that he's the luckiest man on earth because he got Michelle Robinson to marry him. And that's the way it should be for us all.

  5. Oh you are so busy! I had to go check out the new to me too Vintage Pattern Shop! I may have to go over to Fabric Mart and see what they have in stock in yellow. Some yellows are just perfect for me!

  6. I just read your last post and I thank you for your advice. "I could sew all day everyday". That's a quote from my very first post I think. But I feel guilty if I'm not keeping a meticulous house or keeping in touch with friends etc.And after all, how many clothes does a retired 61 year old need anyway?I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am organized about my sewing but my feelings of guilt about enjoing sewing more than anything (and I mean anything) get in the way.
    Love that yellow fabric!

  7. I thought you had finished that red suit. You know that jacket should look great with the new black dress ;)

  8. I love that yellow fabric and can't WAIT to see what you make with it. What a fantastic, vibrant color! that is going to make a gorgeous easter dress.


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