
Friday, August 07, 2009

The Dueling First Lady Outfits

As most of us probably now know, Butterick has released it's own version of the First Lady's Inaugural Outfit. And my good friend, Karen who authors the blog, Sewing by the Seat of my Pants did a blog post about this. Of course, I'm following up with a post of my own because I've got more to say than you can leave in the comments section!

First lets look at the diagrams of both outfits...

Simplicity 2552

Butterick 5396

and I think this really tells the tale of the two dueling outfits. Besides the fact that the Simplicity pattern is a "wardrobe" pattern and the Butterick one is just a dress/jacket combo, the draft of both the jacket and dress differ from pattern to pattern.

If you need a lot of fitting opportunities and a bustline seam that is lower, the Butterick pattern is the way to go. The princess seams in both the back and front of the dress will make this an easier fit and it is also drafted up to a size 24.

If you are looking for a Michelle Obama wardrobe then the Simplicity pattern would be your choice. There are pieces included that are typical of her working wardrobe and the draft on both the jacket and dress have less seams. Darts are used for fit in the dress along with a more flared skirt and the jacket back has a yoke and a center back seam.

Now Karen and I have both seen the original and we disagree on which looks more like the designer version. She thinks the Butterick...I think the Simplicity (which I already own in honor of full disclosure!). See this is the wonderful thing about sewing...if we so choose we can both purchase our respective choices and come up with our own versions of this infamous outfit.

So what do you think? Butterick or Simplicity pattern - which to you looks more like the First Lady's Inaugration Outfit? Inquiring minds want to know!?!


  1. My vote is for the Butterick version . . . it looks a little more tailored than the Simplicity version. Granted, you DO get more of a wardrobe out of the Simplicity pattern, but I think the Butterick coat and dress are spot-on! Heck, you can't lose with either pattern. I'll be buying the Butterick pattern today (thanks to Club BMV!).

  2. I like the Butterick pattern. For myself, the princess seaming on the dress will be a better fit for me. I was going to pick up the Simplicity 2552 but now that I see the Butterick 5396 I changed my mind. I think it depends on your personal preference.

  3. I'm going to pass on this one, since I already have 2 M.O. tribute dress patterns--the one she wore for the DNC speech and the View sundress. I'm planning to get a third one, the dress with the pleated neckline. Both Butterick and Vogue have it.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. IIRC, the lace on the First Lady's dress was narrow, so the dress was a princess line design. Carolyn, you saw the dress in person - is my assumption correct? So I'd go with the Butterick.

    Actually I like the Butterick better in general.

  6. I like the Butterick better, but I can't see pictures on line that give enough detail to vote on closest to "the real thing". Most of them show the coat being blown open and/or the sweater on top of the dress. But the Butterick version is in yellow lace with green gloves. It MUST be closer, right. :-)

  7. Well I was right there with you looking at the real thing and I say BUTTERICK, baby!

  8. I just don't know. I think for me - I like the lines of the butterick better, but I like the fullness of the Simplicity skirt. I haven't seen the MO dress up close and personal yet - so it's hard to say for sure which is "closer." It's great that we have options though. g

  9. I like the Butterick too. It's certainly easier to fit, and as Ann said, it would fit the narrower lace that was used.

  10. If I were going to make it, I would use the Butterick. Princess seams are my friend!

  11. I must have been living under a vintage pattern rock, because I had no idea this was going on! And I love that Simplicity and Butterick both made versions!

    I think I prefer the Butterick, but only because the placement of the jacket tie is so much better, to my eyes. Doesn't the bow look much more dignified when it's below the bust rather than right in the middle? And M.O. is nothing if not dignified!

  12. Thanks for giving us such a good comparison. The choice is difficult for me because I like them both. Without seeing M.O.'s dress up close, I believe that the Butterick is closer to the original. I also like the princess seam fitting opportunities that I need. At the same time, I like the wardrobe that Simplicity provides.

  13. The differences are really apparent from the back view; Carolyn, which one resembles the original from the back? My gut is telling me the original has a back yoke like Butterick's version, but lower.

  14. I would say the butterick looks more like her inauguration outfit.

  15. I think the Butterick version is closer, but it could be the fabric that's throwing me. In any case, that's the one I'd choose to sew due to the lower bustline...of course I also like the short jacket in the Simplicity pattern, so would probably end up with both!

  16. I would also say that butterick is closer, but since I have simplicity I will be working that one up, unless JA has another .99 pattern sale.

  17. I can't find a photo of the back of Michele's coat. The Simplicity pattern has a yoke in the back. I don't know if the original had a back yoke, or not.

  18. I've only seen glances of the outfit on the news, so I'm not sure which is closer to the original, but the thought that strikes me is that this is one of the many great things about sewing. So many of us with different shapes and sizes can have a First Lady inspired outfit and the pattern companies are right there to give us what we need. I hadn't planned on making this dress, but I am planning on making the pleat neck one. My pattern is ready to go and my fabric is in the mail. I'm especially keen to see what you make of the inauguration dress, Carolyn, but I'm also looking forward to see what others do with it too.

  19. hmmm...guess I'm missing something, since I have to disagree with the majority here. The Simplicity looks just as I pictured Michelle Obama's outfit. Granted, I didn't see the ensemble up close, but, the Butterick pattern looks too "fussy".

  20. I don't know, because they both have that Mrs. O "feeling" about them. Is there a Simplicity "twin" for Butterick 5333?

  21. It's kind of neither and both. The inauguration dress has princess seams, at least in the front. The jacket has more seaming in the back than either pattern. And neither pattern got the built up neckline correct.

  22. Nice topic Carolyn! You nailed it, it is a matter of body type and personal preference. The non sewing lady on the street probably didn't notice what seam was were, but just the overall silhouette.

    This question is off topic, but I didn't know where to post it. I really wanted your thoughts on pretreating the yummy wool jersey. London shrink? Dry cleaners?

    Like you, I work fulltime, grabbing sewing moments as I can. I want this fabric ready to go as soon as I get the last work done on BWOF 8/09 119. I am so excited about the quality and hand of the fabric.


  23. The Butterick gets my vote mainly because the Simplicity has raglan sleeves and not everyone can carry that off. Sloping shoulders look narrower and square shoulders look wider; it is a hard design to make work well. Isn't just great that MO has enough fashion sense that pattern makers are copying her "look". Can't imagine that from any past first ladies in a long time. Thank you for bringing cool patterns to our attention!!!

  24. The butterick pattern to me fit the bill on M.O dress. I brought the simplicity and the butterick pattern. I have to say you are great- your blog keep me in touch with the upcoming fashions.

  25. Either pattern could be used, but I'd vote for the Butterick's


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