
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Middle of the month ramblings...

It's the 15th of the month and I've completed one garment...just one! How is that?! *LOL* I have been alot more social this month but this weekend I just want to burrow in and stay home with my sewing machines, my magazines (yes the September Fall Fashion Issues have started to arrive in my mailbox) and finish off a novel I'm reading.

So these are just bits and pieces things that have been rambling through my mind this week:

1. Another refashion of a skirt

I wore this skirt with one of the white Butterick 4980 jackets last week and it bothered me.

The border that I added to the hem when I cut it last year was just too I wrapped the border around the 5/8" seam allowance and stitched it down. Then I cut it off! I'm much happier with it now!

I love Michael Kors garments. He is one of my favorite how come I didn't realize that he had his own website! Yeah, I wasted a few hours there this week looking at fall fashions when I had to work the reception desk. I...HATE...WORKING...the receptionists desk! *LOL* But at least flipping through the site made it a little less onerous!

Okay, I know change is good. I understand the need for allows us to grow and get better...but this website is NOT better AT ALL! Ummm, could you have kept some of the features I the "New Patterns" button. I don't go into the website to find just one particular thing...I wanna see what's new! Can we bring that back please? And I'm just not going to say anything about all that other junk that's up on the "Pattern Website" Nope I'm just not going to speak on it...

Speaking of websites...when is this one going to be done! *sigh* I need a fix and there haven't been any new arrivals on this site in over 2 weeks! Don't they know that this is where I go to take a break when work is a little too stressful or overwhelming. Folks I'm teetering here...bodily harm could befall someone! *LOL* Seriously, they need to get this together...okay...I just surfed over as I was writing this one and the new site is up! Thank the Lord! I'm fine now...I will be okay...I just have to sit here patiently waiting for them to refill it...

5. Fabric Shopping

I went to Metro Textiles yesterday. I've been having a bad work week and as you just read online fabric shopping was doing nuthin' for me! *LOL* So I went to see my favorite fabric vendor in the garment district and he didn't disappoint. I only bought 12 yards...breathe Lindsay, breathe...but I got the most amazing gray wool. This is a pic of it with the rayon lining I bought for it...

This stuff is smooth with a tight weave and a wonderful hand! Ah it soothed a weary soul I tell you, yes it did! I also bought 2 black and white knits - one with a border print. I kept one (the border print) and shared one with my daughter. I also bought a black/white/green graphic print in a cotton sateen which is in the wash right now. Hopefully it will become a sheath dress this weekend. I'm going back to basics...that last dress was *sigh* a disappointment so back to what I do best!

6. Blog Reading

I read alot of blogs. Even if I'm not a follower, I still read them weekly. I don't always leave a comment...even though I am a comment 'ho myself but I'm always around. So it was fun to surf into Cindy's blog this morning and find an entire set of links to sewing articles. You need to go over and check this out! It was fun reading about how sewing is making a resurregence all around the country!

Okay that's it...the fabric is in the dryer book is calling me and I do want to sew today! So hopefully a finished garment in my next post...

...and as always...more later!


  1. I love what you did with the skirt! I've been frustrated with Fabric Mart too although I'm certain I have enough fabric to tide me over for a bit. ;-) I like to check the new arrivals at my favorite fabric sites every day!

  2. Carolyn,
    I love the skirt. I have sent you an email from my compuserve account.

  3. I love the change to the hem in your skirt. The small band of contrast makes it look very classy!

  4. Carolyn - I love reading your blog and glad to hear to read others as do I, and enjoy them all, but the time! I wish I had more of it! And I love how you sew and fit yourself so beautifully.

    New sites - I'm having probs with some new site designs too. Are we getting old a crotchety?!!! ;-)

  5. Your skirt looks so much better! Thanks for making me smile as I was reading your blog. I just finished a round with my seam ripper and needed a boost for my foul mood.

  6. Sewing blogs have been slow for a few weeks. People are busy in the summer, and sewing tends to go by the wayside. Fall it coming, and sewing/blogging will pick up again.

    Pretty skirt. I dislike the new Simplicity website also.

  7. Sewing Fanatic---love your random thoughts---always interesting and enjoyable. Re: Simplicity Pattern website. Maybe if everybody sent them an email regarding the absence of the NEW PATTERN catagory, they might redesign the redesigned website!!! I already did, just after I read your blog tonite!!!!
    Renita---a consistant reader!

  8. Thanks for the FYI on the Simplicity site. I must have missed the day they switched. And I'm not happy about it. Yuck.

  9. The skirt looks wonderful, the fabric is beautiful and the narrower border looks great, IMO

    (now I'm off to see those sewing links, lol!)

  10. as always, I enjoy reading your blog... and tomorrow (Monday) will journey 3 hours by bus to NY and will finally get to visit Metro Textiles! Can't wait.

  11. IIRC, Simplicity is owned by Consew Trims. So the other stuff on the website isn't a surprise.

  12. oh yeah, the skirt looks cute with the change to the band. I do stuff like that all the time. After wearing something a few times, I'll tweak it to make me happier. Must go read Cindy's blog now.

  13. I'm with you sistah . . . love Michael Kors (didn't know he had a website, but doesn't everyone these days?). I don't bother with the Simplicity website since I've hooked up with Club BMV. And I must take a look at FabricMart . .. I've been growing weary looking at the same fabrics for what seems like weeks on end! Have an excellent weekend!

  14. I must me missing something but the new designs button for simplicity and new look are still there.

  15. New patterns are listed under the "New Products" button on the revamped Simplicty web site. I wouldn't consider patterns a product, per se...

    I agree with you though. the new site Sucks Patootie!

  16. I love the new site! I thought your comments were about the old site. Today is my first day seeing Simplicity Creative. It's much better than the previous site.


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