
Sunday, August 02, 2009

Sunday Evening and still no sewing...

Yeap...that's right I have nothing to report and nothing to show...

It's Sunday evening and I haven't turned on a sewing machine or even had the time to clean off my cutting table. My last project sits, waiting patiently for me to return to it...but I've had a busy weekend out...and tomorrow is work yet again!

I did however, partake in the designer fabric sale...I was dragging my feet about buying any more of the Vera Wang Collection until the Cats Away Double Dipping sale was advertised. 25% off the total of the 50% off reduction was just too good to pass up so I bought a few yards...not as much as the last time...but still some yardage.

I also bought a new Loes Hinse pattern. I only have 2 or 3 of these patterns because I don't really feel they are plus size...although I know several plus size women that sew with them frequently and get great results...I guess I've always been put off by the number of alterations I would have to make to them. Which is silly right considering I alter the heck out of everything else! So I saw this jacket...the Ascot Jacket...check out it's back views...that's what sold me...

....actually made up on Stitcher's Guild. It's different and something that will work well in my wardrobe without actually making me look like everyone else when suited up for meetings! So it will begin winging it's way to me this week. I have a drapey black/cream rayon that I bought from Fabric Mart last year to make a completely different outfit but the fabric should work well for a trial jacket and skirt from this pattern.

I really just don't feel like sewing. I feel like I'm on the cusp waiting for something to change...something to happen...and since I have plenty to wear in the closet...I am just not encouraged to sew. Is anyone else feeling like this?

Well I'm off...I'm actually heading back out the door...and as always...more later!


  1. I understand where you are coming from. I sewed SO much in June and July that I have had NO mojo for sewing clothing (have been working on a quilt)....UNTIL today lol. I picked up some fabric for a Trench today and nowwwwwwww I'm ready to sew lol. Let's see how much I actually get done lol.

  2. Been altering wedding gowns since March and now that they have slowed down, thank God, I have been making Slinky knit outfits for friends and ended up buying some slinky from Denver Fabrics. Once the temps drop below 105 in southern Oregon I am sure the sewing bug will return.
    You are entitled to a whole weekend off!!!!!!

  3. My mojo got up and went, too. I've spent the last three evenings in my sewing room, and ended up surfing the net. Turned my machine on tonight, but didn't sew a stitch. I finally ended up on Ebay, where I picked up five new presser feet.

  4. Hey, I think I have your mojo!! After spending the last few years settling in to running my business, I have had to grab my mojo on the odd occasion it has streaked past me Lol!! Now I have found it on a more permanent basis (I hope!) I am making the most of it :-))

    Love the back of that jacket! I am not really a jacket wearer but that style would be casual enough for my lifestyle if I made it in a soft drapey fabric. Can't wait to see what you do with your pattern when it comes - cos we know you will make it yours!

  5. Ooh, just had a closer look - luuuurve the collar!!!

  6. I read a nice online article on wardrobing and got all enthused, but I don't want to sew any more summer garments. There are some wool blends on that I'm thinking would be a great place to start and with the sale through tonight I hope to order and plan for fall. That doesn't count as sewing, but it's in the ballpark, right?

  7. I have that pattern and I plan on using it in my fall sewing. I'm thinking a suit with the Ascot jacket and Hepburn pants in one of my wool crepes.

  8. My daughter is a quilter and has put a free e-zine up on line. You might be interested.

    She also sews clothing.

  9. Nice pattern. I haven't used any of the Loes Hinse patterns but a few are looking tempting right now.

  10. Altering patterns scares the heck out of me. That is why I do not sew for myself!!!

  11. I don't know how much you have to do to make this wearable for you, but it will certainly fit in your corporate workplace without being too tailored.

  12. What a lovely little jacket - I have never used Loes Hinse patterns, but this one looks really unusual and inspiring. I can't wait to see it when you've made it up. It also looks quite versatile - should look good in many different fabrics.

  13. Carolyn I feel like that about sewing for myself because I haven't had a chance to wear my favorite dresses ansd skirts much because of the weather this summer. However I have been sewing up a storm for my daughter. I'm on my fifth piece of a six piece mini wardrobe and I'm really enjoying that.
    Somehow I don't think any of us has any worries about you not getting back to your sewing machine but we'll all be glad when you do.LOL.

  14. That is a great looking jacket. I think it will work well with your style of garments.

  15. Oh My, I like that pattern. Surely, I can find room for one more pattern! I think that it will look great on you and worth the time that you spend with alterations. I guess I haven't been sewing long enough to suffer that burned out feeling. I still treasure every second that I can spend with my sewing machine.

  16. I can't wait to see how that jacket turns out! I just love how a jacket finishes an outfit.

  17. We all go through a non-sewing phase from time to time and it happens the most when we start planning the next season's sewing...


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