
Friday, August 28, 2009

Thank You!

I was looking through my blog and reading some of the comments and I have to say a great big thank you to all of you! Thank you for reading my adventures! Thank you for cheering on the guest bloggers and thank you for coming back again and again!

Being the comment ho that I am, it is always amazing to me that days later someone is still commenting on a post. It is heartwarming to realize that you care as much about something I said, wrote and made as much as I do.

But most especially I want to give thanks to both Gigi and Colleen for taking the time to write such informative blog posts...for so willingly sharing of their vast sewing knowledge and who without hesitation agreed to write these posts!

Thanks to everyone who let me know that Archie is marrying Veronica and making the biggest mistake of his life! Yeah, that marriage won't last...sort of like how Barbie finally got wise to Ken! *LOL* Hang in there Betty, your turn is coming!

I'm having dinner this evening with some sewing friends...and I can't wait!
(ETA - Dinner will have to wait! Woke up this morning feeling I'm home today! I hope you guys will forgive me!)

As always...more later!!!


  1. Thank you for sharing your sewing with us!

  2. I have a great appreciation for what you do and how you feel about what you do. When I tell my co-workers and some of my friends about my hobbies and my yearning passion on learning how to sew I get laughed at. But to me the more they laugh the less they have to do, which in itself is said not to have something to be passionate about. I have read and am still reading, I mean beginning to end. That goes to show you have definetly captured my interest and my desire to be as adventurous and as detailed as you are. I have to say this is by no means envy. IT IS AWE.

  3. Caroline, THANK YOU!!! You are willing to share your passion and that is what draws us to your blog. It is great reading - informative, well-written, sometimes humorous. I've learned a lot from your blog but mostly I have been inspired and motivated to try my hand at sewing things I otherwise would not have. THANK YOU!!!!

  4. Carolyn, It's always a treat to stop by your space in the sewing cyberworld. You are so gifted and generous to share your experiences with us all. I appreciate the inspiration and the "tutorials". You have enriched by creativity and sewing skills.

    Have a great time with your sewing friends.


  5. I hope you feel better soon! I always look forward to your blogs!

  6. Yeah, that's me - a day late and a dollar short! I am saving the fit article for a quiet time where I can read and digest it - probably tomorrow morning very, very early when I know everyone will be asleep because they stayed up too late tonight.

  7. Hope you're feeling better soon. I didn't know about Archie and Veronica, either. The announcement was not in the Lifestyles section of my paper.

  8. Just catching up with some of my favorite blogs, (it's been a bitch of a week!) and I have to say, I wish you lived out California way because I would love to meet you. You are one heck of a gal and I love your blog, your sense of humor and all the great information you so generously share.

    Feel better and if you don't, be sure to have a restful weekend.

  9. Get Well!!! and Thank YOU for the great blog ----Corinne

  10. No thank you - I've been busy with the new job, getting into routine, etc. Need to catch up on Thursday posts - especially Colleen. I hope you feel better soon. g

  11. Carolyn, I absolutely love reading your 'blog but seldom leave a comment because I have always thought that you must be overwhelmed by the volume of comments you get! I didn't realize how much you love them. So I'll be leaving more comments from now on!

    I love your new MK knockoff dress-in-a-day. Your invisible zip learning curve is beginning to reach it's "I can do this!" plateau. Good for you!


  12. I am so sorry we missed you on Friday!!! I hope you are feeling much better soon. Next time for sure!

  13. Hope your feeling better! And as far as I'm concerned... Barbie really needs to connect with G.I. Joe!!! LoL....

  14. Hope you're feeling better, Carolyn


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