
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Vogue 1127 - Part 4 - The Bias Binding for the Jacket

Quite honestly even though the pattern had a piece for making bias binding strips, in my heart of hearts I just didn't want to use it.  At first I told myself that it would give the garment a more cohesive look...the bias binding matching either the fashion fabric or the underlining...but I wasn't really sold.

So the project sat...and I moved on.  I even checked a few trim stores in NYC for pre-made bias binding and no go there either!  BTW, why does M&J have such a small (and I mean small!) selection of pre-made bias binding?  And the colors of gray satin bias binding at Daytona and another little trim store that I looked at didn't work either.

Then last weekend when I was digging around in the drawer full of pre-cut bias rolls that I bought from Fabric Mart about 10 years ago (and one of the best buys I ever made from them!) to make some bias binding for the VOT Dress, I found this roll:

To say that I was a little excited would be an understatement! *LOL*  All week I've been waiting for the time to turn this roll into bias binding.  I even fell asleep yesterday evening on the bus home dreaming about how to apply the bias binding to not only the jacket but the accompanying dress.

I am soooo inspired that I got up this morning, put up the ironing board and commenced to making yards and yards of bias binding:

Here is a sneak peek of the finished bias binding on the cut out pieces of fabric:

I'm off to spend the rest of the afternoon working on the jacket...and no, I haven't forgotten about finishing up the VOT Dress.  I can do both this weekend.  Also, if I'm diligent, I may just get the dress that accompanies the jacket started too!

Did I mention that I'm so excited and inspired!  *LOL*  I'm off to sew and as always...more later!


  1. How fun to find treasures hidden among one's "stuff". Gives a whole new meaning to "stash". And aren't you glad you have it?

  2. How nice you have ready access to those things? The only premade bias binding I find are Wrights and some for quilts. I need to investigate online.

  3. Just wanted to let you know I just found your blog and really love all the things you post about. I'll definately be back!

  4. It does look good together...grrrrreat find :)

  5. Wow! what a great match! It's great having a stash of fabric and notions. It can be like Dorothy in Oz--I have everything I need at home! :)

    Rose in SV

  6. How exciting! I love the bias strip fabric. Hope it worked out.

  7. OH how fabulous. I always admire your stash of notions. Can't wait to see.

  8. So fabulous. Yards and yards and yards...and yards of something that goes with your project. Congrats and enjoy the serendipity!

  9. Isn't it fabulous to find such a handy thing in the stash!


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