
Saturday, October 31, 2009

VOT Dress - Fashion Shoot

It took way too long to hem this dress.  Several evenings this week after work, I thought that I would just sit down and do the hems:

But it never happened!  So this afternoon, I bite the bullet turned on my television, cued up CSI Miami on OnDemand and added the hem tape and stitched the hems down.

I also decided that I didn't need the covered button for the collar.  I have a really kewl pin collection and leaving the embellishment off would give me opportunities to showcase them:

Now in the case of full disclosure...I must admit that I am wearing a super duper heavy all-in-one bodyshaper.  Adding the embellished waistline to the dress brings attention to an area that is not my most attractive feature...*LOL*  But I really wanted to try something different and I think it works:

Dress Alone

Dress with the cardigan ~ and how I will most likely wear it!

An interior shot of the lining and armhole & neckline bindings:

I really like this dress.  It is a different take on my TNT dress with a little retro vibe.  And even though it was a little labor intensive, it was worth the effort!  All of the construction information is included in these posts.  

Since it's dress the low fifties here on the East Coast...I plan on making a few more but next up is a simple lined skirt... always, more later!


  1. Carolyn, I like your dress both ways. With the jacket on, it reminds me of a comment Kathy Ruddy used to make at sewing expos - "With your jacket on, you have a five-inch waist. That's all anyone can see!" I keep that in mind when I'm dressing! Have fun wearing your new creation!

  2. I really like this ensemble, Carolyn. You made the right move re: the button. It looks very "Madmen" with your great pin. Excellent decision.

  3. Gorgeous! Very Michelle Obama. The important thing about the waistline feature is that your waist goes IN, which it does. It looks great!

  4. The pin is a great idea. I think this is a really flattering, feminine dress and you look lovely. The waist embellishment is perfect.

  5. as always - fabulous! I love it. Great job substiting pins for the button it just a little something. It looks fabulous with or with the cardi. Stunning! g

  6. Pretty dress. The pin looks very nice.

  7. Ooooh. I still can't get over how fabulous that collar is! So beautiful! :)

  8. I love it! Leaving the collar plain to shoe case favourite pins is a wonderful idea (that I plan to steal). You look absolutely wonderful!

  9. You look stunning in that dress.. I love everything about it and it's a great fit on you...

  10. Hi, have a nice weekend, yeah! And by the way, nice post yay! Come check Chanel and Rodarte.


  11. So pretty, love this dress!

    Happy Halloween, enjoy the children :)

  12. The super heavy duty body shaper is working because my first thought when I say the photo was, "Carolyn has lost weight!" You look fab!

  13. Your dress looks fantastic, I like the collar with the pin, great idea.

  14. Carolyn,

    Your dress is lovely, both the colour and the style. You look good with or without the jacket.

  15. Wow, this is gorgeous. I absolutely love the fabric. I don't think the dress is unflattering at all - at least from the pictures, the deinition at your waistline gives a nice shape.

    But, you can never go wrong with Spanx. For me, it hides all manner of sins...

  16. Gorgeous dress and you look beautiful in it!

  17. Going with the pin(s) is a great idea. Lovely dress. You must have a heap of fabulous dresses now.

  18. Oh, the collar with the brooch is just fabulous, Carolyn! I think the shape is lovely on you.

  19. Hello Carolyn, this is the first comment I've ever made on your blog, although I've been admiring your creations for sometime :-) I just wanted to tell you now though how much I like this dress on you WITHOUT the cardigan. It is so much more slimming and gives you a figure and shape. So, please take this as encouragement to be brave and wear the dress without the cardigan (but with the super "suckerinera" if you prefer!) You look fantastic in it and I'm sure you'll receive many compliments! Tully.

  20. I just love this as a dress in which all the components come together to work beautifully. The fabric, the little bit of retro collar, the waistline trim (which looks super on you)...I said it on your flickr page, but this is my favorite I think, of all your dress projects.

  21. I love the collar, the color, and the pin! Wonderful!

  22. Carolyn, the dress is gorgeous and you look so wonderful in it. What a great job you did!

  23. You did a fantastic job on the dress and great idea to showcase your pins. The dress looks great on you and also like the waist line embellishment.

  24. I love this dress on you, with and without the jacket. I love the color and the addition of your pin.

  25. I really love this dress. It look so nice on you and the waistline detail is just lovely. The combination of everything is perfect and the idea of leaving off the buttons to show off your fabulous pins is inspired. This is the perfect dress for wearing with a pin.

  26. That dress looks just fabulous! I love everything about it!

  27. The dress is gorgeous, and I hope you wear it without the cardigan as often as possible! Love the pin!

  28. You've made another lovely dress! I especially love the waist trim and the use of pins.

  29. I love your dress! It's retro, yet modern.

  30. Love the dress and the pin. You look great!

  31. You look great! Thanks for sharing.

  32. Great dress. Perfect combination as always. Great idea to leave the button and use your pins on the collar. You make me think I should make more dresses.

  33. Great looking dress! I really love the retro collar. I think the waist detail really is flattering on you.

  34. You should like it! It is extremely flattering. I like it worn with the jacket.

  35. Very, VERY nice! I love everything.

  36. This dress is absolutely stunning on you and top couture quality. It looks soooo expensive and what a wonderful way to showcase your pins, too. What wonderful work you do!

  37. The dress is fabulous! Wow, you look great in your new dress!

  38. Beautiful! something our first lady will wear. The pin looks greattt!

  39. Looks fab on you! I love the idea of trading out various pins at the collar.

  40. It looks great - the waist, the pin... it really works!

    BTW - what do you use to bind the neck and armholes?

  41. WOW! I love the collar. And the pin idea is fantastic! A great way to show off beautiful pieces of jewelry. Thanks for sharing! :)

  42. Great choice for the collar embellishment - you can rotate those pins much easier than a button without the hassle of sewing the buttons one. I love the look with the cardigan, too.

  43. It looks so lovely on you. I'm enjoying the color vicariously, since I can't wear it. Thanks for showing us pictures with and without the jacket.


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