
Friday, November 20, 2009

Dinner with the girls

...and the reason why there was no "New Sewist Thursdays" post yesterday!

I have a full weekend now that Miss Marji is in town.  As you saw on her blog, yesterday we were at Kashi's (and of course the pics I took on my blackberry, I somehow neglected to save!) so you can see slim Marji and the plus size woman on Marji's blog with the obligatory pose with Kashi shot.  *LOL*

Then I met Mardel and Marji for dinner!  And we had so much dinner and in their hotel room later that I was really sad that I hadn't brought some jammies to spend the night with them!  We will be having dinner tonight with some special friends...then I have Saturday to sleep late, clean my apartment and move some things around because Marji will be by to spend Sunday evening and night with me.  Yeah!!!

Gosh, I should have called this post, "The Marji Weekend!"  BTW, can you do me a favor?  When you surf over to Marji's blog, can you become a follower!  She is an awesomely talented sewist who has some amazing information to share.  You won't be disappointed if you start to follow her blog!

Anyway New Sewist Thursdays will be back next week.  Have a great sewing weekend and I will have more of the Marji Weekend to share later!


  1. A big of a challenge for you, Carolyn: I know it's so easy to just keep making the TNT over and over. But I'd love to see you document how you deal with a new pattern, getting it to fit. Do you make a muslin, pin the pattern, measure like crazy, use your "standard alterations", or just play and pray? You could post the photos on your FaceBook, and then when you finish, I'll bet Threads or SewNews or somebody would jump at the chance to publish the whole article.

  2. Wish you'd name the blog and put a link when you recommend us to look at one!

  3. To Anonymous above, there's a link to Marji's blog in the first sentence of the first full paragraph of this post. Enjoy!

  4. Mardel, Marji and Carolyn all in one place. Wow, I would have loved to be a hmmm, not a fly...hmmmm, well, something small and non-threatening in any way on that wall. :) So nice to see you all together!

  5. I was hoping there wasn't a bad reason why you didn't have your regular Thursday "new sewists" post! Sounds like you had a delightful time . . . I'm envious!

  6. Carolyn

    You are far to sensitive to your current padding. You are much, much SLIMMER than you think you are. You are also a wonderful leader when it comes to real women sewing for real figures. I do look forward to your posts. Please keep writing....

  7. I was a good girl and became a Marji follower.

  8. Carolyn, shame on you. I can't believe that you were intimidated by the lack of a pair of PJ's. Not a modern woman such as yourself.!?

    Just kidding, Carolyn. Looks like you had a great, very special couple of days.


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