
Saturday, November 07, 2009

To Swap or not to swap?

I haven't SWAP'ed in 3 years.  After that last experience I just haven't wanted to be tied to such a rigid sewing plan.

However, Stitchers Guild has announced the SWAP contest for 2009-2010.  And I have to tell you that after reading this year's rules, I've had quite a few thoughts about participating...I mean quite a few!

It didn't help that this week I pulled three garments out of my closet that were made from "The Corporate Chic" SWAP wardrobe and wore them to work.  This outfit in particular:

...and a pair of the black wool crepe lined pants were worn with a black thigh length cardigan and a coffee colored top.  I realized that three years later all but one piece is still playing a vital part in my work wardrobe.

So I've been playing with some coordinates...thinking about the possibilities...mentally reviewing my fabric closet...and yet I pause...

SWAPing ~ at least creating a well-thought out, well constructed, coordinated wardrobe takes a lot of time and effort.  It is a huge creative and mental challenge.  To get a wardrobe that meets all the qualifications of a SWAP and have all of the pieces work together as well as play nice in your current wardrobe, is a challenge and takes a lot of determination to follow through with the plan.

Do I want to put myself through that again?  Do I want to challenge myself and push my limits?  Can I plan a wardrobe and stick to it working the schedule that I'm working?  Last time I almost didn't finish it due to work...

I don't know...but...I have twinges...and I need to decide whether I'm going to SWAP or not.


  1. I have been debating back and forth as to whether I'll participate this year as well. I like the rules and the requirements - I love the emphasis on sewing skills especially. Maybe, I'll raid the fabric closet and see if anything demands to be made - perhaps that will help make the decision.

  2. Tweaking that twinge a little....go for know you want to. ;)

  3. I really love your outfit displayed from the last swap . . . a stylish, classic that you can wear forever! The swap sounds interesting, but I have enough challenge in my life without trying to fit something like this into my sewing schedule. But it sounds like you're tempted . . . go for it!

  4. If you're considering it, I think you should do it. Sometimes having a plan and a deadline serves as inspiration. Not only that, it will give me something to drool over!

  5. Goodness, three years? I remember seeing that when I was first reading your blog! How fast time goes by...

    I'll be excited to see what you produce!

  6. The thing I like about this years SWAP is the special extras that I would not willingly add to a garment. This is what is going to test me and make me expand my creativity. I'm already brainstorming like crazy and coming up with ideas.

  7. SWAP is enticing this year. I haven't been tempted before but this year it sounds more creative and less rigid.

  8. You are a great SWAPPER! You are so organized and whether you are in a contest or not, you do a fantastic job of creating a sewing plan. Your garments always reflect that. I think you should go for it.

  9. I think that you should do it. I would love to see what you do with the 3rd option which is 5 dressses.

  10. I say, make the plan, sew what you want, when you want, and if it all gets done before the deadline... well, enter!

  11. I think I am going to SWAP. I just really like the rules. I do think they are good rules for you, too. It would show off your talents with embellishment .. nudge.. nudge...

  12. I've been tempted too, but I am also really reluctant as RL has done some nasty things to my grand sewing plans in the recent past. I'm still thinking about it though, and I might just give it it a try.

  13. I've never done a swap...but I know it's not for me...I like sewing with no stress or time limits. My daughter has a skating competition soon, and last time I made a dress for her, and the stress of doing it on time stressed me out..I like sewing without a plan, for fun, to relax me, and if I feel like it....Those who participate in swap impress me a lot though, it's hard work!

  14. Carolyn, I loved reading about your SWAPs and watching them progress from ideas to reality. If you do decide to go for this one, I'll be sure to stay tuned!

  15. Ooooh. I have never heard of a SWAP. I'm new to the online sewing community but not sewing itself. I think you should go for it. It sound like a lot of fun. Your previous SWAP and some of the others I saw posted have inspired me to participate. I really hope you do it because I love to follow along on your sewing adventures!

  16. I'm thinking too. The last time I thought seriously about a swap, was the same year you did it. I had a storyboard done (more or less) and all the stuff picked out. I cracked my hip, and the whole winter went down the drain. I have barely sewed since, and life has been so hectic... Now I could likely work it in, if I TRY and start altering my evening/weekend habits. Looking at the stash and stewing about it. I need to read those rules. K

  17. Think about it....
    If you miss the deadline or decide not to participate, at the very least you will have developed a detailed plan for constructing a wardrobe. You will have challenged your sewing and creative abilities, and stepped away from indiscriminate stash-building because you'll think about what fabric you've accumulated and the individual fabric purchases you will make to complete your vision.

    Am I right? Go for it if you're willing to say these things seem like beneficial life changes for you. It really is about more than just the sewing....

    Otherwise, why complicate your life with directed sewing if you're already sewing?

  18. While I think it is a wise,intelligent, logical way to approach your wardrobe, SWAPPING is not for me. It's just me. I would be very frustrated having to stick to a plan that extensive, even one I love. I like to be able to make whatever I want when I want. Let's face it, there isn't much opportunity to do that in normal everday life.

  19. I always had a list of "I cannot wear" garment shapes. You have changed my mind. By looking through your Flickr wardrobe photos I have learned that a person can wear almost any style as long as it fits the contours of your body shape. I am learning how to do this at

    You coordinate your clothing so well. I would like to see examples of your not-at-work outfits.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.



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