
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekend Update

I had a good sewing weekend even though I STILL don't have any finished pieces!  *LOL*  But I can see a light at the end of the tunnel and these two garments will be finished soon.  First here is a hanging shot of the front of the shirt jacket (Butterick 5261) and another version of my TNT dress:

The dress was basically completed last weekend.  However, it still needs the hems finished.  I will get to that...well I guess so if I want to wear the outfit out of the house! 

Today, I worked on Butterick 5261 - the Connie Crawford Shirt Jacket.  And I have to tell you that I've forgotten how wonderful it is to work with a woman's size pattern alterations...just choose your size, cut and sew.  Even the sleeve bicep measurements were perfectly fine.  I love that!

For this shirt jacket I used a very loud printed silk twill fabric from Fabric Mart. 

I've had this in my possession for months waiting for it to become Simplicity 2566 but when I pulled it out of the envelope, I JUST noticed that it's a pullover top and not a button front blouse. Seriously...I couldn't believe it.  So since I had this look in my head, I went with the Butterick version.

The first challenge was cutting the fabric out to maximize the print.  I had 4 yards of the fabric and I took my time to figure out where I wanted those large flowers to end up.  Since the back had a pleat detail, I thought one of them would look good there.  I also cut a piece of the collar using the center of the flower to go with the big flower on the back.

Then both sleeves (since they are raglan and pretty flowy) were also cut with the major portion of the sleeve showcasing a flower.  The fronts were cut with more of the beige area showing...I didn't want any bullseyes in the bosom area...and the bands were also cut out with a lot of the beige background showing.  I think I was successful in getting the placement of the fabric the way that I wanted it.

Otherwise the pattern goes together easily.  I did choose a size larger than I normally would because this blouse will have a matching sash that I will use as a tie belt.  I want to be able to blouson the blouse and have a full look to it so I sized up.  If I make this again, I will definitely make it a size or even 2 sizes smaller depending on the look I'm trying to achieve. 

There are still buttonholes to be made, and the shirt needs a hem & buttons need to be sewn on before its done.  I still have about 2 or 3 hours worth of work to have both pieces wearable but it was a good sewing least I know that I will end up with some new garments in the closet this month and not have a repeat of last month! always more later!


  1. I really love this fabric, the color and the print. Great for Spring, nice shirt.

  2. Carolyn, I love that! I debated about that fabric and am so happy to see you went for it! Great choice and really pretty outfit for Spring.

  3. Beautiful fabric, love that print.

  4. I think you used the print fabric strategically and to its full advantage. I think it would look fabulous with a wide, tied belt.


  5. Nice to see you back and fired up!

    Sometimes constraints like the SWAP can be useful for one's creative process, but sometimes they can just kill one's motivation. I think you made the right choice in movin' on.

    [Of course I'm not big on beading, embellishments, or embroidery for daily-wear, so I'm biased.]

    Re your current projects: I agree, excellent placement of the the back and am glad your bosom will be bullseye-free. I've never owned anything made of silk twill, but rest assured I'm envious.

  6. Carolyn I love love love what you did with the shirt jacket in that fabulous fabric. Great colors for you. Can you tell I'm a fan of all shades of orange?

  7. Carolyn, You have a very nice blog, I have visited before. I just became a follower.

    I made a Connie Crawford jacket and loved that I did not have to enlarge the sleeve at the bicep.
    Centering the flower on the back of the shirt creates visual impact..nice job!
    Please take a moment and visit my sewing blog:

  8. Silk twill sounds lovely. You know, every year I get tempted by SWAP and then I come to my

  9. Your fabric choice is great. I love orange.

  10. Glad you've got your mojo back. Love the print placement on the shirt/jacket.

  11. Beautiful shirt! I have this fabric and now I know what to do with it. Thanks!

  12. That's a pretty outfit. Very springy!

  13. Very nice outfit! Nice work placing that print. I thin it's perfect! Large scale prints are so tricky...

  14. Beautiful garment and you did a great job on the flower placement. Thanks for the heads up on S2566 being a pullover.

  15. Great outfit! Good job placing the motifs. With your coloring, you can actually wear orange. I bought that fabric, too, but it will be a lining fabric for me.

  16. Hi Carolyn. This fabric is really you I think. Great idea to plan on the placement of the flowers. I've never thought of doing that. Now I want to make something so I can try it.
    I have a Connie Crawford pattern and must dig it out.
    Have a nice week

  17. I just love this fabric! It looks beautiful as a blouse.

  18. Wow, that is really beautiful! What a perfect jacket for those sweltering days.

  19. What a great top! That print is beautiful and you did a really lovely job on the placement of the flower. :)

  20. Carolyn, you just keep cranking out these wonderful outfits! You are inspiring me to rethink some of my sewing strategy...I keep going after these complex vintage projects and then I get "stage fright" about starting them. Maybe I should work on some stash-busting wardrobe staples instead!

  21. Love it. I love those two colors together. You did a good job with the fabric placement.

  22. Love that combo! I don't think I've ever seen such an "exhuberant" print (as Tim Gunn would say), and you utilized it perfectly. You have a real knack.

  23. I sure wish I had snagged some of that fabric! Perfect for that jacket you made. Très fab!

  24. So glad you seem to have your mojo back! What a great print!

  25. Stunning combination of pattern and fabric! Definitely an "I feel good" garment!

  26. What a great use of the print. Can't wait to make mine up!!

  27. I'm loving the jacket - your print placement is perfect!

  28. I LOVE that fabric. It is amazing how well you were able to place the large flowers just right!

  29. I love the over blouse you made from the silk twill print. I remember reading the post where you talked about buying the fabric, and wonder what you were going to make from it .

  30. Whaaat?!?!? That Simplicity pattern is a pullover top! I've been meaning to get that... I really like the jumper that goes with it... I love that fabric - it looks great made up into your jacket :)))

  31. Both look great! I love the fabric for the jacket. It is very spring and I think you did a fantastic job of laying out the pieces on the print!

  32. Fabulous Fabric! It compliments the neutral dress so well. You have such a gift for buying the neatest fabrics.

  33. I love this jacket. I eyed that fabric but could not think of anything to make it into. You have a better imagination than I. It looks great with the nude dress. Love that combination.


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