
Sunday, May 02, 2010

17 Weekends before fall

Yes, there are 17 weekends before Labor Day and fall sewing starts...and I've blown the first weekend by sewing nuthin'...absolutely nuthin'.  But since I completed six garments in the month of April, I think I'm due for a little downtime.  I spent the day watching Season 2 of The Tudors, yesterday was spent reading blogs and finishing off a novel.

I did take some time today and go over the list of dresses that I want to make for spring...but other than that there was no sewing here this weekend!  I will have some vacation days this summer to make up for this lost weekend.  However, I did feel a little lost without a deadline hanging over my head and thinking and sewing in my mind working out ways to get the collection completed.  The interesting thing is that only one dress is actually wearable now that the temperatures have soared over 70 degrees F.

Well, I'm rambling so I'm off to bed...but I now have 16 weekends to sew before fall sewing starts!!!


  1. lol..I think you can have a weekend off. Your closet must be full of gorgeous garments you can wear :)

  2. I used to wonder how on earth you stored all that fabric but now I am wondering what sort of closets you have to store all those nifty clothes you are making? Do you ever thin out your wardrobe or are you just adding and adding? Inquiring minds want to know. hehe

  3. Yes, I think that you have earned a well-deserved weekend off. My sewing machine is tired from just thinking about your recent projects!

    Rose in SV

  4. Oh goodness, you've got me in a panic now! The list of all the summer things I want to sew is very long!! You definitely deserve a weekend off - but we're looking forward to seeing your next project ....

  5. I am sure you will not run out of garments to wear while you took one weekend off. I am sure by the end of the week your sewing machine will be busy again.

  6. Um. I think I blew off an entire month, on top of another month. But I have planned a comeback. Join me. I need some joint goals!

  7. Yes, but you got to watch the Tudors, great show. Carolyn, I am sure you can crank out a few more dresses, etc. soon.

  8. You know, I love this idea of knowing how many weekends there are of summer sewing!

  9. WoW 17 weekends before labor day!
    Interesting way of looking at sewing time. You know looking at it in that manner may help me make better use of sewing time. Hmmmm how many weekend before Xmas?

  10. Lol Carolyn. I think you deserved the weekend off. Besides sometimes it is that downtime that refreshes the creative spirit enough to let fabulousness happen.

  11. Only 17 weeks? I better start sewing for summer!

  12. Hee hee, I've been wondering about your closet storage, too. So many dresses and other beautiful items!

  13. 17 weekends until Labor Day (sigh). I just want you to know I officially hate you. 8-)

  14. LOL - that has me in a panic to sew for summer. Enjoy your break.

  15. Today is a holiday here in La Paz, and my beloved is off from work. We did very little today. Read and enjoyed a cold beer on the terrace. Took naps, and I had a bubble bath.
    I wanted to sew, tried to sew, but it was great to be lazy in the middle of the week.
    Your project group shot is great. And hey, relaxing is good too!


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