
Saturday, May 08, 2010

Two of 17

So what am I doing this weekend?  You would think sewing, right?  Well you would be wrong...well at least I'm not sewing today.  There is always hope for tomorrow especially since I have a list of spring/summer dresses I want to make vying with each other in my brain for who gets birthed first. 

No instead of sewing, I'm cleaning and reorganizing.  Jeeze, I thought I did this several weeks ago, but I'm beginning to think that my apartment is where magazines go to die...yes there are that many here!

I finally made it to Ikea...and bought new bookcases...which of course had to be built and stocked.  I bought some of these steel magazine holders in silver (but not enough obviously) and I'm in love with the look so I see another trip to Ikea in my future.  I'm going for that whole "crawl up in a comfy chair, read a book or watch a movie but be relaxed look" in my living room and I'm almost there...almost!

I'm also experiencing the letdown that comes after a big SWAP sewing and picture taking experience.  Getting those pictures taken occupied an entire week of my life...and took on a whole 'nuther level of madness.  Realizing that I could win or lose the contest based upon my pictures and my size has pushed me to a place of craziness, I don't visit often.  Because really, does it matter if I win?  I know I can sew and sew well.  I also know that I can create and sew an amazing wardrobe without needing validation.  H*ll my Gelato Collection from last summer shows why did I put myself in the position of asking for acceptance?  No need to answer those questions, just sharing with you how crazy I got this week over some d*mn pictures...oh yeah, and my desire to win!

PR Weekend is next weekend.  I'm looking forward to meeting some sewists whose work I've seen but never met in real life.  Hopefully this will be a blast and I won't drag home too much fabric with me.  Well at least that is my fervent hope because we ARE going to JoMars! *LOL*  And last I checked, I was still a card-carrying member of the Fabricaholics Club.

I still have to go and clean my bedroom which is a mess because I just pulled thing after thing out to prepare for the photo shoot and didn't replace anything.  It all needs to go back into its proper places before I can even think about sewing...*sigh*

For all of you who are Mothers or soon-to-be Mothers, Happy Mother's Day!  I hope that you are surrounded by your children and loved ones tomorrow and that you realize how loved & admired you are... always, more later!


  1. I'm excited to see the pictures - and I hope you win the SWAP! Your wardrobe is awesome. *sending lots of luck*

    and I hope you have a great mother's day weekend!

  2. Now I'm really impressed. You just completed an awesome SWAP and now you are even organizing magazines. Look forward to the pictures!!

  3. I've felt the same this week about my pictures. You're lucky to have a friend to help. I had to ask DH about 35 times and then he did it grudgingly, which sadly shows in my pictures. Good luck to you, your collection is lovely and your work is impeccable, as always. You deserve to win.

  4. Hope you have a lovely mothers day with your family . . . look forward to meeting you in Philly next week!

  5. Have a wonderful Mother's Day too!

  6. Your Gelato collection is one of my all time favorites of the many collections that you have made, Carolyn. If your latest SWAP collection is anywhere near as beautiful, you'll be walking away with top honors. Best of luck!


  7. Happy Mother's Day!

    And many thanks to you for your sewing, your blog, and your commitment to teaching and learning all about sewing.

  8. If you can't sew then I don't know who can. But I hear ya on the temporary madness of wanting to feel the love. Excellent SWAP and Happy Mother's Day!

  9. Happy Mother's Day, Carolyn and good luck on your SWAP. I have been through your entire Gelato folder (slideshow)again and think it is just wonderful and of course have been following along this year too. Your comment about the pictures and size do not compute in my mind. It isn't about size. It is about FIT and you always nail that. You give me hope always that we can look beautiful no matter what size we are. Your design elements are always spot on too. My guess is that you have a very good chance to win the whole shebang and if not, you have another gorgeous collection to add to your wardrobe. You are an example and inspiration to us all!

  10. I hope you win the SWAP, you deserve it! Even if you don't win, you get a new wonderfeul wardrobe!

    Most of my sewing room furniture came from IKEA too, they have great storing solutions and friendly prices!

  11. Happy mothers day to you too :)

  12. Happy Mother's Day! I soooo wish I had an Ikea near me (the closest is Chicago). I try to blame the disaster in my sewing room on the lack of Ikea...but we really know it's all me ;)

  13. Happy Mother's day! I have the same magazine holders, I really like them too.

  14. With my purchase of about 90 yards last week, I renewed my membership in the Fabricaholics club. And I did credit (or blame) you for knowing where to shop.

    As for your size, you are what you are, and your garments are beautiful for you. I get criticism for looking "too young" and "too shapely" but it is who I am. I'd vote for you regardless of size, because your pieces are so lovely individually, and go together so well.

  15. Good luck on your swap and looking forward to seeing you next weekend.

  16. Wow, Carolyn, I missed your Gelato Collection last summer -- it's beautiful, and you look wonderful in it. What a perfect, cheerful wardrobe for summer!

  17. I love the outtakes! So cute. Lots of luck to you. Going now to vote...
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  18. Your shelves look nice! Who's in the bentwood Singer case?

    I have the letdown after big projects are finished. After I've been working like mad for weeks/months, and then it's done, all of a sudden I think "what the heck did I just do?!?!". Somehow having only 1 item to be worked on makes it *harder* for me to get going, at least for a while.

  19. I think it's only human nature to want acceptance and validation from others - even if you already have a strong sense of self-worth and knowing where your talents lay. No apologies necessary.

    Love the pics from the apartment - it definitely has that cozy feel to it.


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