
Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Closet Tale

A couple of weeks ago I said that I was going to clean out the closet by boxing up the winter stuff and moving it to another location.  At the time it seemed like a good idea...but I do live in an apartment with limited closet space.  Even though it really does have good closet space, I'm maxing it out by using the largest one as my fabric closet.  So my overstuffed closet sat.

This afternoon when I went to hang up the clothing I wore to work this week, as well as put away the laundry, I decided enough was enough.  I mercilessly went through the closet and removed anything that hadn't been worn in a year, was too tight, too faded or just out of style.  This is the result:

These bags of clothing will be donated to the Salvation Army this week, along with some baby stuff from The Little Prince.  After that exercise, there is more space in the closet...not alot...but enough so that I can add a few new garments, as well as, a few more hangers to hold those new pieces.  I'm also thinking that I need to hang some things a little differently, i.e. those hangers that hold multiple skirts and pants.  I see a trip to Wal-Mart is in my future...

I also found a skirt that was way too long and cut it off so it appears more on trend.  This will make an appearance in my work wardrobe this week:

And I found a dress that I made years ago, never hemmed and never wore.  I will put it on with a cute little white sweater and although bright it will be perfect for a Friday outfit!

I also realized that I have a few holes in my can that be with all the clothes I make, right?  But my black linen pants, alongwith my natural linen pants are worn and need to be replaced.  I also think that I need a pair of navy blue linen pants to match that awesome navy cotton cardigan that I made for my SWAP. I believe that I can find all of these fabrics in my collection.  Although I need some basic colored sheath dresses, too.  I have loads of pretty floral and print dresses but very few solid colored or tweedy colored work dresses.  These will also need to go on my sewing list.

Finally, the black/white Vogue 9666 dress has been haunting me.  I won't fix that one, I just believe it is beyond repairing, however, I have to make it again.  I've pulled some fabric candidates and will work on altering the pattern yet again to make another dress this weekend. *sigh*  I just can't let this pattern get the best of me! always, more later!


  1. My gosh!!! You are good! Reading your post makes me want to clean my closet too. I need to do it. Thanks!

  2. Carolyn I think we are channeling each other! I did the exact same thing on last week. You know, sometimes enough is just enough! Purging feels soooo good!!! As they say out with the old and end with the new. Glad you were able to lighten your load (wink)!

  3. It is so hard to get rid of clothes. My hat is off to you. That was a lot of work, and I know you feel better now!

  4. While I didn't manage to clean out the closet - I did get a few cupboards cleaned out this weekend - that felt good. Closet next. g

  5. Wow, that is amazing. Just think how lucky that person or people are who will receive such amazingly made clothes. Kudos!

  6. Great job in clearing your closet! Did you talk about making the navy cardigan? I saw it (and loved it) in your SWAP photos but don't remember reading about the construction process. How did you finish the edges? Did I just miss a post?


  7. Doesn't it feel good to purge - I did it two weeks ago and loving the lil bit of extra room.

  8. I know how you feel, the first weekend that I was packing for my move = 20 bags of clothes, shoes and other items I just couldn't stand to see anymore, my closet right now is so nice and light now and just like you I'm seeing all the holes where I need too add a few good basics. Great post.

  9. It's such a lovely feeling when you clear stuff out and can actually see what you've got! I really must get around to doing this .....

  10. Hey, will you come over here and do my closets? They are in distress!

  11. I need to do the same..and badly! Plus I have sewn so many things that I have never worn. Periodically I pull one out of the closet, give it to my mother and say "Look what I made for you!!" Perhaps she will eventually catch on ;)

  12. I love cleaning out closets. It's a good feeling to get rid of things you no longer wear. Enjoy all that new space!

    You've inspired me to review and make a list of the gaps in my closet...

  13. Good job. We are moving and I cleaned out my closet and got rid of a lot of clothes. After doing this I feel I need to redo my wardrobe and make brighter color clothes. It is funny when you go thru the closet you notice there are a lot of pieces you needs to change. Isn't that funny. I enjoy your posts.

  14. Closet purges can be painful, but you almost always feel better afterward. I usually find a few things that can be donated when I do my seasonal closet change-over. It's like pulling off a band-aid gradually rather than one big yank.

  15. Most people think I'm crazy but I love purging the closets. Out with the old and in with the new opens up creative flow. Enjoy.

  16. Oh you do make me feel good. I wasn't quite as thorough as you were, but I did clean out the shorts and pants. I now have only pants that are "wearable" with 3, including 1 pair of shorts that fit perfect or near perfect.

    As for the closet accessories. I have dual bars on one side for skirts, pants and blouses and a single bar on the other side for coats and long dresses. My closet ceilings are 7 foot so I had 2 shelves put above the clothes and they hold out-of-season clothing in plastic boxes. I have some narrow shelves, about 12" wide but 6 feet tall that hold my shoes and purses. The shoe and purse area needs a little more organization but at least I can find the shoes and purse that I want to wear today.

    Now if I could just get motivated enough to really purge and let go of things that don't fit, are worn or are dated. Just like you did.

  17. oh I just LOVE that dress!!!!

  18. Congrats on cleaning out the closet! I am an aggressive closet cleaner - it keeps my wardrobe fresh to go through, weeding out the old, rediscovering the forgotten and then altering the things that have potential.

  19. I love cleaning out the closet - the sense of accomplishment I get is huge. :) I'm also always surprised that with as many clothes as I have, there are always a few gaps here and there.


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