
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Do not adjust your tv sets

...just trying sumthin' new.  Blogger came out with these new I'm gonna test drive this one for a week or two and see if I really like it.  Because right now I'm lovin' it ~ cause I'm all about the black and white ~ and I love how it makes my pictures pop!  Well on my home computer and netbook that is.  So I will check it on my work computer and see if I STILL love it...

...but don't be alarmed and don't adjust your tv sets (okay computer monitors *LOL*) it's just me fiddling around...

I'll be back later to share some new photos and hopefully a new garment or two...have a wonderful weekend...and more later!


  1. I don't think I am seeing it. Isn't your background always black?

  2. The sidebar and top look different, don't they? I have been playing around with mine also, but only previewing. Did your old template get saved-can you go back if you want to?

  3. Ouch! Too hard on the eyes. That's why they don't make monitors like that any more!

  4. Hmmm, gotta admit that I'm not loving the black background. But it's fun to mix things up!

  5. Oops! *LOL* Never thought about saving the original one...oh well guess I'm not going backwards!

    @Bunny - no my last background was a royal blue.

    @Allyn - I guess I'm really into high contrast and maybe my monitor really highlights all of the subtle differences...but it's still making me this is where we are at right now!

  6. At least you're trying something new! I'm too lazy....

  7. I like it! Makes your pictures look clear and crisp. I'm having a hoot playing around with the new 'designs' too...

  8. I vote NAY!!!! Can't read it as I now see double letters, I'll miss you if you stay with the black background.

  9. I like the color but i definitely miss the sidebar

  10. I like it. Of course, I liked the blue as well. I do know one of my relatives complained early on that it was hard to read white type on black, so I changed mine. Personally, I don't have a problem reading it.

  11. I do think black makes the pictures pop, but it is really hard for me to read white type on black. You know I have that focus/eye problem though, so it may just be me. :)

  12. Another one who finds it difficult to read white on black. I've read somewhere that having astigmatism can be the reason for this. So I preferred the other but have fun playing :-).

  13. Okay I've tried a greyer tone and this does seem to be more soothing. However, I love the black background so that's staying...just gotta make it so that everyone doesn't go blind reading it! *LOL*

  14. Not crazy about the white type on black.

  15. I've been playing around too but haven't changed anything yet :)

    The greyer tone is nice.

  16. Please, please, have pity on my well-aged eyes. I love your posts and I drool over your wardrobe, but I really have trouble with the grey lettering and small size. Could you amp it up to day-glo white? You are so creative--I know you'll find just the right mix.

  17. Your new blog is a bit hard to read because your font color appears to be grey, not white, so the contrast is quite dimmed. You can adjust this in the Design board if you want.

    However, it is really hard to read for older eyes, which apparently is a lot of your audience.

    We had fun with the Design feature too-reworking two of our blogs!

  18. I like it!! I use black/gray or darker backgrounds for the same reason. Photos pop out so nice against black. It's almost like a shiny piece of jewelry in a black velvet box...well not quite but almost, LOL.

  19. I love the stripe detail! I didn't know blogger could do this! I'll have to play around with it. Did you know that a dark template actually saves energy!? Cool, right?

  20. SewingLibrarianJune 20, 2010 2:09 AM

    Well, I preferred the old style. This is harder for me to read, especially on my iPhone. Larger type would help, at least on the notebook computer. Thanks for taking input on this.

  21. Thanks for responding to my comment. Now that I know whats going on I will join the chorus of those who have a hard time focusing on black background blogs. I just find them hard to read. But it is your blog and your are its designer so you need to do what works for you. I think it is great fun to flip the blog design around every now and then. I do think they sometimes get tired looking after a while and I appreciate the effort to continue to keep it interesting and invitin.

  22. I have been playing around with mine also. It is nice to change things up some.


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