
Sunday, July 25, 2010

10 + 12 Equals...

...that's the number of hours I sewed this weekend...

10 hours on Saturday yielded this dress:

12 hours today yielded this dress:

Both are from my TNT dress pattern with a couple of different details to mix them up!

I have three days this week full of all-day, very important meetings so I needed two new dresses...

I promise to get back to you later this week with more details on the dresses...but it's getting late and I need to head off to bed... always, more later!


  1. I am glad someone was sewing this weekend .... Lovely dresses and like the pocket detail.

  2. Great dresses Ms. Carolyn! Glad you got to sew because I sure didn't lol.

  3. You know you are working that TNT dress pattern!

  4. Glad someone sewed...had good intentions, just didn't happen...will be glad when my knee recovers from surgery so I can stand and sit for long enough to cut something out and then sew it....

  5. I love how you use your TNT. Two great dresses. Love the pocket detail.

  6. Lovely new desses to get you through those all-day meetings are worth a lot. Even better: the smile on your face after all those sewing hours!

  7. I'm loving grey at the moment, it's such a versatile colour. These dresses are great and you can dress them up or down to suit the occasion. I didn't sew a stitch this weekend. I have a skirt that just needs a waistband and a hem and I couldn't bring myself to do it.

  8. I'm so envious! You look great.

  9. wow carolyn, you can really work a tnt pattern, such an inspiration, I love your new dresses and great color too

  10. Great going - what an amazingly productive weekend! Both dresses look fabulous - very smart and elegant, just right for important business meetings.

  11. Aaaah.... two full days of sewing! That sounds so nice- I got none in, and I'm going to be grumbly all week because of it. ;(

    I love the pocket detail on the first one!

  12. You just had your own personal sewing marathon! Wow! But that really paid off with 2 great dresses! Amazing!

  13. You just had your own personal sewing marathon! Wow! But that really paid off with 2 great dresses! Amazing!

  14. Love both dresses. But I'm jealous of your sewing time. This was supposed to be a big sewing weekend for me and I ended up with only 1, maybe 2 hours of sewing. Boo hoo.

  15. Your dresses are beautiful! I sewed all weekend and finished just one dress. I'm jealous that you made two garments.

  16. Ten hours on Saturday! Twelve hours on Sunday! Amazing. I can't remember when I've spent that much time sewing! Good for you!

  17. Beautiful dresses!!! I didn't get very far on my own yet. But there's always tonight and tomorrow night.

  18. You have two great "meeting dresses" from a very productive weekend.

  19. Two lovely dresses Carolyn! Isn't it great when you have a TNT and can change the details?

  20. Nice dresses, Carolyn... I like the color and pocket detail. My daughter is back from camp so I have not been able to sew like I want.

  21. DRESSED FOR SUCCESS! Hope your meetings go as well as your gonna look!

  22. Very nice dresses! Glad you were able to get so much accomplished this past weekend!

  23. Wow! two dresses in two days!!They are both lovely. I too love gre4y.

  24. So glad you able to find the time to whip up these two dresses! What would you have worn to your meetings withtout them?? (Top one is my fave.)

  25. Very stylish. I wish I could sew so quickly. Takes me days to finish something.

  26. Both dresses look great on you. Nice job. I especially like the look of the pockets on the first dress. Very nice.

  27. Very productive weekend Ms. Thang! I'm jealous, I've been working on rearranging these darn vertical bust darts only to wish I'd split the darts but it's too late now. Still aint done! And they ended up back where they started. LOL

  28. Do I see you wearing TWO grey dresses you've sewn? After all the grief you give me about sewing grey all the time LOL..... I can see why though, grey is such a sophisticated colour especially for the patterns you've selected - your TNT pattern is brilliant and so are the little details you come up with each time. Now excuse me, I'm off to sew something grey, I think I have permission!

  29. Two winners. You will look polished and cute at the meeting table. Two snaps up!

  30. Wow, you are so productive! It was too damn hot here to do anything else but sew, right?! Fantastic results, as always. Good luck with your busy office.

  31. I think it equals two more really chic, professional looks. These are definitely "you".

  32. Your meetings should be a breeze:)

  33. As usual, utterly fabulous!

  34. Yay for a productive weekend! I particularly love the first dress - those little pockets are very cute. :)

  35. Thank you for noting how many hours you spent sewing each garment. I always feel I am a 'slow sewer' and recently took 7 hours to complete a skirt descrbied as 'easy 2 hours' on the envelope (to be fair, I did add underlining, inspired by you). Knowing how long you spend sewing helps me feel more "normal" (ha! no such thing!) and competent.

  36. Both dresses look great and you are sewing like a storm!!! 10-12 hrs for a dress is fast!!


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