
Monday, July 12, 2010

One More...

I finished this one at 9:49pm...and only because one of the daughters brought a seafood smorgasbord home tonight so I stopped and ate crab legs and seasoned cold shrimp with them.

Here is the final dress of the weekend:

Some stats:

2.5 yards of red sandwashed silk from Trebor Couture
(a 40th Street fabric store that closed over a decade ago)

.25 yard of white silk crepe

3 yards of red foldover bias binding


Butterick 6082 - OOP

I've made this pattern before...I showed you the black rayon/linen version of it a couple of days ago and here's a picture of the brown eyelet version I also made several years ago:

This version was inspired by the black rayon/linen version and a bathing suit I saw in a Newport News ad:

My original plan was to add a white line across my chest on the dress to wear under my floral silk jersey cardigan, but after watching the movie, The Women (2009 version) today, I realized that the dress would be more slimming if I placed the line down the front of the dress.  And that was actually the most challenging thing about making the dress...getting that front line cut from the silk crepe and then stitched down to the front of the dress.

Otherwise this is a very easy and basic dress to make.  What makes it so awesome IMHO is the fabric will be perfect for the 90 degree day that is forecasted for tomorrow. 

One more shot of it with the floral cardigan:

Not sure if I'm actually going to wear this combination...but we'll see.  So, I had a very fruitful sewing weekend...2 dresses, 1 skirt and 1 dress reworked...I'll share details about the other pieces later. 

BTW, I'm going to take your sage advice and hang The Architectural Dress in the closet and wait to see if it grows on me! always, more later!


  1. Wow! I *love* the red dress (and the floral color-blocked dress you showed earlier)! I'm impressed with what you accomplished this weekend. Great job!

    I think that I know the dress that you are referring to (from the Women)--is it Meg Ryan's from the last few scenes? That one is buried in my inspiration pile.

    Rose in SV

  2. very pretty. Not sure if anyone has ever told you but red is a very good color for you..

  3. Another great dress, you were so busy this weekend.

  4. You got more done in one weekend than i do in a whole month! Great job!

  5. Wow, you have had a wonderful weekend. How satisfying to have achieved so much with such great results!

  6. Your red dress is gorgeous and looks super on you.

  7. Gorgeous colour, and the floral goes really well with it. I've never thought of that combo before, but as usual your choices + execution are superb!

  8. Red is a great color on you!

  9. Looooking Good! Love the fabric, it seems to drape rather well. I think that's a big part of my problem about sewing, it seems to be my fabric choices, haha... You are inspiring!

  10. Yet another beautiful dress. You have amazing skills and impeccable taste. You always inspire me. Thank you.

  11. That red dress looks very pretty on you. Love the white racing stripe!

  12. Love your red dress - it's so crisp and summery! You really should wear red more often as it's very becoming on you. I had somehow missed your brown eyelet version. Which reminds me that I have about 5 yards of that same fabric somewhere in the stash...

  13. I love the red dress. Your fabric combinations always look fresh.

  14. Love the dress and the color! As always, your accomplishments are inspiring.

  15. Pretty dress. Love the red and white combination.

  16. I love it! You did a fantastic job cranking out new garments this weekend. I got a red and white skirt made and one that needs a hem. g

  17. I really like the red dress with the floral cardigan. Without, it reminded me of a race car (sorry!), but with the cardi, it looks really stylish.

  18. Even though I am NOT a Delta, I like that red and white dress.

  19. I agree with everyone else - Red is your color. Very impressive accomplishments this weekend!

  20. Red is definitely your color...your dress looks wonderful, with/without the cardigan...a very fresh and stylish look.

  21. Hi Caroline,

    It was good seeing you and the other ladies today. My e-mail address is

  22. Oh yeah, loving the red dress. Smart move with the vertical stripe. I think a horizontal one would have worked too, between the shoulder and underarm, and would have looked very 60's retro.

  23. Love the red dress with the "vertical stripe" down the middle! It's superb!

  24. Great dress, Carolyn. You rock this color.

  25. Wear more red, it's a fantastic colour on you!

  26. I love the red/white dress - and I think the vertical line is much more flattering (to most of us) than the horizontal would have been.

    As far as the Architecture dress, I think you just need to step away from it for a few days and let the frustration of it fade and you'll be able to see it with fresh eyes. Personally, I love it, but if you decide you don't, I have every confidence that you'll figure out SOMETHING to make it right.

  27. Oh, that is fantastic! What a fun little dress. :) I like it with the floral cardigan for summer, but I think it could also work with a dark grey or black cardigan for fall.

  28. No wardrobe is complete without a great red dress, and this dress definitely fills that bill. Wonderful work!

  29. That red dress is so fabulous!!

    You should definitely be adding more red pieces into your wardrobe! You look terrific in red!


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