
Friday, October 08, 2010

It's Friday Night...

It's late...I just got in about an hour ago...not by my desires, oh no!  Traffic on the NJTurnpike s*cked!  It was bumper to bumper almost the entire way home...left work at 5:25; walked in the door at 8:30...not a good evening AT ALL!  *sigh*  But onto more pleasant things...

Did you know that Fabric Mart is having a sale? Yes, they are!  And it's a pretty awesome one too!  20% off the entire website AND if a category is already discounted, you get that discount plus the 20%.  They have some pretty awesome designer pieces at fantastic prices...I should know I bought several of them!  I know, I know just two weeks ago I was bemoaning my lack of space...but I've got a solution to that.  More on that later...back to the sale!  Yes, that lovely knit pictured to the right is coming to my house...isn't it awesome!?

I know you guys love free shipping but if you've got to pay shipping, I love that Fabric Mart has a flat $8 rate...which works to your advantage when you buy yard upon yard of fabric...*sigh*  I know...but I do have a storage solution in the works...

So what is my storage solution?  I had my Sewing Studio/Bedroom redesigned by a co-worker who is getting their degree in Interior Design.  He has decorated two of my co-workers rooms and the rooms are just amazing.  Since he needed a new challenge for a class project, enter my bedroom or as he has dubbed it, "The Sewing Studio/Bedroom"  I'm just giddy with glee, because sketches have been has been selected...paint chips have been chosen...the only thing left is to choose fabric for curtains I need to make.  Ugggh ~ the only downer of this whole experience!  *LOL*  Suffice it to say that we've all been ooohhhhing and aaahhhing over his designs for my space and I am so thrilled with not only the layout but the STORAGE he has incorporated!

As I get more formal sketches, I will share...of course I will share! *LOL*  But I can't wait!  Great design advice from someone who understands my passion for sewing and more storage space for patterns and fabric...I am on Cloud Nine!!!

Lastly, sewing for the weekend will be to finish up TNT Dress #42 and the Simplicity jacket.  I also need to make a suit for my niece's American Girl doll to wear in a daughter/doll fashion show next Saturday.  Thank goodness I've made one of these I just need to pull the pattern out and go from there!

Well that's it for tonight...I'm tired!  So I'm off to veg and watch some tv!

...more later!


  1. Thanks for the heads up on Fabric Mart! I've visited their site but have never purchased fabric. How exciting that you're getting a new, designer sewing studio (squealing with joy)! I can't wait to see when that's finished. I'm sure it will be f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s!!!

  2. How awful about your commute. I think of you and your commute often - when I'm dealing with traffic snarls or an accident, I think "Carolyn's commute is an hour and a half on a good day!"

    I am not even going over to Fabric Mart. I made a pledge to myself that I'm trying to sew down my stash. No gratuitous fabric buying if I can help it.

  3. Sorry you had a tough commute -- although still not a bad price to pay for all the wonderful things you have so close by!

    I really really wish those flat rate shipping deals applied to Canada, too. All those fees really curb my spending.

  4. I also want to thank you for the heads up on the FabricMart sale. Just what I don't need--more fabric, but I can look, right?!!

  5. A design student is doing your Sewing Room/Bedroom. WOW! That's got to cancel out some of the crappy commute time. I'm so happy for you and you've given me an idea :) Enjoy the rest of your night.

  6. Your new sewing room/bedroom sounds like it's going to be wonderful - I am soooo envious - but you definitely deserve to have a lovely sewing space! I love the fabric ...... I might just take a little peek at the Fabric Mart sale ... but definitely no buying.

  7. O,you lucky girl! Send that co-worker over to the other side of the world immediately after he has finished his decorating at your place. Can't wait to see what your storage will look like. I'm in desperate need of some decent storage so inspiration is needed!
    Lóve the little Chanel-like suit.

  8. OMG, I didn't realized they had a sale. Thanks

  9. Oh Carolyn, you are breaking my heart. I have had my eye on that yellow printed knit panel for several days. I finally tried to buy it and found out they can't take payment from outside the USA/Canada.

  10. Can't wait to see the sketches, as well as the before and after! That is really exciting!

    Love the Chanel doll clothes. Lucky doll! Will we be getting a picture of neice and her doll?

    Sorry about the commute. I didn't realize you drove or that it was quite so long. Ugh!

  11. One of the things I do NOT miss about living in NJ is the turnpike.

  12. How exciting (not your journey home...), I can't wait to see the new sewing space!

  13. I can't wait to see the design for you studio. I understand about the commute. It is the price we all pay for living near a big city. But there are benefits too.
    Like shopping! Smile, it's the weekend.

  14. Your design opportunity sounds just incredible. Can't wait to see how he gets it all organized and I bet gorgeous to boot!

  15. Darn you and your Fabric Mart enabling. I deleted their email ON PURPOSE so I wouldn't be tempted but you just HAD to go show that yellow print. ;)

    That SG girl suit is SO FREAKING ADORABLE!! I wish my Lu still played with hers, and I'd be making matching outfits. Sniff. They sit on a shelf in her room now.

  16. Ughh, my sympathies on your commute. I know you ride the bus, so that's some consolation I suppose, but it's no fun getting home so late after a long day/week of working.

    The redesign of your space sounds great. Please keep us posted on your progress. Of course, we all have to see the final results too.

  17. I just finished trying to stuff fabric into the storage closet. Now, I find out that Fabric Mart is having a sale. That knit is to-die-for. I wonder if I can resist. Hey, you are going to share some new storage idea so maybe... I look forward to the ideas from your Sewing Studio/Bedroom! It's exciting. The doll outfit is so cute :)

  18. Wow-lucky you to have someone to do that for you! I need to find me an interior design student!! Looking forward to seeing future photos of the room. The traffic thing you mentioned really does suck! Now though I need to go check out FabricMart!

  19. Awesome endeavor having your room renovated... I can't wait to see the design sketches.

    I sympathize with your commute... as you know on a good day my commute is 1-1/2hr and when it rains it just exacerbate it...uggh.

    The fabric is so pretty... looking forward to what becomes of it... I'm thinking a cardigan...*wink*

  20. Wow, that is a fantastic piece...and I will be watching intently to see the changes to your sewing room. I have been drawing up new plans for my if only my husband would agree to the demolition of that one...little...wall!

  21. I was so smitten by the fabric I went to the website to purchase some (theA$ is doing very well against the greenback) and was sorry to see OUT OF STOCK! Cant wait to see what you do with it.

  22. My kid has 4 AG dolls that would kill for that get up! And how exciting to be getting a new room design!


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