
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Done...done...and so...done!

Yes, the dress is finished! So this:

plus this:

equals this:

Sometimes though I wonder if you read these ramblings and think I'm whining during the creation process.  It sure seems that way to me when I read an older post, but I truly use my blog as a diary and as such some times I vent here...dream and plot here...and pat myself on the back here.  I just allow you to read over my shoulder!  *LOL*

You want some stats right:

Burda WOF (that's what it was called then!) 09-2005-115

1.5 yards of off white doubleknit from
1.5 yards of black doubleknit from Metro Textiles

1 ~ 18" white zipper
scraps of black/white printed doubleknit from Fabric Mart
3 yards black rayon seam tape
1 hook & eye

Construction Information:
There are several differences between this dress and the original version ~ longer sleeves, no lining and I colorblocked this one in the front and the back.  The original version only has the seamed detailing in the front...this one has a curved seam in the back also.

The other difference was that for the first dress I had already worked out the construction process in my head way before I traced the pattern or before I cut the fabric.  Since I got the idea Thanksgiving Day to make this version, all of the process had to be worked out as I went along. 

This led to much waffling and indecision ~ to topstitch or not ~ where to add the printed doubleknit to the dress ~ whether to have an all black back or a black & white back.  This caused ALOT of frustration during the construction process.  I am so use to having the roadmap that I've already worked out in my head to follow while I'm sewing...that making the decisions step by step almost wore me out!

However, as you see, I went with the white top & the black skirt.  Making sure to curve the back seam so it duplicated what was happening in the front:

I also decided to discreetly add the black/white trim.  My original plan was to have it at the waistline (sort of belt like), at the sleeve hem and at the neckline.  I settled for at the neckline and the sleeveline:

This conveys the look I was aiming for better than some of my original thoughts.  Finally one last look ~ wearing it with the black doubleknit cardigan that I made about 4 years ago:

More photos of the dress can be seen in my flickr album, Burda Style Projects.

Of course, the thing that everyone has really been waiting for...the winner of the two pieces of fabric from Fabric Mart...and they are:

2.5 yards of Gray/Cranberry Stripe Wool Double Knit:

Zusana from Bratislava, Slovak Republic

1.5 yards of Chocolate Brown Bamboo Knit:

Jodie from Alberta Canada

Congratulations to you ladies!!!  I will send these pieces out via the postal service this week.  Please let me know your mailing address by dropping me a line at my email address found in my profile.  Thanks and congrats again!

Lastly, I've started working on another dress.  It's one of the pieces from The Pinstripe Follies collection.  Something that I have a construction plan already worked out for using my TNT dress pattern plus the details from a vintage '60s pattern.

...more later!


  1. Wonderful as always!!!!!The dress is beautiful and looks fantastic on.

  2. Sometimes I can be such a goof--I read your previous post and could not for the life of me figure out why it was a Beyonce dress. D'oh!! Anyway, your dress came out great. It's amazing how a spark of inspiration can result in a totally different finished garment. Yet, both are wonderful.

  3. Oh!! I like!!! I was a little confused, because I was expecting the print at the waist, per your previous post. Well, I just had to read on, right? I think that you definitely made the right decision about where the print should (and shouldn't go). In all - very elegant. And thank-you for letting us read over your shoulder - it's interesting to hear (read?) how others go through the design/sew process. We're all SO different in our approach.

  4. I love your dress, the black & white trim is just perfect. I really like the curve detail in the front & back. You looks awesome in usual!

  5. Your dress isn't anything like I imagined from your inspiration picture - maybe for you too?! It is extremely elegant and flattering, I really like the subtle use of the trim.

  6. I think all the details you added makes it look even better than the inspiration dress

  7. The matching curves at front and back waist are truly inspired. They make the dress extremely chic!

  8. I really truly love you in knit dresses!!!!

  9. P.S. Talk about whinning! I know you've seen how much I've done that while making this Lady Grey Coat!!!

  10. So chic! I envy the fact you can stay on task the whole weekend! Love the trim.

  11. How nice is this?!? Wow, you did a great job on your knock off, Caroline. Love that added trim. It really lights everything up.

  12. Very pretty dress, the black and white trim is the perfect detail.

  13. Oh Carolyn - it looks stunning! And that close up photo of you - fabulous. g

  14. I don't know why we sewers are such whiners some times. You make such wonderful garments that I don't mind you doing it. The dress looks fantastic.

  15. That is beautiful; I love seeing what you make! I think you made a wise choice with the print. It looks really elegant as you used it, whereas the print at the waist would have been a totally different look! Great styling, thumb's up!

  16. This is fantastic, as always. I love the subtle use of the black and white trim.

  17. Wow, I didn't know it was a Beyonce dress. Looks so gorgeous.. Very well made!

  18. I like it. The print accents are cute.

  19. Looks like a good fit for the holidays

  20. I think it turned out beautiful, love the changes you made.

  21. I am loving the trim! And I think, you are using your blog just as you should! Thanks for sharing. Love reading over your shoulder.

  22. Fantastic dress. Love the classy black-white-combination!

  23. I LOVE that combo, Carolyn. Black and white always looks great together and I love the little touch of trim on the edges.

  24. The touch of pattern on the cuffs looks great and really makes the top special.

  25. Good choice on just using the trim at the neck and the sleeve. Adding ita t the waist too would have been too much. This should play well in the corporate wardrobe.

  26. It turned out great! I think that the artistic process isn't always an easy one, and I think your "ramblings" are good. It isn't always as easy as pulling out a pattern and fabric and stitching up the perfect dress.

  27. You had me confused there for a second too. The trim had moved! It turned out very chic.

  28. Another beautiful creation Carolyn.I love this version and your use of the print at the neckline,etc.

  29. That's very chic, with and without the jacket. Terrific sewing, as always.

  30. Another great dress as usual.

  31. I love the contrast trim - such a nice touch! I agree, I like your ramblings - it's helpful to see the process!

  32. Very nice!....and you look fantastic in it!

  33. Another winner!! You never cease to amaze us!

  34. Well I am having trouble starting with Beyonce's dress and ending up at your final version, other than the color and the curved hems of the top. But I know the creative process sometimes start off one place and takes surprising twists and turns before it ends. Yours ended in a wonderful, flattering dress. I really like the way you used the print as trim on the sleeves and neckline.

  35. Love the fabric combo. Very elegant and sophisticated!

  36. The print trim is just the right touch!

  37. WOW you look amazing in this dress. It is very flattering and truly beautiful!

  38. Carolyn, your dress turned out fantastic! Absolutely gorgeous, and wonderfully flattering! I love to hear how you work.

  39. Carolyn this is great, and I love the line of your "waist". I use this line a lot on my formal gowns as it's very flattering. Love it on your dress.

  40. What a beautiful outfit. I love the print trim. It looks fantastic on you. Wonderful.

  41. More so than any of your recent creations, the top portion of this dress just lights-up your face! And that's a good thing . . . you look terrific in this dress!

  42. Fantastic! Love the details with the printed fabric in the top.

  43. I really love your dress Carolyn! You have such a great sense of style.

  44. Seriously, you look great. Love how you worked through the design to your style. Excellent.

  45. I think this might be one of my favorite dresses that you've made yet! Adore!

  46. I've just started reading your blog a few days ago and really appreciate your "ramblings." Having just recently returned to sewing, I'm glad to know that even great sewers sometimes goof up and get frustrated.
    You've made it much more interesting and stylish than that plain old vanilla Beyonce dress. And you look great in it.



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