
Monday, November 08, 2010

Podcast Interview

Lori, who hosts the Sew Forth Now podcasts so generously offered to interview me for this month's podcast.  We talk about buying fabric online and a few other things...if you want to hear our conversation, you can download the podcast from here or from iTunes.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Lori for chatting with me and featuring me on her monthly podcast. If you check out the list of podcasts she's hosted, there are some amazing and renown sewists featured on her podcasts.  So I'm honored that she wanted to speak with me.  I had a great time and hope you all enjoy the conversation.

...more later!


  1. That interview is fantastic. I'm glad that I can now put a voice with that lovely smile and fabulousness!

  2. I listened to it last night and thought it was an awesome interview. I love Lori's podcasts. And of course, you are my sewing hero!!!!

  3. I loved it, Carolyn! You and I share a passion for FabricMart and I was so impressed with the stories about your fabric collection and *especially* about your road trip to the brick and mortar FabricMart store! I am so green right now!!! :D

  4. Well if you didn't know before I guess it's official---you can count yourself as an "amazing and renown sewist"! But we all knew that (wink)! Glad you got such a great opportunity. Can't wait to check it out!

  5. It was so fun to chat with you Carolyn. Thanks for being a guest.

  6. Wonderful podcast! Thanks to both you and Lori for sharing with the rest of us.

  7. Great to hear your voice all the way from Australia!! I have been following your blog for a while and I just love it.

  8. I heard the podcast and it was great!

  9. Oh goodie! I can download it tonight and listen while at work tomorrow. Can't wait!

  10. I listened on my commute and really enjoyed hearing your voice!

  11. Great interview. I agree with Lori, you have so much sewing knowledge. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us. Hope you get a chance to sew this weekend.

  12. I really enjoyed your interview with Lori - thanks for sharing some inspiration! :-)


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