
Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Next?

I know I want to sew ~ but what?  The simple project that seemed such a sure fire bet several days ago seems boring after the adventure of sewing the Birthday Gala Dress.  I really want to begin sewing my FWPlan for November but don't really know what piece to start with...

...and I have a real hankering to make a jacket, like this one:

photo courtesy of Newport News

I even have several patterns and a TNT pattern that I think needs a little adjusting...but tho' I have the desire, I don't have the fortitude.  I know I need to work on something not as involved as my last project, but I also need to start my November sewing because I only have today, next weekend & Thanksgiving weekend and November is over...can you believe that?  November will be over soon...and then it will be December and Christmas...but I digress.

I've collected quite a few of these inspirational jacket pictures: 

Issac Mitzrah

Dolce & Gabbana/Nordstroms

All I have to decide is do I want to wade back into the sewing waters with such an elaborate garment or do I want to make something simple?  I just don't know... more later!


  1. I can appreciate how you are feeling! I can not get myself into sewing right now! Mojo is not here. I am thinking about numerous projects and can not get going on any.

  2. It is hard to get back to sewing after such a big project. The last jacket is my favorite, but they are all wonderful. Good luck with your sewing for November.

  3. I saved that D&G floral w/ black trim jacket as well.

    I'm planning to make a tailored jacket in January, once all the holiday craziness is over. It's going to be my boring January project.

  4. Hi all, this Fab blog and all yor great comments have inspired me to start sewing! I'm trying to decide whether to buy a Baby lock "Grace" or a Brother PC 420 PRW sewing machine.Can u please help out a nubie? Any opinions on other brands? I really apreciate your input ;)
    Luv to all!

  5. I really like the first pic because like it is Chanel-esque but the yoke provides a bit of the unexpected. The perfect backdrop for a terrific piece of costume jewelry like a brooch or pendant necklace. But maybe you need a mini-sewcation to give yourself a mental break and a spirit recharge.

  6. Carolyn, what about transforming the coat on V8687 (Vogue's "Pattern of the Week") into a jacket? It has an intriguing jewel-like neckline...

    Just want to tell you what an inspiration your blog, in general, and your sewing, in particular, is to me. Thank you so very much! And thank you, too, for returning the anonymous identity so those of us without the other identities can join the fun ;-)

    A fellow SG person,
    Joyce Plunkett

  7. These are great and SIMPLE jackets: in every case, it's the fabric and trim selection that makes them into such dynamite pieces. You could, and will, do one in your sleep.

    Re. your question re. my huge wardrobe project: my stash is shrinking but only barely, as it consists mostly of wools. Pretty much everything I've purchased in the last 6 months has been focussed specifically to my deployment needs, including the silk crepes for tops and chiffons for scarves.

  8. The jacket! You'll have mega fun collecting fabric and notions and then one day the urge will hit and you'll fire up your sewing machine.

  9. I know exactly how you're feeling *smile*

  10. Bingo you are channeling my thinking again. These elegant unstructered jackets appeal to me for all the same reason - a little business class but with sweater comfort. And I loved your version and learned a lot by how you interfaced. Thanks for that.


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