
Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Annual Dress Round Up

Since this has become a kind of tradition...I reviewed the dresses I made during 2008 in this post, "Dress-Polozza!" and in 2009 in this post, "19 Dresses and Counting" seemed only fitting to do another end of the year round up of my sewing obsession ~ Dresses!

If you are a long time reader, you know that I love a dress for many reasons.  It makes me feel feminine and pretty.  It is easy to wear and allows me to look professional yet pretty in an industry where females look pretty bland when dressed in all black or all navy suits.  I love the fact that I can get pretty creative with a basic pattern and make it my own but I especially love the fact that I can make ANY dress I want regardless of my size...because I can sew it myself!  Which is a pretty awesome thing for a plus size chick!

As of today, I have made 24 dresses this year.  This includes my greatest disappointment, The Architectural Dress and my greatest success, The Macy's Dress.  I've used 8 patterns ~ Butterick 5415, Vogue 7542 (OOP), McCalls 5576 (OOP), Butterick 6082 (OOP), Vogue 9220 (OOP), Butterick 5147 (twice), Burda Style 09-2005-115 (twice) and Vogue 8666 and I've also used my TNT dress pattern 14 times.  I've cut that pattern up...I've rearranged the parts...I've done whatever I could imagine to it and it hasn't let me down.

Starting in January 2010 - here is the dress parade:

The Architectural Dress - I just can't bare
to share another picture of it...*sigh*

Butterick 6082

from TNT pattern

from TNT pattern

from TNT pattern

in a cotton jacquard

in a cotton/lycra blend border print

from TNT pattern

from TNT pattern

from TNT pattern

(back view)

Since it's the middle of December and I have a real pants thing going on now I'm probably done making dresses this year!  But never say never...I may yet sneak another one in!

...more later! 



  1. Girl, you are so prolific! All your dresses are so pretty and suit you so well. I can't wait to see what you come up with in 2011.

  2. Wow! 24 dresses, that is amazing!! It's great to see the line-up and ooh and ahh at the year's accomplishments. Well done!

  3. Man, you had a great year with your dress making. You did some fabulous work with pattern and fabric combinations, from prints to the color blocking.

  4. I think the Macy's dress and b/w doubleknit are my favorites.

  5. What a dress parade! I especially like your Macy's dress and the Museum dress, which you must have made before I started reading your blog. Really nice!

    So, I guess you are asking Santa for lots of hangars in an empty closet? :)

  6. What a great post! I love them all!

  7. It's amazing that you can make anything you want whenever you want - as I improve at sewing, that's my aim!

    I particularly love the floral bodice dress and the marbled wool one.

  8. Love Love Love them all. Love the red dress and the one with the black bow around the neck.
    I too love dresses.
    Well done!

  9. Beautiful! You're an inspiration. I love seeing how you take charge of your pattern and make whatever you want.

  10. Creative lady! Terrific assortment with lots of diversity and each one looks good on you. My fav is still the Macy's dress. It's absolutely smashing.

  11. Reading your blog makes me so happy. Thank you for sharing your are indeed an inspiration!

  12. 24! Wow! They are all amazing, and it's overwhelming to see them all in one place. Great job. Claudine

  13. 24 dresses in 12 months! Wow! They all look fantastic but I like Macy's dress best.

  14. Yes, yet another great year, AMAZING!!!

  15. Amazing! And such variety. Well done.

  16. Amazing! I love all of them and they all look perfect! I love seeing everything you sew!!!

  17. Amazing! I love all of them and they all look perfect! I love seeing everything you sew!!!

  18. Love the parade. I've forgotten some of your great creations. So nice to see them all together.

  19. I'd forgotten about some of these dresses. The marbled wool is stunning!

  20. Awesome, loved the dress parade.

  21. Maybe a New Year's dress? hmm?

    What a lovely wardrobe you've created for yourself. As always, looking forward to seeing more next year.

  22. How fun!!!
    I love your dress parade.
    I especially like the
    Vanilla silk twill princess seam sheath dress
    from TNT pattern

    but... it might just be that sassy pose that draws me.

    I can't wait to see what else you make next year!

  23. Wow. You have done an amazing job this year with so many beautiful garments. I tried to pick out a favorite, but it's so hard, they're all so pretty ... I think the grey chevron sleeveless is my fav.

  24. Love the dresses! I think your review is so inspirational, as many of these dresses are made from your TNT pattern. You also don't let anything stop you from letting fashions inspire you to create versions that work for you.

  25. I've been reading your blog for just over a year and have to tell you how much I enjoy your writing as well as your sewing. I'm a 54 year old home ec teacher who doesn't spend nearly enough time sewing, and you have inspired me to get busy and try some new things. I'll be messing around with my TNT skirt pattern, thanks to you!
    I hope you have a delightful holiday season!
    Lori, Japan

  26. You are just so impressive, Carolyn. I love them all but think the Museum dress is my favorite. Can't imagine what next year will bring. You are such an inspiration!

  27. What a lovely collection of dresses! My favorites are the Navy blue wool stretch dress with top stitching dress and the Macy's-Gayle dress! They are both so stylish yet very professional! Linda

  28. Well, of course this post makes me sit and ponder. Which is my favorite? The Liberty sheath. Something about the fabric and the overall effect just gets me. I am amazed at how MANY dresses you sew!

  29. I am soo impressed, and all these dresses suit you so well! And they are all so professionally done!

    I wish I was so prolific!

  30. Gosh, how neat! I really loved seeing your dress parade! You've been very productive this year!

  31. of course U know this was a wonderful output and we know your favorite dress. BUT.. tell us of the 26 dresses you made, how many and which ones do you plan on actively wearing. integrating into your wardrobe? Hugs & Happy Holidays PS Just a guess, but I'm betting NO on your architecky dress.

  32. great post as always, I love the dress parade, I can't believe you've sewn so many dresses this year.I love the macy's dress it is my favorite also. Congrats on all your creative work.

  33. So many beautiful dresses! The silk crepe racing stripe dress is my favourite.

  34. I am super green with envy. Twenty four dress this year! Wow!! Very well done. My favourite dress is the Macy's dress. Because of you I had the courage to try on the ready to wear version. It looked good and now I want one too. I never would have thought to try that style if it weren't for you! You continue to inspire.

  35. Nice to see all of these again. They really do showcase your creativity and sense of style. Congratulations on a productive year!

  36. That is quite an accomplishment! I don't comment a lot but I do enjoy seeing all of your creations.

  37. Wow, it's so inspiring to see them all together at once!

  38. You are so productive. I am very impressed!

  39. It's great to see all your fabulous dresses together. You have been so amazingly creative - every one has its own beguiling personality. If you make half as many dresses next year you will be doing very well. I wonder how you decide which one to wear each day!
    Like you I think that my very favourite has to be the Macy's one - it is so stunning. But I also have a fondness for the silk racing stripe dress - because that's the one you were wearing when we met in the summer and it looked wonderful!

  40. That is quite an accomplishment. I do love to see all your creations.

  41. Wow! I love the color block and cotton floral jacquard dresses! Actually all of them are great!

  42. And what a spectacular parade it is! Lovely dresses Lady. I love all of them. I'm beginning to believe that one can never have enough dresses (wink)!!!

  43. Wow, you have done some amazing work this year! I think my favorite is the "museum inspired" dress. I LOVE that one!!

  44. As I scroll down at each dress I do remember you posting about each and every one of them and can't help but think that "all" your dresses are beautiful. You look fantastic in every one :)

  45. I love every one of your dresses. They're lovely and they suit you so well. You're such an inspiration!

  46. Fabulous! One disappointment out of all those hits is not bad at all!

  47. Wow! What a fashion show :) Those are some beautiful dresses, Miss Carolyn!

  48. You suit dresses so well and all look wonderful! You also know accessorize them!


  49. You got some cute dresses there. I love the little racing stripe one. It is just a little bit whimsical, and of course, the Macy's dress is just the bomb.

  50. I think you are right about your best dress "The Macy Dress". I also really like your latest dresss the black & white w/ houndstouth trim. You really had some great basics this year. I'd say it was a really great year for dresses.

  51. Wow! They all look great.

    Back to the pants - I certainly understand not wanting yet another layer around the waist. Would it work to make a 2nd lining just for the crotch/thigh area that is just tacked in? That way it could be easily replaced if needed. Sort of like how I mend the DH's work jeans. Make a tracing of the crotch curve, lap seam 2 pieces together and lay it inside. Instead of sewing around the patch and holes, just tack it in at the crotch and thigh seams? The edges could just be serged to finish those off. Hmmmmm, maybe I should try this on his jeans *before* he wears them through????

  52. The Macy's dress really is a winner, but I think my favorite is the marbled wool one. The unusual cut is very flattering on you.

  53. Another great year of dresses and love seeing all of them.

  54. I just love all the dresses. A couple I must have missed along the way but it's such an inspiration to look at all you've accomplished this year and I can't wait for what's in store for 2011.

  55. Wow, an amazing lineup of awesome dresses! Every time I read your blog, I wish I could sew more like you, but the year-end summaries really drive home what a long way I still have to go. You are a great inspiration!

  56. You made a fabulous collection of dress. All of them are great, but my favorite is still the Macy's dress!

  57. So impressed and jealous with your 2010 collection of dresses. Another fabulous year Carolyn!

  58. Wow!!!! You've made a great collection!!!! All they suit you splendidly!


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